I would adopt - but I would not want anything what so ever to do with any of the biological parents ever - and with how our courts have been ruling on this shit IMO its to risky - and that is why we are talking about a China baby vs domestic. If we could get a baby fresh out that's not some crack baby - maybe domestic... and heck our two are still almost young enough to just fake a trip to the hospital and come back with a kid and say we had another![]()
Don't be hard on yourself. You're more like a 15 year old in a 34 year old powder's bodyThat's a good turnout at least
My stepbrothers (2 of them) were messed up because their mother drank and did crack while she was pregnant. It's weird because she had 2 kids, then married my stepdad, then they had 3 kids, then they got divorced, now he's married to my mom. Anyways, the two kids are really messed up. One is slow but almost normal, but is always in jail. The other is borderline mentally retarded, he's a 13 year old in a 34 year old's body.
If the cunt-rag ever tries shit with my kids..
I've got a special burial place in the back of my property picked out already.
I am so pale white that while in the Marines they would call me Powder on runs when they wanted me to sing cadence ....Man, I thought that movie Powder was awesome as a kid, and then I read something about how it's actually about pedophilia acceptance or something. People are fucking gross.
I do not wish this on anyone - but wait till a "well meaning" social worker gets her and in a few years once the kids are doing good conveniences her of all the wonder of getting her kids back and the benefits that she would get with kids - our government dole money is so much they make them think that they just get $$ and do not have to actually take care of the kids.
There have been many cases of official signed and closed adoptions getting ruled in favor of the birth parents (usually mother) - and to me that scares me.
However! all that said, foster system adoptions and or special case adoptions are different rules and laws... and I wholly agree with you. If I adopt a kid, they are my kid and wont have any differing anything over my two real kids - and fuck off to the birth parents gtfo - once they leave my house and are adults, they can do what they want and seek out - whom they want.
Your honor, exhibit aI have a clip full of bullets with her initials carved into them..
Meh I grew up and was a teenager around the internet boom and I turned out fine. I even met some internet girlfriends. It all requires kids not to be fucking retarded and I think that's the problem nowadays.Man, you guys aren't kidding. Having kids in the age of internet predators sucks. My kids are online, and it makes me nervous. So many stories of good kids getting manipulated into shitty situations. If some perv starts working on one of my kids and I find him, it would be hard to restrain myself.
Noodle made many grown men cum im aol chatrooms.I even met some internet girlfriends