Podkickerworks perfectly for me. Stream or pre-download. Updates my subscriptions quick and easy. I don't think I'm even vaguely using all the potential features.What do you guys use as a podcast app for android these days? I was using BeyondPod but a recent update fucked it 12 ways to sunday
I fucking hate these people whose job is to get people stirred up about bullshit to get clicks. The Atlantic is only slightly better because they should just ignore obvious bullshit and not cash in on it themselves by "refuting" something that should be obvious nonsense to any rational reader. They are just giving more attention to the original click bait and whoring a few for themselves while they are at it.So apparantly the SJW are after Serial.
The Backlash Against Serial's 'White Privilege'??"and Why It's Wrong - The Atlantic
There was an episode of Who Charted where Howard Kremer was out and they had Armen Weitzman guest host. He's a different kind of weird from Howard but still works with Kulap. Anyways Matt Besser was a guest one of the episodes and it's one of my favorite podcasts ever. Armen was a former improv student of his at UCB and apparently not a good one. Besser spends the entire podcast ripping in to every stupid thing he says and berating him and it's fucking outstanding.Another improv podcast from Earwolf. Matt Besser hosts it and usually has 3 improvisers others get suggestions from Twitter or Youtube videos. Just about always good when Horatio Sanz, Joe Wengert, or Stephanie Allynne are on. I don't think there are any that I didn't finish listening to though.
Nice thingsSo apparantly the SJW are after Serial.
The Backlash Against Serial's 'White Privilege'??"and Why It's Wrong - The Atlantic
The thing is, he is NOT offended. The people who write for these blogs are basically slave labor. They have to post 3 times a day and only get paid if they get clicks. He noticed that there was a new podcast that was super popular, especially with the NPR types and it was getting a lot of buzz. He then makes up some nonsense about how it's mildly racist and gets lots of clicks. It doesn't matter that he doesn't have a point, because then it's super easy for a bunch of other bloggers to make posts about what an idiot he is, and they all link back to his post. Political crusaders on Reddit and Rerolled post it to say "Look how stupid the SJWs are!". More clicks. If he's really lucky some Fox News blowhard like O'reilly will put it on the air and get the senior citizens riled up about it so they can share it on Facebook talking about how dumb he is. More clicks. He already knows that the regular people that click his article are just going to read 3 sentences, see a picture of tits somewhere and wander off anyway so why not write the shit that makes him the most money. It's all just a big incestuous cluster fuck to sell advertising. No one is actually offended.White privilege in Serial? Man people will just find any reason to get offended these days.
Someone finally gets it.The thing is, he is NOT offended. The people who write for these blogs are basically slave labor. They have to post 3 times a day and only get paid if they get clicks. He noticed that there was a new podcast that was super popular, especially with the NPR types and it was getting a lot of buzz. He then makes up some nonsense about how it's mildly racist and gets lots of clicks. It doesn't matter that he doesn't have a point, because then it's super easy for a bunch of other bloggers to make posts about what an idiot he is, and they all link back to his post. Political crusaders on Reddit and Rerolled post it to say "Look how stupid the SJWs are!". More clicks. If he's really lucky some Fox News blowhard like O'reilly will put it on the air and get the senior citizens riled up about it so they can share it on Facebook talking about how dumb he is. More clicks. He already knows that the regular people that click his article are just going to read 3 sentences, see a picture of tits somewhere and wander off anyway so why not write the shit that makes him the most money. It's all just a big incestuous cluster fuck to sell advertising. No one is actually offended.