Blackwing Lair Raider
Awesome I appreciate it and will be on tonight. I have tons of everything if you guys need, especially maps which will go to waste.

So I bought a couple of Poet's Pens last night and was going to follow EE's guide that was posted, but then I saw this:
I feel like this can take care of both clearing and bossing at once w/o any gem swapping. Plus I can take advantage of a couple cool MTXs which honestly is the most important reason.
Edit: I found the actual guide: Forum - Marauder - [3.1] CHILL POET BERSERKER - Non Crit, Shatter, 8K+ Life, EZ Playstyle, Shaper and Guardians down, - Path of Exile
Its weird how this guy is running 7+ attacks per second, when the build I followed warned you not to exceed 3.9 or some shit without cooldown gear (5 with cooldown gear)because you will start to lose attacks and DPS. Maybe because hes using 2 attack skills per pen and they cycle?
The pens have a cooldown of ~250ms which means they can only attack 4 times per second without cooldown gear. Anyone know wtf is happening here?
Default Cooldown of Poet's Pen is 250ms or 4 per second. With cooldown gear (shaper exclusive mod) you can get as low as 200ms or 5 per second.
Therefore it's important to never have more attacks per second than the cooldown. If you attack while the spell is on cooldown nothing happens and you lose DPS. You can check cooldown by hovering the triggered spell in the hotbar.
So fully buffed with no cooldown gear you want to have 3.9 attacks or .26 attack time.
With cooldown gear 4.9 attacks or .21 attack time.
Edit: Thinking about this more maybe him stacking all that attack speed is basically doubling the 3.9 attacks per second so he does not realize every other attack is not proccing but hes still getting the 3.9 attacks per seond, just every other attack is not registering.
What is "islands of devestation"? I got ported there in a t11 elder controlled map. Took a few minutes but I killed whatever the boss that was there, dropped some elder items.
one of the elder's guardians
Thanks, I've had this happen at other times. Fighting a boss and you can't really see his name or what he does/resist on his name tag cause you back off a little and it kinda goes off top of screen.
Seems interesting, malinatar. Berserker seems like a weak ascendancy since the nerf to VP. Is it being used just for the attack speed?
PP builds seem ultimately disappointing if they are still just the same old walk n wand. I want a PP build that uses movement skills somehow! Unearth-Bodyswap was close, but that projectile and LoS made it kinda clunky, like having to settle for leap slam.
mkopec 4APS is the limit if you only have one spell socketed.
what a bizarre thing to say. what about cast on attack wands, makes you think "movement skill!" And, then claim PP build suck because your dumb bodyswap build doesn't work well.Seems interesting, malinatar. Berserker seems like a weak ascendancy since the nerf to VP. Is it being used just for the attack speed?
PP builds seem ultimately disappointing if they are still just the same old walk n wand. I want a PP build that uses movement skills somehow! Unearth-Bodyswap was close, but that projectile and LoS made it kinda clunky, like having to settle for leap slam.
mkopec 4APS is the limit if you only have one spell socketed.
I know this is nothing for most everyone else, just didn't feel like endlessly rerolling just to get the map done. And no, the last 1 monster was not the boss but I honestly didn't feel like looking for him. I guess I should not be so quick to reroll some maps. Tho the one I corrupted that made it not identifiable and hidden sucked, apparently it was major reflect. Edit, NM the flask I had already was staunching.
There was a trial there, I should have announced it open to all in chat and see if they could find the one guy living.
Once you get a strong build set up you can usually run almost any combo of mods barring a few insanely hard ones like -max + crit chance/multi + 2 extra ele damages + frenzy style stuff (and even then it's just a bit of an added risk to die). Reflect is the main thing that stops people from doing maps, the other most common thing is certain mod sets for specific bosses that make them stupid. Hardcore is a bit different since you're risking rolling a new char instead of a bit of exp.
If you corrupt a map and it goes unidentified it keeps the mods it had before you corrupted it. No real reason to corrupt an unid rare map instead of identifying it first that i'm aware of although maybe it improves the odds of it staying unid since the "no effect" roll would presumably leave it unid but why bother vaaling it if you want unid maps in that case.