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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I don’t think there’s an easy way to early detect pancreatic like the ole finger up the ass colon cancer has

Finger up the ass is for prostate cancer, and they don't do it any more because PSA is more reliable, earlier, and obviously less invasive. (Your colon is five feet long, so you'd need some epic fingers for probing.)

For colon cancer you get the joy of colonoscopies, which I have the privilege of enjoying regularly since my mom died of colon/biliary cancer at 53.

Doesn't everyone get prostate cancer if they live long enough anyway? And haven't they stopped doing treatment for it because it's not that terrible?

Yes, odds are high if you live long enough. You're correct that treatment is trending more conservative for the non-acute varieties. My grandfather had prostate cancer for the last 30 years of his life and died of something else entirely at 99. A good friend's dad has had it for 25 years and it's not even in the top five of things bothering him in his late 70's.

I’ve only know two people with it and they were both dead in under a year.

It can definitely kill you if you've got a more aggressive variety. If your PSA spikes suddenly they can biopsy the prostate and see what you've got and that will change course of treatment.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Finger up the ass is for prostate cancer, and they don't do it any more because PSA is more reliable, earlier, and obviously less invasive. (Your colon is five feet long, so you'd need some epic fingers for probing.)

For colon cancer you get the joy of colonoscopies, which I have the privilege of enjoying regularly since my mom died of colon/biliary cancer at 53.

Yes, odds are high if you live long enough. You're correct that treatment is trending more conservative for the non-acute varieties. My grandfather had prostate cancer for the last 30 years of his life and died of something else entirely at 99. A good friend's dad has had it for 25 years and it's not even in the top five of things bothering him in his late 70's.

It can definitely kill you if you've got a more aggressive variety. If your PSA spikes suddenly they can biopsy the prostate and see what you've got and that will change course of treatment.
It looks like 95% of the prostate cancer are benign, so it seems the correct, and current way to deal with it, is to not look for it unless there are symptoms.

You don't want to reduce your life expectancy by taking serious cancer treatment for something that won't bother you and much less kill you.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
It's still cancer. Once you get into your 40s your doctor should be reminding you to get one every few 5-10 years. More if you have family history, or if they find polyps.
Polyps? You're talking colon cancer? Colon cancer is another beast. If you're at risk, screening is indeed a good idea. I don't think very many people do not die of their colon cancer if left untreated.
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Tranny Chaser
A hormone iud is 100 bucks here. Put in free by gp/gyno. Lasts 5 years or so. We don't get prostate cancer as often. Seems like a win to me. Anyone but me is expendable in my book. I don't get why you want so much surgery on your parts - circumcision, vasectomy. I sweat the next step is gender reassignment surgery. Wah-wah the line chafes. Well cut it further inside. Man up!

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Tranny Chaser
If you're not interested in living to see your kids grow up, you do you bro. No one does this for funsies.
I don't have heriditary colon cancer running in the family. I'm below age for the general screening program over here. Not sure what you mean? Have you considered a preemptive colectomy and be done with it?

Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
I don't have heriditary colon cancer running in the family. I'm below age for the general screening program over here. Not sure what you mean? Have you considered a preemptive colectomy and be done with it?

Your previous comment seems to be direct at me with the tone that colonoscopy is unnecessary, yet I said three posts up that I have an immediate family history. For vasectomy I and others have outlined reasons why alternatives like IUDs are not good solutions for our partners. You can be flippant about those side effects, but extending consideration to our partners definitely changes the cost/benefit analysis.

Anyone but me is expendable in my book

If this is your baseline with regard to the people in your life I guess a lot of things must seem strange.


Tranny Chaser
Your previous comment seems to be direct at me with the tone that colonoscopy is unnecessary, yet I said three posts up that I have an immediate family history. For vasectomy I and others have outlined reasons why alternatives like IUDs are not good solutions for our partners. You can be flippant about those side effects, but extending consideration to our partners definitely changes the cost/benefit analysis.

If this is your baseline with regard to the people in your life I guess a lot of things must seem strange.
I'm a physician. Live in Eurocuckistan.
Tone: you're right, this a grown up thread, apologies.
Colon: We have different screening programs over here. Colonoscopy is notwithout risk, obviously.
Prostate: PSA is over here not deemed accurate enough for diagnosis, but well enough for watchful waiting programs. I've fingered more butholes than most (for fun, haha?)
IUD: I've posted earlier that iuds are vaslty safer in the general popuation than the few of you who experience problems with it here. Got triggered by the "works until it doesn't", well duh, annual gp visit is not a thing in the us? Ultrasound is not standard to check placement?
Vasectomy: IUD is reversible. Vasectomy is not in general. Yes, you're right, in general I don't consider vasectomy a default at all. Hense my health/possible divorce/new partner/wish for a kid far outweighs a partners minimal discomfort with an IUD. Also if it's the standard hormonal, most women find it nice to have controlled menses bc of it. It's also a standard treatment for menorrhagia. As for male discomfort with iud lines - which was posted a page back, chafing - just cut it closer to the cervic, a no brainer. It stops being a problem pretty quick.
Ending with another hopelessly outdated and unnecessary surgery, circumcision. My comment on this was towards a trend if that was lost in translation.

My default is this: don't do unnecessary surgery. Put and iud in the female. Done. The few percentages who have problems go to plan b, c, d etc. - like you and your woman, sure.

Cheers. Beers.
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
My ex had an IUD for a good chunk of her adult life. It ended up causing severe issues, like super irregular periods (there were months she was bleeding more days than not) and a lot of pain. Replaced it, tried different types, all ended up the same. It seems like a good solution for a good period of time, but i think like anything, effectiveness just wanes over time. I could feel the string in a lot of positions, I know for a fact I dislodged it a couple times, and it just ended up causing a lot of pain, and since she had been bearing the brunt of the contraception duties for the first 15 years of our marriage, I figured I could take one for the team for the last bit. She ended up needing a hysterectomy and had bladder cancer after we got divorced. Related? I dunno, but you act like one thing is totally without risk while another has some.

My current fiance has basically the same situation. She was on an IUD when we got together, and had basically the same issues (minus the bleeding issues). After it got dislodged once, she even told the doctor to cut the string shorter and it didn't change anything. Since I'm snipped anyway, she got off of all that shit entirely and is doing better as well.

I agree with you completely on not doing unnecessary surgery, but hormones fuck with women, this is well documented, and you as a partnership need to make decisions, and there's not really a "perfect" solution. You can't just watch someone suffer and say "Well, it's fine, because I don't have to." Doesn't work like that.

As far as circumcision goes, that's a waste of time talking about to American men in our age bracket. That shit was decided for us. I think there's a lot of us now who are asking "Why?" and things are trending away from it, although I'm sure it's gonna be many years before that one goes away entirely.
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Tranny Chaser
You're talking plan b, c, d, e etc, cool. I'm on beer 3 now. Cheers.
Alright. From the top of my head and google.
IUDs reduce many gyno cancer risk in women - endometrial, ovarian and cervical. It does not cure them, obviously.
IUDs reduce menorrhagia in women. It does not cure them. Some will need other drugs. Some will need hysterectomies.
IUDs does not cause bladder cancer in women. Smoking does (!), lymphomas, leukemia, some specific drugs, workplace exposure to certain chemicals.
Perforation due to IUD is super rare.

Your dick has been involved in 2/2 incidences afaik.

I donno, Cut... maybe you just have a gigantic dick?

Shrugs GIF


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
You're talking plan b, c, d, e etc, cool. I'm on beer 3 now. Cheers.
Alright. From the top of my head and google.
IUDs reduce many gyno cancer risk in women - endometrial, ovarian and cervical. It does not cure them, obviously.
IUDs reduce menorrhagia in women. It does not cure them. Some will need other drugs. Some will need hysterectomies.
IUDs does not cause bladder cancer in women. Smoking does (!), lymphomas, leukemia, some specific drugs, workplace exposure to certain chemicals.
Perforation due to IUD is super rare.

Your dick has been involved in 2/2 incidences afaik.

I donno, Cut... maybe you just have a gigantic dick?

Shrugs GIF

I mean, i've been accused of such things, but seeing as how it's just normal for me, I don't really think so.

However, i have had more than one conversation that went something along the lines of

"how do you not know you're huge?"
"I dunno, all the porn I watch, I'm basically the same size, so I figured I gotta be average"
"uhhh, no, that's not average"
"oh, well, okay then, you've seen more than me"
  • 1Worf
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Got something right about marriage
That's what I say when women ask me how I don't know how good at sports I am.

"How do you not know how incredible at everything you do you are?"

"I don't know? All the Olympics I watch? Just figured I was average"
  • 2Worf
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Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
That's what I say when women ask me how I don't know how good at sports I am.

"How do you not know how incredible at everything you do you are?"

"I don't know? All the Olympics I watch? Just figured I was average"

The older I get, the better I was!


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Working Dr House GIF

Food for thought, 15% increased risk of prostate cancer when you get snipped. Risk persists for 30 years.

Bros before hos, man.
What could possibly be the causative factor between prostate cancer and vasectomy? I get the study just determines outcomes not causes, but any theories about the cause?


Tranny Chaser
What could possibly be the causative factor between prostate cancer and vasectomy? I get the study just determines outcomes not causes, but any theories about the cause?
Increased ZKSCAN3 expression is the current thing being investigated afaik.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Increased ZKSCAN3 expression is the current thing being investigated afaik.

Research for the curious:

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Life's a Dream
So my wife picked up the newest version of Uno for my 6 year old. I've been forced to play it a few times, and a lot has changed from previously. It's almost 2 games in one. Each card is double-sided. You play the light side at first, then people randomly have a flip card, so you swap over to the dark side. At the same time, you also flip your draw and discard piles. I'll be honest... Even though it's uno, I don't hate it.