You should probably still get a 6 link. Barrage(or frenzy) - Faster Attacks - GMP - LoH - Accuracy - Blood Magic.
You can put volatile in one pen and unearth in another, but coming up to a new pack with no corpses, that first cast of volatile will do nothing because unearth is a projectile and won't create corpses in time.
I'm not following you. I played around with poet's pen. It is definitely fun but I ended up ditching it because I didn't like the single target, even with a bodyswap, unearth, glacial cascade setup. But anyway, I found with unearth and bodyswap in the same pen, the body swap wouldn't cast because the unearth was still travelling. It was only when I put faster proj in the pen did it go reliably. How can a volatile cast at the same time as unearth succeed?Ohh yes it does, also you can pre cast it, which you learn to do. Once you get rolling, its non stop since the balls jsut target the next mob they see. Also you can make your character pretty beefy with this build. 6-7K life since you dont need 6 link. I even saw juggs using this with some other skills. Dont get me wrong it can be dangerous, bu you just learn to use positioning and pre casting.
But im not that far, I think I hit act 7 last night so definitely not end game yet. But I have like 1.5K life right now with hardly any armor (just using the shit I equipped at lv 12 jsut to make sure resists are capped) and mobs are not even touching me. The bosses are hilarious too since you pre cast a ton of balls and they just decimate the boss in a second.
And I might do the 6 link if I need it, current plan is for a Koams Heart though since from what I heard you can get like 1-2 million DPS on this build with no 6 links.
Korrupt would a xophs help this build? I already have one from the nghama cycloner.
I'm not following you. I played around with poet's pen. It is definitely fun but I ended up ditching it because I didn't like the single target, even with a bodyswap, unearth, glacial cascade setup. But anyway, I found with unearth and bodyswap in the same pen, the body swap wouldn't cast because the unearth was still travelling. It was only when I put faster proj in the pen did it go reliably. How can a volatile cast at the same time as unearth succeed?
Ohh yes it does, also you can pre cast it, which you learn to do. Once you get rolling, its non stop since the balls jsut target the next mob they see. Also you can make your character pretty beefy with this build. 6-7K life since you dont need 6 link. I even saw juggs using this with some other skills. Dont get me wrong it can be dangerous, bu you just learn to use positioning and pre casting.
But im not that far, I think I hit act 7 last night so definitely not end game yet. But I have like 1.5K life right now with hardly any armor (just using the shit I equipped at lv 12 jsut to make sure resists are capped) and mobs are not even touching me. The bosses are hilarious too since you pre cast a ton of balls and they just decimate the boss in a second.
And I might do the 6 link if I need it, current plan is for a Koams Heart though since from what I heard you can get like 1-2 million DPS on this build with no 6 links.
Korrupt would a xophs help this build? I already have one from the nghama cycloner.
If you're not an inquis I would 100% use Xoph's, I am using one as an assassin for the 10% pen and life. Poets decimates bossesDeathwing you sure you weren't doing something different? The precasting Mko is talking about is amazing, you can inch into a room and load up enough balls to almost 1 shot phoenix or guardians no problem.
Cool and thanks, oh and the offer for the keys still stands bro. Look me up tonite. My profile is up top, will be playing the scion.
Jesus people, phrasing.Deathwing I saw your link to that EE build with PP's and the golden shower aspect got me going!