3l Gas gernade and throw on inspiration + fire infusion + scattershot. Should have a jewelers orb to make that possible? If not I can send you one.
Okay, I was running Corrosion, Armour Explosion, Scattership. I'll give that a shot.
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3l Gas gernade and throw on inspiration + fire infusion + scattershot. Should have a jewelers orb to make that possible? If not I can send you one.
Inspiration node will solve a lot of mana problems on that build. I have basically no mana issues even setting traps/flash/oil/spamming gas gernades.View attachment 564952
Okay, I was running Corrosion, Armour Explosion, Scattership. I'll give that a shot.
Started a warrior yesterday to see what the buzz was about. I'm severely disappointed it doesn't really feel terribly hard. Took out act 2 boss on second try. Haven't bothered setting up any support gems.
Rolling slam first hit->dodge roll cancel->boneshatter annihilates trash. For bosses I cheese the fight start with earthshatter->infernal cry to open, but after that I pretty much just melee and boneshatter when I get a proc, another cry if I have to run around a lot, but I rarely do that. I have 800 DPS, I'm sure some support gems could help with that. I just don't bother to use any other skills so far. Leap slam in particular just feels stupid.
A lot of my best gear upgrades have come from checking vendors.
Armour Explosion is fun but seems hit or miss because I thought it would trigger gas explosion but doesn't seem to or only seems to part of the time. Could probably drop that and keep scatter and corrosion. I like the armor break component of gas grenade with that, but could see at some point it maybe becoming meaningless?Inspiration node will solve a lot of mana problems on that build. I have basically no mana issues even setting traps/flash/oil/spamming gas gernades.
I'm doing the same and melee feels pretty easy. You get less dps on certain bosses but I love the feel of getting off a big stun with boneshatter then hitting a couple infernal cried perfect strikes.Started a warrior yesterday to see what the buzz was about. I'm severely disappointed it doesn't really feel terribly hard. Took out act 2 boss on second try. Haven't bothered setting up any support gems.
Rolling slam first hit->dodge roll cancel->boneshatter annihilates trash. For bosses I cheese the fight start with earthshatter->infernal cry to open, but after that I pretty much just melee and boneshatter when I get a proc, another cry if I have to run around a lot, but I rarely do that. I have 800 DPS, I'm sure some support gems could help with that. I just don't bother to use any other skills so far. Leap slam in particular just feels stupid.
A lot of my best gear upgrades have come from checking vendors.
Get Wind Dancer at least and if you want more add in Ghost Dance as spirit skills. I'm just running that with herald of ice for clear, with more spirit I'd add herald of thunder after that. Also prioritize evasion, ES and life on gear. Get a few evasion or evasion + ES nodes on the tree.So beat Act 3 pretty easy with Ice Strike Monk. Taking a lot of damage from trash monsters though. How do you build defense to take a few more hits?
Do you use evasion/es base armor? Currently on pure evasion but in only lvl 33.Get Wind Dancer at least and if you want more add in Ghost Dance as spirit skills. I'm just running that with herald of ice for clear, with more spirit I'd add herald of thunder after that. Also prioritize evasion, ES and life on gear. Get a few evasion or evasion + ES nodes on the tree.
I'm just into Act 3 cruel and have 75% evasion right now (with wind dancer) as Monk and it's pretty, pretty, pretty good. Combine that with all the freezing you do and it's pretty faceroll at this point in the game. ProTip: if you can, add a freeze support related gem to wind dancer. It's a hit when it procs so it can aoe freeze things around you.
Yes, but I wouldn't say it's 'wrong' to go pure evasion, just a choice. There's lots of nodes in the monk part of the tree that are hybrid, so it's less travel to get to them than the pure evasion nodes down by ranger. Not a lot of travel though, so it just depends. If you look, there's also a couple of nodes where you can have the best of both worlds: 1 is gain 1 ES equal to every 12 evasion on body armor. So you go for a pure evasion armor and get a healthy chunk of ES for your trouble. Same with helm, but opposite: gain some evasion for every ES, so get a pure ES helm and get some evasion for your trouble.Do you use evasion/es base armor? Currently on pure evasion but in only lvl 33.
It makes me wonder if they tested the game at all.![]()
Early Access Announcements - Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements - Forum - Path of Exile
Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand.www.pathofexile.com
Early Access Announcements - Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements - Forum - Path of Exile
Path of Exile is a free online-only action RPG under development by Grinding Gear Games in New Zealand.www.pathofexile.com