Pro tip:
If you're laughing at the CoC and CoF meltdowns now, I really, really hope you're not using any shotgunning Scattered Shots mechanics
Arsonists/Triple Gas bomb gonna go away, prep yourselves now.
People who are having meltdowns over CoF not working are the WORST type of players. Cold Sorc isn't fucking dead, that build that was repeated because of streamers and shit doing it is dead (at the moment, 0 chance Energy stays this way and is obviously their most complicated mechanic). A LOT of these builds are fine in Sub 6 maps with non CoF/CoC stuff if you actually use skills with utility to buff your other skills. The REAL problem is we don't have enough greater/blessed jewelers so builds can be played as they are design with 2-4 abilities doing completely different shit synergizing for da big boom. Everyone running around with 4 links is just frustrating, but I guaran-fucking-tee if you had a Cold Sorc with 2 6links and 15 link people would understand how they intend the game to be played.
Respecs should be free during this, but in true PoE fashion they know they give us anything for free now and they'll NEVER get to take it back. And it's 100% true unfortunately. Give a Redditor a cookie...