Path of Exile


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Amazing how in 10 minutes of game play your build goes from a slog crap fest to feeling like it's op one click 1/2 screen dies while running.
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Molten Core Raider
Just tried to do my 3rd ascendancy with 2.3khp and Izaro kicked my ass with the quickness. Guess I need to find a few +hp gear along with a 5-link chest before I finish act 9.

I mean, I don't have to, but would be nice to have before I get the full penalty. Not really in a rush anymore, really just wanted to get towards the end of the campaign so I'm happy.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Your hp is fine, just make sure your resists are decent and some armor for phys mitigation. It's more important to keep moving and dodge his 2 slams and the wave slash.


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone else waste a significant chunk of their suspiciously low amount of alterations trying to hit these mods?

  • Utility Flasks can no longer roll modifiers that increase Attack Speed or Cast Speed during Effect.

I guess I understood the nerf to mana cost, though they could revert with the change to Inspiration support. Do they not like the ubiquity of Mageblood?


Molten Core Raider
Your hp is fine, just make sure your resists are decent and some armor for phys mitigation. It's more important to keep moving and dodge his 2 slams and the wave slash.
Probably true but running the whole thing up til the last phase is annoying regardless, maybe tonorrows layout will be better.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
As always I get pissed off from the same thing every leage. But this time I'm having fun so no biggie.

Check back on Pohx RF Day 2 update. And yea I'll check for those items he has upgraded to... Boots 4 Divine, Shield 1 Divine plus lots of crafting on it and cluster Jewels for Multiple Divines...

Cool I got 10 Chaos in my bank. Always the fucking same thing, the people making the guides get more currency day 2 than I get for 3-4 weeks.

Still waiting on a big drop so I can buy fusings for a 6 link Unique armor. But still at 5 link I blow most of the maps up. Might be bad for bossing right now though.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Anyone else waste a significant chunk of their suspiciously low amount of alterations trying to hit these mods?

I guess I understood the nerf to mana cost, though they could revert with the change to Inspiration support. Do they not like the ubiquity of Mageblood?
Yep trying to hit atk speed on my silver flask... cool. Love how you have to read a book every league to keep up with this game.

Would be nice if they implemented a similar system to dota2 tool tips that had a couple of the most recent changes from the patch notes. But that would include GGG putting information in their game.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Finally had some luck. 6 Linked a Cloak of Flames with 30 Fusings and got the right colors with 15 Chromes!


<Gold Donor>
Everytime I try to research end game, I get completely frustrated. Just reading your sentence Aazrael Aazrael is literally like reading another language to me.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
As I slowly slog through the game I'll make maps, eventually. Atlas ideas to make some currency eventually because I will not 6 link in the right colors quickly lol.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
People shouldn't get too worked up about getting 6 links. I've done up to t10s right now in a 4l and spent a total of 2c on my build.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Everytime I try to research end game, I get completely frustrated. Just reading your sentence Aazrael Aazrael is literally like reading another language to me.

This. As a newbie, most of these guides assume you have game knowledge. So its rough. Especially learning what to keep, what to loot, how currency works. Hell how crafting works, vendor recipes.

Last time I played was 2018, but then the guide I was following was literally a step by step guide. It told me exactly what to do, what to look for, when to buy this or that, when to this quest etc. It was really nice for a brand new player.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I am nowhere near you guys yet. No hurry. I want this to drag out for me anyways as I wait for the A2 start for AoC. The fort/housing things took a bit to figure out. Is odd assigning people that mine for farming or smelting.

As an example of my game play, I clear maps. I know that is not efficient but I always like to do it once. I am playing melee. Holy Shit I can see why people hate melee. Chasing down a mob, and not being able to quite hit him, as you run it down, is pretty frustrating. I do enjoy the tankiness of my toon.

I agree that this game feels like you need to have taken a course. Path of Exile , the basics 101 should not be a requirement for understanding the game.

So far I am enjoying it though....


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
IMO it's the same problem WOW has. They outsource the progression and mechanics information to third party, then wonder why everyone sucks ass in groups and raids. At least wow has a dungeon journal. GGG can't even be assed to do that much. They need to be careful because their core player base will either age out or move on and if they aren't capturing new players with a better streamlined experience they'll create an enormous amount of game design debt.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Everytime I try to research end game, I get completely frustrated. Just reading your sentence Aazrael Aazrael is literally like reading another language to me.
The sad part is I know 1% of the game. I got a Steam Chat open 24/7 with my GFs little brother for questions every 5 minutes...

As an example. I followed Pohx Righteous Fire build and it went fine up to like lvl 75. Then all of a sudden a lot of changes was made that I did not understand for the life of me. He assumes people know stuff he takes for granted so I had to do like 2hours of detective work as to wtf he changed for the build to work.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
..... or move on
I believe that will be called Path of Exile 2. So I am pretty sure most everyone will be moving on about when that game comes out.

Unlike a World of Warcraft 2, which should have been made 5+ years ago.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I believe that will be called Path of Exile 2. So I am pretty sure most everyone will be moving on about when that game comes out.

Unlike a World of Warcraft 2, which should have been made 5+ years ago.
Yes but we don't know if they've streamlined the experience at all.