Lacerate ?
How the hell you don't have 8 ascendancy points with double 6 linkAnd why no gloves, that shitty amulet and terrible rings ? You DO know that rares is where your defense comes from. If somebody showed me that character out of the blue, I'd yell RMT.
I was in the process of swapping items around. My bad. Leveling the lacerate now. See how I like. (EXACTLY what I was looking for thx)
I honestly forgot about the last ascendancy. Fuuuuuck.
I have NO idea what a good amulet is. Recommendations?
This is my problem. What I think would be great is clearly shitty. What stats are priority on a crit build? Is global crit better than a high %physical etc? And I see stats on items that people link in trade chat, that I'm like if he's asking that crazy price I will look for similar on POE trade. Nothing even close. Or when I try and re-roll items I get absolutely useless stats, and then I am stuck with that item. Is there a way to keep the wanted stats and reroll the shit ones?
This is my 1st build without following a guide to the letter. Hence the shittiness.
You are not at a point where you should go with just a rough idea, not without learning how to use Path of Building. You can import your character and tinker with it easily to see the results.
As far as gearing goes, first are obviously your build enabling uniques, then you want all resists capped, don't waste anything on crafting your rare items, just buy them for 1C in all the slots without uniques and get as much life as possible while not breaking your bank, THEN start replacing your slots with rares to up your damage based on price/performance. See, all of this is quite difficult when you have no idea how the game works or what is important. While I respect the courage, it's going to waste you a lot of time.
Rerolling or crafting isn't something you should be doing early on. It takes a lot of money and knowledge of game/crafting mechanics to do right, and even then RNG can screw you. Outside of life and resists, there are a few other layers of defense you can/should look into. Block, dodge, endurance charges, life leech, fortify are some of the more reliable ones. Armor and evasion usually suck since they don't save you from one shots. Find a way to generate end charges if you can and link fortify to your movement skill at the very least.
I swear Mathil is just trolling all the people trying to cash in on his builds. Brightbeak Glacial hammer ? Come on.
I'm sure that's part of it, he doesn't really hide the fact that he hates price fixers who just follow his builds and screw the market for the items. Another part is, i'm sure you can only do so many "super serious builds" per league before it gets boring as hell and you want to do stuff just for funsies.
You can create items in PoB, but it's honestly a bit of a pain and I don't do it since I generally have an idea what to expect, but it might help you. Basically have the build where you are and then replace items one at a time.Perfect. I snagged Path of Building. Holy shit this thing is a beast.
Snag the must have uniques. Cap resists but don't waste on rerolls. Purchase. As much life as possible. (I have wasted a bit on rerolls.)
From here on what you recommended gets lost on me. I guess trial and error for what is best? Unless POB has item swaps built in?
Thanks for all the info.
You can, but not without at least few hundred hours under your belt.Plus with the abyss gems you could make an elemental build that can do all content with just about an skill / items.
You can, but not without at least few hundred hours under your belt.