Path of Exile


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Yeah 30 minutes each shipment, send off and run a few maps. Only need one sailor on each ship so it's really low cost if you have the bars to send.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Autoexertion question. When I made this character at the start of the league I had two war cries linked to it. When I hit the auto it would cycle and you could see the war cries being cast each time.

Now in an item that the only links are two war cries and auto if you hover over either gem it doesn't highlight as being linked. Also when I hit auto and it cycles as far as I can tell the war cry doesn't cast.

Suggestions? I disabled all other skills that reserved mana when working on it to make sure that wasn't the problem.

If you download it into PoB and hover over the linked skills it highlights as if linked. Who knows.

Edit - fixed. It won't work at all in a hideout, but will in maps. It keeps cycling but won't cast the war cry. Soon as you enter a map it starts.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Autoexertion question. When I made this character at the start of the league I had two war cries linked to it. When I hit the auto it would cycle and you could see the war cries being cast each time.

Now in an item that the only links are two war cries and auto if you hover over either gem it doesn't highlight as being linked. Also when I hit auto and it cycles as far as I can tell the war cry doesn't cast.

Suggestions? I disabled all other skills that reserved mana when working on it to make sure that wasn't the problem.

If you download it into PoB and hover over the linked skills it highlights as if linked. Who knows.

Edit - fixed. It won't work at all in a hideout, but will in maps. It keeps cycling but won't cast the war cry. Soon as you enter a map it starts.
I believe that was a QOL fix so people weren't casting/crying all the time while sitting around doing hideout stuff. Automation gem works the same way.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
I really want to see the currency market make it core. I've made a ton more currency in usable qauantities and items than any other one.

I fail see to see how they make the town and shipping go core without some changes. Shipped 1 million of crap at almost zero risk with one tier 8 sailor today and got a ton of runes and scarabs and one divine. Imagine if I had shipped a lot more. 3 doctor cards total from shipping 2 bars and some dust to get stacked decks. That's zero risk. I should have kept them and kept at it to get a HH but I sold them early on.

Got my build squared away, now my ISP said not so fast.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Not a bosser at all. Once I hit 93 on my bleed glad/earthquake build I tried a few. No deaths which is really odd since I had no idea how those fights would go. Hydra, Phoenix, Minotaur, purifier and crusader. I know that is nothing for most people but I rarely do any end game boss stuff at all.

All new shit to me. Droped a claw, 16% chance when you kill a rare to get one of it's modifers for 10 seconds, staff and a fragment. The only time I did the mino, and hydra before they added Shaper maybe.

Really wish they dropped things you could use.

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Molten Core Raider
I'm a glutton for punishment apparently:

Figured since I had already been doing 8-mod JVs from 97-100, I couldn't be too far from the one more damned Apothecary the game owed me. Boy was I wrong.....spent the weekend running 20/40% deli 8-mods and aside from some divines / diviner box cards / & valdos, really nothing else to write home about.

Are Vaal temples any good still? Those can be fun and drop some cool double corrupt shit. On that note, can I still trade some to a vendor to get a white version to try to get an 8-mod VT?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
VT strat is feast or famine and requires quite a bit of knowledge to price things. Although you can just throw everything in a 1 div tab and call it.

It also requires a healthy population and build diversity.


Molten Core Raider
VT strat is feast or famine and requires quite a bit of knowledge to price things. Although you can just throw everything in a 1 div tab and call it.

It also requires a healthy population and build diversity.
Idk seems a good amount of people are still playing based on my trades recently, but good point about the build diversity, hadn't really thought about that.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
All maps should be like the one I waited yo do for the Maven invite. Tier 16, 14 harbingers. 35% to lvl 94 and 93. Be nice, 3 maps per level.


<Bronze Donator>
Finishing 40/40 over the next week or so(4k map affixes takes a while...), but I don't see much changing between now and then, so time to bloviate!

Viper Strike of the Mamba PF was the build I decided to invest heavily(for me) into. If you're willing to write a flask macro for automating life flask usage, it's a pretty good build. The dps definitely got overbuffed considering it didn't use any ancestral totems to begin and 5p voices were cheap this league. I was at 15M uber pinnacle dps with maybe 30 divines invested. It's also awesome to watch the poison prolif through chunky packs.

That said, it's not PoE without clunk. Far too often some dinky poison would sneak onto the target and block my main poison. Poison prolif range is far too short to be consistent. You're still tapping packs, sometimes with significant stragglers, sometimes a bonus pack get prolifed. Automating the life flask mean no grace period. Wasted an Uber Exarch because I suck (at) balls. And it's still melee, with no strike range(because why would you) with no splash(because why would you). It's really easy to get lazy with your attack and then whiff repeatedly when some aiming was required.

This league mechanic suuuuuucked. I don't want to play Farmville. The weapon enchants were restrictive in both supply and application to almost pointlessness. I'm not a crafter, even when a craft takes as many essences as it "should", I still get annoyed at the failed rolls that led up to it. The currency exchange did nothing to alleviate that annoyance. RNG "crafting" is not crafting. I don't know what crafting should look like though.

The currency exchange should stay. As someone who had probably less than 20 total transactions, it still makes sense. I will say that I don't like that it makes you think "am I getting ripped off buying off the currency exchange?".


Potato del Grande
Only thing you have to watch out for on currency exchange generally is less common exchanges. Always helpful to check both the buy and sell ratio for items if you're uncertain about the ratio (and for some stuff it doesn't hurt to check the ratio for chaos vs the ratio for divines, too). There's a few things i've seen that go for like 80c:1 but then the divine ratio for the same item is 1:1 so you'd want to buy them for chaos to get the better deal, and a few things that have buy ratios of 1:100 but sell ratios like 1:45 so you have to set your own custom price to not get ripped off.

Been throwing away currency while still unable to decide between cyclone or flicker strike or maybe something else for my next/last build. Went 0/3 on unrequitted love card gambas in about 10 total clicks. 3 poofs and 7ish nothing happenings. Also poofed an immortal card on first click. Should be able to do my first 50m boat tomorrow, but still only have 4 rank 10 shippers and 1 rank 9 after trying all day to farm two rank 10s (got only one). Will probably just say screw it and ship with the bit of risk instead of spending another 8 hours farming gold playing the worker lotto.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I picked up two scarabs that were a div each. I really hadn't paid that much attention till I got those two. Both out of the same pack. Some ultimatum something scarab. Not bad for a regular map run. I might try and watch a few videos on just basic crafting since I never do much at all and have more currency than I've ever had not doing much and I'm down to just one character. Still never a raw divine drop. Multiple in stacked deck cards I sold, multiple from shipments and a few other sales. 6 or so exalts, no divines. Ran some tier 16 maps with with differying delerium and nothing.


Millie's Staff Member
I am, surprisingly, 80% of a level away from 100. This is, by 2 levels, the farthest I have gone. Because I am anti-social, and in the middle of my busiest time of year, I am not doing it via 5-ways but just the old fashion way. I have always heard of the slow grind up here, but experiencing it is another matter.

The question is this: when I hit 100 (hopefully before the league ends lol), will I have game in me left to do Maven. I've accumulated 6 invites just running T16s so one would hope I could do it in that many tries - I managed to kill Sirus with only 2 cheap deaths with this build, which is a miracle for me.

As for the league mechanics - I did them for achievements (I think I am at 31 or so) and just send off what I have on 3 ships occasionally. I have amassed 25 Divs between drops and ships, and I probably spent 20 or so on the build. The league mechanic is not bad, but it's the build that keeps me playing this league.


Log Wizard
Here's a pro tip:

Suck at Maven? Can't do her game? Use VAAL ARCTIC ARMOR. If you hit it at the right time you SHOULD be able to eat the explosion and can just skip the memory game. Just make sure not to get tickled by her lasers.
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Molten Core Raider
Ok so I know it's a small sample size, but I ran 10 T17 Abominations after work today with 100%+ currency, and 3x ambush, 1x rarer chance, 1x potency, and the results were super underwhelming.

Even the one map that had 4 diviner boxes, 3 dropped nothing that made it past my filter, and the mobs dropped maybe a total of 15 chaos in the whole map. Thankfully, I didn't really spend much to roll the maps, but does corrupting the T17s make a huge difference? Wondering how everyone claims they are night and day better than juiced T16s.

I also killed the boss in all but one map, the 600+% crit chance along with a phys as was too much for me with an atlas going full quant / explicit.

Don't get me wrong, am glad I can do most of the T17 mods.....but it didn't really seem worth it especially with the horrible layouts.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I don't know how you guys do it getting close to 100. I'm mid 90s and I get into protective mode when I hit 80% or more. Someone posted on reddit how many rerolls it took them to get all max level workers in every spot. Some ungodly number, several million in gold. I think sometimes PoE players are second only to Eve players when it comes to number things.


Molten Core Raider
I don't know how you guys do it getting close to 100. I'm mid 90s and I get into protective mode when I hit 80% or more. Someone posted on reddit how many rerolls it took them to get all max level workers in every spot. Some ungodly number, several million in gold. I think sometimes PoE players are second only to Eve players when it comes to number things.
Try out the breach / evolution strat....worked great for me. Also, try and buy some of the Amelioration omens just to keep one in your inventory at all times. (If you die once, let your map be bricked as it only works once per map).

With 2 evolution scarabs and 3 breach I made like 1.5-2% per map in 8-mod Jungle Valleys, even with 2 deaths it went really quickly. So nice not having to care about xp anymore.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I leveled, now 94. That's as far as I'm going to go for leveling.

Couple of weeks ago I bought a 1h axe for my bleed gladiator. Paid 100c for this one with 445pdps and culling strike against bleeding enemies. I looked for an upgrade and was willing to pay more. 1h axe with culling strike against bleeding enemies is 425 pdps for 9 div and rapidly goes up to 16div for around 500 pds and 35div for 525 pdps.

Guess I'll stick with this one for a while longer lol. A few of the ones for 9 div I threw into PoB and they weren't an overall bleed dps improvement anyway.

Ran a few tier 16 elder influenced maps cause I had the scarabs. Went better than I had expected.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
So I bought a supporter pack since I've been playing a lot.

Got a cloak that grows wing like deals as you get maximum charges. Kind of interesting, kind of annoying lol.

Been playing with the atlas trying all the mechanics I skipped. Not a fan of ones you have to stop and interact with.