what Suineg set it to
TBH that stash is what I could earn in a few hours of mapping minus a few outliers that might take a couple of days (who picks up 2k+ augs even in SSF smh) with minimal gear investment and zero rarity. So he was either using a ton of it, doesn't know what he is doing or knows what he is doing and is baiting. The lowest of the low end of mapping T15s is ~30-50 ex hour. With OK set up it's ~1-2 div hour. With great set up 5+ div hour. I'm just talking RAW CURRENCY equivalents with minimal rarity. This assumes you aren't fucking around, can clear efficiently and aren't looting and IDing every trash item that drops. There are a dozen+ of builds capable of this with minimal gear investment which means there are dozens of builds viable in SSF to do so. Yes you can have bad luck for some items, but I imagine a lot of the people saying that aren't doing 8-10 T15s an hour when they play or definitely not doing juiced breaches that drop so much crap that it takes you 15 minutes to loot raw drops. It's self sustaining as well. I have not bought a T15 or precursor tablet since like week 1 and have a quad stash full still.
There are a lot of flaws in this game, but people being disingenuous due to poor play and/or lack of knowledge doesn't help anything.
Now if you want to argue that things should be tuned for the new person or more casual player then sure, but I doubt that is going to happen. Remember most people quit PoE1 before finishing the acts and they didn't give a fuck.
If you want to argue they should put more effort into SSF in general, then hell yeah I'm all for it as it's my favorite mode. But I hate seeing people bait the game experience when you can literally go on twitch and youtube and see builds blasting and making bank including SSF players. What is stopping you/others from doing the same thing?
In other news I finished the last class/ascendancy to 75+, got all 8 points and was doing T15s. I used molten blast to level and it was horrible. Pretty sure this was the second longest campaign finisher behind my monk. When I could swap to Hammer of the Gods/Stampede it was game changing. Very viable for mapping/low bossing, but definitely not great overall. Just use something braindead like spark while leveling if you too feel the need to meme a melee chrono.
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Now to make more meme builds...
SSF is all luck because crafting is RNG and also based on the currency needed to generally enhance otherwise useful items. Because you have such a lower currency rate by not minmaxing sales throughput (e.g. something worth 5 div is only worth a pittance in gold to SSF char), you are further behind. It sucks donkey dick right now.