Path of Exile


Molten Core Raider
Seems odd to farm a mageblood via div cards when it costs ~70 div currently. Are you doing some sort of SSF?
Nah just happened to get a few of the div cards quickly so figured I'd finish it out, not realizing how fucking long it was going to take to get two more.

Just gonna sell it, awakened poe trade said around 93 div I believe, and between that and the 2.5 sets of 7 year bad luck cards it was decently profitable anyway.

Didnt think I had enough currency to swap to an adorned build yet so just did that to get some extra currency with strongboxes.


Log Wizard

Boat league! Hopefully there's some cool mini game shit like TOTA but less shit. Maybe a Settlers of Catan/Risk type game that lets you fight islands you conquer or something. We shall see!