Couldn't you already abuse that if that was the case? You can stack as many ignites as you want, only one does damage.Yea I mean they don't really have a choice, it'd be the most broken thing in the game if they didn't.
The real question is gonna be do their change elemental hit, cause it has the same kind of scaling with %more damage for each ailment on the mob.
Couldn't you already abuse that if that was the case? You can stack as many ignites as you want, only one does damage.
To answer your previous question about bleed supports: 7th best is probably chance to bleed at 29%.
If it's your first time, go ahead and play on standard, just to get a feel for the game and how progression works, and what different league mechanics do (if you even make it that far by friday), just be aware you'll want to start over when the league releases to play on the league server instead of the standard server.
RF is a good go to due to Pohx great guides and Wikis. Did he figure out a good RF build this league? I saw him theory crafting a bit and it seems a lot of stuff was changed for his builds.Fuck that, RF Chieftan.
RF is a good go to due to Pohx great guides and Wikis. Did he figure out a good RF build this league? I saw him theory crafting a bit and it seems a lot of stuff was changed for his builds.
ronne which warcries were you thinking for bleed slams? I've looked over all of them, and the exertion bonuses on rallying, seismic, and maybe battlemage's cry look worthwhile. The buffs on enduring and seismic look decent, but not enough to manually cast warcries.
Regarding battlemage's cry, I feel like there should be more spells I can add besides just vulnerability, but having trouble finding any.
I plan on doing HoP + Guardian's Blessing + Pride. See how shit the uptime is.Rallying doesn't buff you, only allies, so don't bother with that one, or if you do you have to run herald of purity and can just automate rallying since the only part of it you care about is the '5% more damage per ally'.
Intimidating kept its double damage line so you need that one in there someplace, but unless they change something you can automate that one unless you really want the movement speed buff.
The buff part of seismic similarly is worthless (stun duration), but I tend to do that one manually usually anyway just so I can better keep track of the stacks while clearing.
Enduring cry is probably the best of the actual buffs that you actively want on yourself, cause it'll be ~10% life regen after all the scaling. Otherwise probably ancestral as well for +max res if you need it
The Taming now has 30-40% increased Elemental Damage with Hits and Ailments for each type of Elemental Ailment on Enemy (from 20% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments per Freeze, Shock or Ignite on Enemy). This change affects existing items, though you will need to use a Divine Orb to obtain the new values. It no longer has 30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills or 30% increased Elemental Damage, and using a Divine Orb on existing versions will remove these two modifiers.
It's also worth noting that Elemental Hit had a similarly worded stat on it, but this wording was incorrect. It only cares about unique types of elemental ailments on the target, rather than counting the total number of ailments. We have now updated the stat description to be more accurate
We’re changing Eternal Damnation from “cannot gain endurance charges/cannot gain power charges” to “Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges is 0
Dancing Dervish feels like it will become mandatory on every build, can we prevent this please?
Yep! We’ll be reverting this change to its 3.24 state.
If you aggravate bleeding on hit, and inflict a bleed with that same hit, the new bleed will not be aggravated. You'd have to hit again to aggravate it. The Gladiator's Jagged Technique passive is the only way to apply an aggravated bleed in a single hit.
If it's your first time, go ahead and play on standard, just to get a feel for the game and how progression works, and what different league mechanics do (if you even make it that far by friday), just be aware you'll want to start over when the league releases to play on the league server instead of the standard server.
I thought you knew thisChieftan bleeds DOA:
Glad or nothing if you wanna play bleed