Path of Exile


Molten Core Raider
This is lightning strike, yes? Depends highly on your positioning and somewhat on your scaling. For scaling, I'm going to assume you have little projectile or melee specific scalars.

If you melee the target, Nimis will add a projectile hit to your melee hit.
If you stand a bit back and let an extra strike melee the boss, Nimis will add 2 projectile hits to your 1 melee and 1 projectile hits...unreliably. My recollection is that testing Nimis on a stationary target, I would sometimes get 3 hits. This is why I said "double your projectile dps" originally. The randomness of the projectiles plus bosses moving around suggests it might be closer to 3 hits than 4(I'm not doing hit testing during a real fight).
Gotcha, I do try to stay JUST outside normal melee range but obviously its tough to do all the time on moving targets. Seems very hard to get an exact dps boost, but I definitely notice a nice improvement. Dropping one maxed tamings did bring my overall melee / proj down a bit, but I can always put that back on instead if it helps me clear faster.

If I can down an uber or two maybe Ill try and scale my damage even higher- though my pts are spread pretty thin already. Maybe if I can ever afford a 3p voices I can drop some hp nodes to get more. *shrug*


<Bronze Donator>
Since Trickster Power Siphon mines is relatively popular(I think a good chunk of the top players started it), did anyone catch how they deal with sustain? It's been one of my long standing gripes with mines. I figure in the gauntlet, you couldn't just paper over it by building even more mitigation.


Tranny Chaser
Since Trickster Power Siphon mines is relatively popular(I think a good chunk of the top players started it), did anyone catch how they deal with sustain? It's been one of my long standing gripes with mines. I figure in the gauntlet, you couldn't just paper over it by building even more mitigation.

Life recovery sucks. It's nowhere near as mana intensive as Hexblast mines so you get to reserve most of your shit and rock a low level Clarity.


<Bronze Donator>
Life recovery sucks. It's nowhere near as mana intensive as Hexblast mines so you get to reserve most of your shit and rock a low level Clarity.
Definitely. The only way I see to fix it, as Trickster, is Machina Mitts, more life flasks, CI, or ??? And even then, all of those have limitations that still don't feel great with the exception of CI and a ton of ES, but that's not starter gear levels.

I'm considering Power Siphon mines -> Frostblink of Wintry Blast mines but as a pathfinder. I don't know why it isn't more popular. Well, I kinda do, life flask macro. But Pathfinder solves shitty life sustain and shitty movement skills. You compensate for low DPS ascendancy with RF.
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Tranny Chaser
I know you prefer a high level of cleanliness in your builds but Locus Mines might have enough QoL in other locations that the bad life recovery won't be a deal breaker.


<Bronze Donator>
I stand in way too much fire to not want high sustain in my builds.

Inquisitor is another option, but old man shield charging on a build without any attack speed is beyond frustrating.


Molten Core Raider
Starting to be able to cruise thru most T17 mods, been mixing up the maps since I hate them all pretty evenly.....Sanctuary boss (Uber Lycia) seems to be a bit RNG whether you win.

I can kill her most of the time, but the voice prompt for her stupid beam comes AFTER the beam is already on me, I guess I could be a bit more patient but fuck that noise. Seems the 196% increased life is my downfall for her, out of the mods I run anyway. Had a pretty good one with added wisps and lost my last portal JUST before culling range. Feelsbadman


Tranny Chaser
She's a little easier if you stay close. If you're way the fuck away and she turns the beam on you're going to get cooked. The big robot is also easier if you're close because you can see all the shit he does and move away.


Got something right about marriage
The "big robot" is about 1000x easier than every other T17 boss because he's tuned to be 1000x easier. Wanna get your extra map slot? Run Fortress.

Every other T17 map boss is annoying as shit to deal with.


Molten Core Raider
She's a little easier if you stay close. If you're way the fuck away and she turns the beam on you're going to get cooked. The big robot is also easier if you're close because you can see all the shit he does and move away.
I try to stay close in P1, but P2 I seem to have random 1-shots from her in the background if I stay too close. (From the lightning bursts maybe?) .

Usually forget to go back close once the phantom thingie dies but I'll try that n see if it helps. Really just trying to learn all the patterns so I can handle any map mods I do.
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Molten Core Raider
Here's just a decent run on a wisped Lycia in a T17 map. It's crazy because I usually finish in like 20 seconds(thats what she said), but just 2.5k x2 wisps plus extra life mod I think, took 5 minutes but somehow I didn't die.

Still should have died a couple times with slow reactions, but I think I'm slowly learning the fight. Now to get my damage up to where I can beat a juiced boss like this in seconds, lol.

Overleech is pretty badass too.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
League is grinding down, scarab market kinda of turned off overnight. Lasted longer than usual.
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Tranny Chaser
I checked my last boxes for Kalguur (50m crop shipment, 50 bar shipment) and I'm in the position where although I want to play I don't see a lot of point in doing so until a new league. I'd rather be fresh later than burn myself out now.

I would have liked to have been able to target farm ore. I did a couple chunky loads just for intelligence gear and they were great but they weren't something I could do with any regularity.


Molten Core Raider
I checked my last boxes for Kalguur (50m crop shipment, 50 bar shipment) and I'm in the position where although I want to play I don't see a lot of point in doing so until a new league. I'd rather be fresh later than burn myself out now.

I would have liked to have been able to target farm ore. I did a couple chunky loads just for intelligence gear and they were great but they weren't something I could do with any regularity.
I feel bad because I didnt really interact with the shipping / mapper part of Kingsmarch. Initially I was hording gold to use for respecs and trades, and when I read about how much if a pain it is to keep everything running I just said fuck it and stopped upgrading stuff. Probably missed out on a ton of profits but oh well.
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Millie's Staff Member
I ran T16s with mappers for quite a while and only saw the unique guy once - meanwhile I ran ships steady and saw the unique pirate at least once a night. Wasn't sure what I was doing wrong. Maybe the maps were too "easy", I would roll them yellow but make sure they were 2 or 3% or less failure chance.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I never sent large shipments. Early on I got two doctor cards from a stacked deck shipment when they were worth much more. I got a power rune which I sold, did not use it for the upgrade. Upgraded everything else but never did any mappipng.

Mostly scarabs, yesterday got the admiral gloves from the pirate fight and I corrupted them and got +1 max frenzy.

Overall town was just a sideshow, with the currency market being the biggest thing for someone that didn't really sell stuff in bulk. I wander around doing whatever a lot. I bought a few things someone mispriced or was just dumping stuff, 100 horizon orbs while mapping for 1c.

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Molten Core Raider
First Uber down! Got Eater with 1 portal left and that motherfucker dropped me a Nimis, lol.

I wasn't prepared for how much faster the drowning orbs are, and didnt have the resistance/HP to get past the activating the circles phase, but apparently my DPS was enough to get the kill!

I'll fucking take it, there goes the rest of my luck for the league with the drop, though.
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Molten Core Raider
Sold for a quick 180 div (probably couldve gotten more but went by awakened poe trade), probably going to go for at least Exarch and leave the others for another league so I have more to look forward to.

Uber maven seems impossible for me unless I have the dps to ignore the memory game entirely,.