Unelected Mod
Holy shit yes. I don't see how juries didn't intensely hate her after being forced to listen to her constantly.His defense attourney had one of the most annoying voices ever BTW.
Holy shit yes. I don't see how juries didn't intensely hate her after being forced to listen to her constantly.His defense attourney had one of the most annoying voices ever BTW.
Dan Carlin - Hardcore History Podcast & Common Sense PodcastGive me more podcasts to listen to.
Preferably more ones with erudite jews talking at a soothing pace about things that make me feel like a deep, socially conscious intellectual.
Cracked is so uneven in quality.Infinite Monkey Cage, Freakonomics, This American Life, Planet Money, Invisibilia (it's aight), WTF, Nerdist, Hardcore History, How Did This Get Made? (love this one), Risk (also love), Cracked's podcast, Radiolab
That's pretty much my rotation with some Rogan/Smodcast thrown in if they look super interesting.