Parent Thread


I had my older girls over for the weekend, they are 15 and 16. I ask them how school was, and the 16 year old (who at the moment claims to be bisexual) tells me two of her friends broke up. The names both sound male, so I ask just to make sure and say "oh so they are gay?". She replies with "no, they are pan sexual". Me "What the fuck does that mean?" She tried to explain it that they are attracted to personalities, and not gender. That sort of boggles my mind, and I was sort of at a loss for how to reply.

Seriously, what the fuck is that? I seriously try to consider myself pretty open minded, and have always told my kids I love them no matter what. But this whole new wave of sexuality and non gender specific shit has me totally baffled as to how to handle it.
My daughter goes to school with a "militant lesbian" with two moms that fits every stereotype and goes around talking trash about all the straights around her. My daughter thinks she is psycho. Her and I have discussed boys before and she is quite infatuated with many different boys. During all of these issues she has been having lately she out of the blue asks me if I would be mad at her if she was a lesbian. I say no but that she is 13 and doesn't even know who she is inside yet and has problems loving herself so let's take it one step at a time. She agrees that is probably a good idea. I ask her why this has come up. She said a girl looked pretty the other day at school so now the lesbian girl is saying she must be a lesbian.

I don't care who people fuck and what label they want to give themselves. I am sick and tired though of all these identity issues being such a big issue that now 13 year old girls have that to deal with on top of their standard puberty and social anxiety issues. They have to pick a "side" at school or risk alienating some other girl. Just tired of it.


<Gold Donor>
These are first world American issues. We have the luxury of exploring our feels and sexuality because we have grocery stores filled with out of season fruits and veggies. Our lives are so easy compared to past and some current civilizations that we actually have created professions/support groups to deal with our feels. By no means am I speaking down to our kids needs and or feels I just think it is interesting. Is a 3rd world Dad having these same conversations with his Daughter? Probably not, and why is that? Most likely because he is worried about where his family's next meal is coming from or lives in a country that is indoctrinated in some bullshit religion.

Moral ofthe thankful you get to have these conversations with your/our kids.


Bronze Squire
Yeah, because he is dealing with these issues doesn't mean he isn't thankful for that fact. Just because we have 1st world problems doesn't invalidate the problems.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, because he is dealing with these issues doesn't mean he isn't thankful for that fact. Just because we have 1st world problems doesn't invalidate the problems.
I wholeheartedly agree with you, please forgive me if my post came off as dismissive that was not my intent. My post was meant to provide some perspective, not to invalidate.


Just caught up on recent things.

a_skeleton_03, my older sister went through a similar thing when pur mother had a stroke when we were young.I was a little too young to know what.was going on, but from talking to her and my father later, the best thing he did was be there for here as much as he could (which was difficult working full time coorporate job 60+ hrs and taking care of our mother who is paralyzed and aphasiac)

On another note, fuck being a parent with smart phones. my wife has been uploading photos my the desktop, except I go to check today and there is zero organization. I now need to go through 15k photos (daughter is 2 yrs old) and catagorize and arrange. The amount of photos is ridiculous.


Molten Core Raider
I really can't recommend dropbox enough if you have kids. My phone, my wifes phone, and grandmas phone all auto-upload pictures to the same dropbox account. I just go in once a month to the "camera uploads" folder and copy the last months worth of pictures to a new folder.

Easy enough, if someone wants to see last years Christmas pictures, or last years birthday pictures, its easy enough to know what month you need to look in. 1TB of Dropbox storage is only $9.99 per month. I've got 2 years worth of TONS of pics and videos and I'm only using about 8% of my 1 TB, that's going to last a while. Easily worth 10 bucks.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I was doing that with Flickr, because it was Free, but it doesn't auto upload unless of wifi, (can change that setting), and you open the app. You said dropbox autouploads all the pictures?

Pretty sure I have 50gigs still free, because I had gotten a Samsung device a while back and that was the promo at the time.


Molten Core Raider
Dropbox can basically be set up a few different ways. No automatic uploads, automatic but only when on wifi, automatic on data or wifi for files under 50MB(wont upload big videos) and automatic on data or wifi no size limit.

After you set that up, you never have to even touch the app, or open it again for it to work on your phone/tablet. Theres no confirmation needed to upload, you don't have to initiate it, or open the app, or anything. I have a family plan with unlimited data so I just have all of our phones set to upload everything regardless of size. the only thing you can't do(that I know of) is to set it to upload into custom folders. Everything just uploads into a "camera uploads" folder, named with the date (3.16.2015.001.jpg, for example), and you have to sort them from there.

Its also really easy to send out links to friends or family that you want to have access to a particular folder or file. I sent the link to my kids picture file to most of my family, now I get texts from everyone if the 2nd or 3rd of a new month rolls around and I havent put the previous months pictures in the folder yet, lol. Damn impatient people. And they don't need a dropbox account or anything to view what you linked to them(like some picture sites)


Silver Squire
Yeah dropbox is pretty awesome. The most seamless cloud backup solution I've found and automatically can put the files on your or any PC as well. Its pretty amazing what you can do with it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So I assume the access you give someone on Dropbox, is seperate from where the pictures are uploaded? I'm out with friends, and take a bunch of wasty face pictures, I don't necessarily want grandma seeing that?


Molten Core Raider
You can give access to individual files, general folders, whatever you want. No one has access to my uploads folder that is the dump folder for everthing, my extended family only has access to the folder of kid pictures after they've been sorted a bit.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Well, we had the month follow up visit with the doctor today - my youngest actually gained three pounds in a month! While he is still small (40 pounds, nearly 7), the doctor says if we can keep this up for a few more months, he'll be great. The doc was very encouraging, and seemed to think this was a great step.

I know 3 pounds doesn't seem like much, but when it's nearly ten percent of your body weight, that's progress!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well, we had the month follow up visit with the doctor today - my youngest actually gained three pounds in a month! While he is still small (40 pounds, nearly 7), the doctor says if we can keep this up for a few more months, he'll be great. The doc was very encouraging, and seemed to think this was a great step.

I know 3 pounds doesn't seem like much, but when it's nearly ten percent of your body weight, that's progress!
Dem cheezburgerz!!

Grats on the weight gain though, that's awesome! Progress is progress, keep it up!


<Gold Donor>
My wife is out of town for the week on a business trip. Between two boys (4 & 5), two dogs, work and every little daily chore that needs doing I have about 20 minutes of free time before I pass out. It is just insane how many things have to get done everyday for this family to function. Must suck to be a single parent with the full time custody.


Tranny Chaser
My wife is out of town for the week on a business trip. Between two boys (4 & 5), two dogs, work and every little daily chore that needs doing I have about 20 minutes of free time before I pass out. It is just insane how many things have to get done everyday for this family to function. Must suck to be a single parent with the full time custody.

Setting the bar low works too.


Molten Core Raider
Raising a kid would be so much easier if I just didn't give a shit...and unfortunately there's a lot of parents like that out there

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
So I guess I've graduated to this thread now. Late last night our little guy took a massive dump while I was holding him. Like audibly loud shart. Put him in the basinet to change him then realized I forgot to grab some wipes and a fresh diaper. Thank friggin god I didn't take that diaper off. While grabbing a couple wipes he let out three loud nasty wet farts that filled his diaper to full capacity. My wife and I busted out laughing much to her dismay. His ass would have looked like a NASA rocket launching if that diaper had come off.
Here's a pic for those that haven't perused the pregnancy thread.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Happy graduation! Welcome! lol

And it's fun to laugh at the gross things babies do!


Molten Core Raider
I probably shouldn't say this, because it's going to curse me, but our kid will be 2 in a few weeks, and I have yet to be peed or pooped on, and neither has my wife. We've been damn lucky so far, but we also do diaper changes lollygagging around when the diaper is off, new one goes right on ASAP.


<Gold Donor>
3yr old girl and a 2yr old boy not one incident of out of control excrement. Some kids just don't spray everywhere