Parent Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
I've been peed on but never pooped on. I have been vomited on so many times. SOOOOOOOO many times. The story about when my oldest puked in my mouth and I swallowed it, that really gets the single guys realizing they made just the best life choices ever.

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
And it has begun. Yes that is exactly what it looks like. I swear he saved up ALL of his piss until we went to give him his first sponge bath and he let it all go onto me as my wife was wiping his back down. Thanks Bubba love you too!



2 Minutes Hate
Yes. Yes it is.

So my kid started doing the pre-school type of thing with mom once a week (she's 2 next week) and has gotten sick a bunch. Yay. She currently has an ear infection and some Hand Foot Mouth Disease in her throat. And I think she's getting all her molar in at once. She's never cried this much ever.

And I have a 2 month old at home.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
Wow. Seeing your little guy smile for the first time is really indescribable.
That kind of stuff makes up for things like getting pissed on. I've gotten hit with pee and poop and my wife has gotten barfed on. But having a 2.5 year old act all cheerful and randomly tell you he loves you or carry on a silly conversation makes it worthwhile. We recently moved and he told me he thought his new room was beautiful, made the pain in the ass of painting, etc worth it.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
Yes. Yes it is.

So my kid started doing the pre-school type of thing with mom once a week (she's 2 next week) and has gotten sick a bunch. Yay. She currently has an ear infection and some Hand Foot Mouth Disease in her throat. And I think she's getting all her molar in at once. She's never cried this much ever.

And I have a 2 month old at home.
I went through the same with getting sick a bunch. My kid had ear infections constantly. It turned out he needed ear tubes which was painful to go through (watching him wake up after the process and freaking out). After that the ear infections went away but he kept getting sick though. We eventually switched to a more expensive but much cleaner/nicer place and he rarely gets sick now at 2.5 years old.


Bronze Squire
Wow. Seeing your little guy smile for the first time is really indescribable.
Hate to be a party-pooper here, but babies don't start social smiles till around 1.5-2 months old. Anything before that is just a reflex, usually to pooping or farting.

Not that the reflex smiles aren't cute and enduring, but if you think those are indescribable just wait until you get those social smiles that are an obvious reaction to seeing you.

Generally, reflex smiles tend to be shorter and occur randomly, when the baby is sleeping or tired. Real smiles, on the other hand, occur in response to something, like seeing her mama's face or hearing a sibling's high-pitched voice, and they are consistent, Dr. Gettleman explains. When it's the real deal, you will see the emotion expressed in your baby's eyes.

When Do Babies Start Smiling?

Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
Oh I know that but it was just nice to see something that looked like a smile. And he's only done it while sleeping so yeah he has no idea he's doing it. Good enough for me though.


A Mod Real Quick
I went through the same with getting sick a bunch. My kid had ear infections constantly. It turned out he needed ear tubes which was painful to go through (watching him wake up after the process and freaking out). After that the ear infections went away but he kept getting sick though. We eventually switched to a more expensive but much cleaner/nicer place and he rarely gets sick now at 2.5 years old.
I grew up having roughly 4-5 ear surgeries (multiple tubes, they fell out). Finally they needed to graph skin onto my ear drum to cover it up.


Give your kid a fistbump from me, that shit was unreal for a child to go through.

I should be graduating to this thread anytime between now and 3 weeks from now.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
That crap went around our public school district last year, and there's just nothing you can do but let it run its course - it doesn't present with symptoms until after you're contagious.


Molten Core Raider
That kind of stuff makes up for things like getting pissed on. I've gotten hit with pee and poop and my wife has gotten barfed on. But having a 2.5 year old act all cheerful and randomly tell you he loves you or carry on a silly conversation makes it worthwhile. We recently moved and he told me he thought his new room was beautiful, made the pain in the ass of painting, etc worth it.
Yeah, when your kid clings to you crying like mad while you try to calm her, getting puked on is the least of your worries. Change shirt, carry on.
Our daughter coughed so much / so hard this winter that sooner or later she always threw up. In the end she was so scared she didn't want to cough at all because she knew what was coming. Throat must have hurt like hell too.


A Mod Real Quick
I graduated to this thread 2 weeks early. Obgyn thought the baby was small and had plateaued at 5.5 pounds so she induced my wife. Baby came less than 12 hours later at 6.5 pounds. I wanted to complain because I didn't feel ready, but I dont think I ever would have been ready. Little guy has already stolen my heart anyways. First grandchild in both families so everyone is super excited.

Just all around pumped for life now. Dudes already farted and shit on me, so the rest is easy right????