Yea im really disappointed that they didn't evolve their loot game at all, instead they seem to have gone backwards. I kept saying before that the success of this (for me personally) wouldn't be how slow you went but how loot progression felt and right now it's fucking ass. Their stuborness on items having to be identified and their intentions seemingly wanting you to pick up blue and white bases while keeping their fucking tetris inventory of holding like 4 chest pieces is a bit worrying. Even d4 one that shit was gay. They took a robust crafting system where you could at least somewhat determinstically hit what you needed and devolved it into the Chris Wilson slam exalt clown show for toddlers. They don't seem to have innovated at all in this area. They didn't even add any QoL in. Nothing like an interface to see what stats can roll on an item and their weights, nothing like in game trading or even a hint that theirs a trade website. Nothing like filters for affixes on items. Oh wow they added Deckard Caine and a fucking well to refresh your pots.
All these things are red flags to me.
That being said the base game is really solid but if we don't see any innovation in this EA cycle within 6 months and just more classes and skills then I'll probably stick to poe1.