No thank you, mentally ill man.LOL! The p2002 hype thread was deleted from p99 offtopic forums today. Ofcoursethe TAKP thread remains. Damn, the rustle isreal!
Was it P99 staff being rustled at the recent success of p2002, or is this just giving favor to the TAKP server which is part of EQEmu (which Rogean cashes in from)?
Either way, if you're not an asshole and you're done with the shit server that is Project 1999, come*joinus on Project 2002,the future of (the past of) EverQuest!
As a reminder, the Project 2002 staff and server have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Rogean or any of the disgusting company he keeps.
Project 2002
*only the mature adults, please
The same list was briefly leaked like 2 months ago, so if nobody has done anything by now then I doubt anything is gonna happen.So if my toon/account is on there, i shouldn't worry?
Contrary to popular belief, nobody is forced to 3boxhmm. project 2002 page lost me at 3 boxing. I've had enough boxing on SoD to last me a life time.
lol u mad. banned from p99 and crying here.LOL! The p2002 hype thread was deleted from p99 offtopic forums today. Ofcoursethe TAKP thread remains. Damn, the rustle isreal!
We have chosen to ignore the rest of the EMU community on purpose, there are too few people with too great of power and piss-poor intentions. The further we can distance ourselves from the entire cesspool the better off we will be. P2002 will continue to be great because of the people who play here and positive community we have all fostered.
I imagine him having a big board in his room with pictures tacked up with strings connecting all the pieces to the puzzle. It's only a matter of time before he solves it.Youre not even functionally retarded.
I imagine him having a big board in his room with pictures tacked up with strings connecting all the pieces to the puzzle. It's only a matter of time before he solves it.