So, I'm concerned about my son's development, and have been for quite some time.
He's 21 months old, very large for his age. Top 2% according to growth charts, and he dwarfs most other children his age. His gross motor skills have always been quite impressive, and he's been taking stairs and big tall slides at the park fearlessly for a couple months now. Runs, climbs, etc with the best of them.
He's missing milestones, some by significant measures of time, and it's freaking me out. At his 18 month checkup the results of a checklist caused our doctor to send him to a language specialist. They said he was behind, but nothing to worry about. He uses almost no words unless prompted, even basic ones like 'mama' or 'baba'. We can get him to say 'up', 'more', 'done', 'outside', and a couple others with a lot of encouragement. Just not using words on his own almost at all. It's strange, because I know he has a large number of words he understands (animals, vehicles, body parts, foods etc).
He's a super happy and affectionate dude, not shy at all, loves other kids. Very expressive facially, and gets super excited about seeing people or things he loves. He doesn't seem to like to communicate with gestures very much. He reaches to be picked up, gives high fives, or takes you by the hand to lead you to something he wants, but will never point to what he wants. I've never seen him clap his hands, and he hasn't waved 'bye bye' in months. He will point to objects in a book he wants identified, but never in the surrounding environment. If I asked him 'where's your tummy', he wouldn't understand or point, despite the fact that I know he knows what a tummy is.
The worst shit, and what's making me worry about Autism is the limited eye-contact and his reluctance to answer to his name when I call him. Some days I go totally without meaningful eye contact, and most of the time it's only very brief. He will engage me in the eyes for longer periods if he's having a GREAT time, like I'm throwing him up in the air or something. Calling his name 95% of the time is an exercise in futility. Say 'cookie' or 'Bubble Guppies' or 'blankie' or 'car', though? Watch him snap to fucking attention.
He doesn't do any odd behavioural stuff like arm flapping, or covering ears or anything like that. No lining up objects, and he plays with toys just fine. Doesn't care about routines and is generally easy going, not a very picky eater besides hating anything remotely vegetable-like obviously. He's honestly so chill, loving, and joyful... I just don't get it. Every time I google this stuff (I know, I know) it throws back autism at me. Maybe I have a limited understanding of the condition, but this doesn't look like autism to me...
Anyway, just venting. The wife and I have been worried for months. Trying to stay cool until his 2 year checkup. Just have to keep reminding myself to enjoy him, and that I'm fucking missing it.