PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds


Molten Core Raider
Either I got really lucky or everyone and their cousin get Experimental Test Server keys now. Going to give it a shot later tonight.

I only did one match last night, and nothing over easter. That one match was FPP Squad and three of my mates died before first circle because hot dropping is all the rage yo. So I was all alone in Miramar, running from shack to shack, looting pistol ammo, until I finally after 20 minutes got decent guns and a 4x on one of them. At this point there are 17/100 alive. Got closer to the action because circle closed and I saw someone making a run for the zone. He hadn't seen me. So I take the gun, aim at the head, and miss like 10 shots.

Yeah you guessed it I was dead with 0 kills again but hey playing this game is my new workout, gets the heart rate up.

Also LOL on 3-wheelers being removed from the Savage map. They know their physics are shite.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They're seriously bugged. I was using one on a flat roadway in Mirimar, when it suddenly launched me 100 feet into the air and I died when I landed on my head.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
New map is great.

Drop anywhere within the first circle if you want a Deathmatch style game.

Drop outside and move in playing edge-of-circle strategy if you want a slightly more lively BR game than Miramar or Erangel provide.

Dynamic weather is awesome. I got an M249 last night in a solo while some rain and fog rolled in. I felt like I was in Predator.

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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Got this from uncle Utnayan Utnayan . I've intentionally dropped in the first circle because the Hunger Games bullshit of doing nothing on the outside of the map is a bore fest.

In 8 games my first kills were beating people to death with my fists. Which is pretty fun. It seems the predominant strategy is to drop at the edge of the map? Why?

Also, I got stuck on a motorcycle in a wall or some shit and couldn't get off it. Which pissed me off because I was on a roll so I rage quit.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If you want kills, hot drop. If you want a better chance of winning, drop in a less popular area (on Mirimar, usually outer portions of map). Being on the edge of the circle is also advantageous (especially in the late game), since it usually means the blue zone behind you is probably going to be safe and you have to worry about less about being flanked.

I can get top 10 almost every game no problem. I usually: 1) Drop in a low player density area, which increases the chances you can get geared before dying 2) Take into account the path of the plane and where the majority of players dropped 3) When the circle spawns, plan to go to the section of the circle that statistically is going to have the fewest number of people based on where the playerbase dropped 4) Continue to use this strategy on each subsequent circle, taking into account the most probable migration paths of the playerbase as they are squeezed out of their former play areas 5) Only engage in fights where you know you will win and it won't expose your position in a way that will put you at a severe disadvantage later


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Got this from uncle Utnayan Utnayan . I've intentionally dropped in the first circle because the Hunger Games bullshit of doing nothing on the outside of the map is a bore fest.

In 8 games my first kills were beating people to death with my fists. Which is pretty fun. It seems the predominant strategy is to drop at the edge of the map? Why?

Also, I got stuck on a motorcycle in a wall or some shit and couldn't get off it. Which pissed me off because I was on a roll so I rage quit.

Play with me and brekk brekk and FCH and we will show you why my young Padawan.


FoH nuclear response team
Got this from uncle Utnayan Utnayan . I've intentionally dropped in the first circle because the Hunger Games bullshit of doing nothing on the outside of the map is a bore fest.

In 8 games my first kills were beating people to death with my fists. Which is pretty fun. It seems the predominant strategy is to drop at the edge of the map? Why?

Also, I got stuck on a motorcycle in a wall or some shit and couldn't get off it. Which pissed me off because I was on a roll so I rage quit.

We no longer drop hot due to the shitty loot spawns, guns (smgs atleast) used to be abundant, now what happens is you run through 2-3 houses and find nothing. Then you get shot in the back by a team fully geared out.

The new map is a breathe of fresh air due to how many guns are on the map, the RNG should be in the encounters not hunting for a gun. I play the game to shoot people. It will be very hard to go back to the old maps now that I got a taste of how things used to be. I do think AR's should be more rare but SMGs should be more abundant.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My squad had a period of time where we jumped school every time. And while it's fun, you almost never come out of it with your full squad alive. Which means that you've got one or two people just afk for most of the match, and means you're going up as 2-3 against full squads in order to win.

If they decided to get rid of the clothing spawns and make weapons more available, we might start dropping hot again, but as it is now you're basically playing the "luck game" and hoping you find a gun before the guy next to you. And that's just stupid.

We're good enough that if we end up with a decent kit we can out shoot most other squads. So why gimp ourselves by trying to kill a guy who lucked into an M4 when all I could find is a crowbar?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I want to take this moment to say @jeydax junction is still a real thing and I never not find awesome loot there.
  • 1Worf
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<Bronze Donator>
I will hot drop the fuck out of Hacienda. If you are good at the dolphin dive and beat nearly everyone down, it can be a slaughter house. The other hot drops are meh though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What's jeydax junction?

On the desert map, I kind of like Minas. Lots of warehouse type buildings, and generally you only get one other squad at the most.


FoH nuclear response team
Minas is also my favor spot on Miramar, all the elevation changes and building layout makes for good fighting.


Vyemm Raider
What's jeydax junction?

On the desert map, I kind of like Minas. Lots of warehouse type buildings, and generally you only get one other squad at the most.

jeydax junction is north of the rock quarry. Not the yellows but the group of red 2 and 3 stories with a garage building north of the yellows. And it sucks for anything beyond a duo


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
jeydax junction is north of the rock quarry. Not the yellows but the group of red 2 and 3 stories with a garage building north of the yellows. And it sucks for anything beyond a duo


We landed here one time - brekk brekk and Fat Crack... It was because of this that, and I shit you not, I won my first chicken dinner :)

I wouldn't even say anything because everyone knows how much I suck at this game, but brekk was there and saw it with his own eyes.

That's right folks. I am now a chicken dinner winner. After .... many weekends of failure.


FoH nuclear response team
For reference only... (I mistyped Jeydax and I'm not fixing it, deal with it).

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Vyemm Raider

We landed here one time - brekk brekk and Fat Crack... It was because of this that, and I shit you not, I won my first chicken dinner :)

I wouldn't even say anything because everyone knows how much I suck at this game, but brekk was there and saw it with his own eyes.

That's right folks. I am now a chicken dinner winner. After .... many weekends of failure.

This 1 time it didn't suck? You got me there! :p I am willing to bet 8 times out of 10 there isn't enough loot in Jeydax for anything more than a duo
  • 1Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Oh, yeah, that place is legit. It's also got the dome building close by, which generally has good loot.

I think the one time I played with you guys, we ended up going to Muurtown.


FoH nuclear response team
The more I think about it the more I want them to make smaller versions of the existing two maps to match the play style of Savage. It's just too good, lots of gunfights and has reignited my love for the game. I'm kind of sad the CSE is already down.

They could just pick random sections of Erengal/Miramar and keep the same size that way they wouldn't have to create all new maps. Being able to play 3x the number of games is really nice and no slow mid game.