Path of Exile


Got something right about marriage
Not sure what Im fixing with currency? I gave low cost options in my response. What exactly in my build seems necesasry to make it work from a gear perspective? Mageblood is wholly uneccessary and HH is arguably better for mapping, and costs like 12 div. The wands literally would cost like 5d even if you're unlucky if you arent trying to awakener orb 2 influences. Literally.

If you're barometer of this build is that 15+ million single explosion damage (which should be easily achievable on budget gear) isn't good enough to not need a secondary single target skill I have no idea what to tell you.


<Bronze Donator>
You're potentially fixing the single target damage with currency. I haven't run it through what I call budget to make a fair comparison.

That's the "issue", you call 5D a budget, I stop investing into certain slots around 1D. 10s of chaos per slot is budget to me.

Note that issue is quotations, I'm not faulting anyone for what they call budget.

Just to give you a better idea, this is the hack job I did to your build to make it what I call "budget". It's rough, some stuff still needs fixing like flask sustain, resists, and a bit of stats.

To be completely fair, 6.6M DPS without accounting for overlaps is quite good. It's definitely a number I was looking for when considering a build. I don't think I left anything in there that would that heavily fudge the numbers, but who knows. I need a few hours at some point to cook up a proper PoB(for me) from scratch.


Potato del Grande
So if a character isn't doing 50 billion dps to ubers on an 8div or less total budget then it's a trash build that just gets carried by gear? So... every build in the game basically? I'm also confused why multiple div watchers eyes/stormshrouds etc are fine but going over "10s of chaos" on gear somehow ruins a builds budget?


Got something right about marriage
You're doing that "Deathwing" thing where you create these ridiculous requirements for a build and then use weird logic leaps to write it off.

For instance. Using currency to buy powerful gear 2 months into a league is not "fixing a problem with currency", it's quite literally the definition of upgrading your character. A core tenet of ARPGs since Diablo 2. 1D per slot? Are you serious man? Come on now...

EDIT: Also, if you're unwilling to spend 5D on a WEAPON slot for an ATTACK skill why are you even playing this game?
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<Bronze Donator>
I don't think it's ridiculous to want to normalize a build so as to make comparison easier. Without it, you're left wasting tens of hours leveling through the campaign, buying gear from a dying market, leveling through maps, just to make the same judgment call you *might* be able to make in PoB. Admittedly, a lot cannot be represented in PoB. But I think single target benchmarks are one of the easier things to gauge.

As for your example, what I try to avoid is a build at a high entry point, liking it, and then wanting to play it at a lower entry point next league and being disappointed. "Fixing with currency" can give a skewed perspective on a build.

And yes, ~1D per slot. There's always exceptions, especially when it comes to functionality. This game is not interesting enough to play(as in actually play, grind maps) to justify going beyond that. I know it's a core tenet of the genre. Doesn't justify it being boring.

See previous paragraph on the 5D weapon question. Very few builds fundamentally, or even incrementally, change with that type of "upgrade". It's just more betterer. It can be an interesting more better, they've certainly done a better job at hiding it than Diablo 4. But it can also be very frustrating as their complexity inherently encourages gear lock. All the same, it's still just more betterer and if it's not going to change how your build plays, 5D can be a significant purchase.

I farmed up a 100D mageblood last league because the QoL was worth it. You're never going to see me spending 2D on a multimod craft just so I can toss that shit in the recombinator.


Got something right about marriage
Well, you can continue to admonish upgrading a character while you instead play PoB to watch numbers in a simulator get "betterer". I'll be in the game enjoying actually playing it and using the digital currency that literally disappears at each reset to have some fun now.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Bought a headhunter to play around with. I don't do a lot of bossing so we shall see heard it works well mapping.

I know I would have never dicked with selling all my stuff with whispers to get enough to buy anything before the currency market.


Molten Core Raider
What is the correct version of POB to use? Only asking because I used from my work mac, and my character shows different dps by a decent margin. Just wondering if maybe I have an older version installed at home on my PC.