Its more like Aryasar made this thread in a deliberate troll attempt. Did he defend this movie so much in the original FoH thread? I don't really remember but I also don't remember ANYONE being this try hard about it. Maybe edge or someone who was all derpity doo dah about the "christian symbolism" that you need a conspiracy theory level website explanation to even notice that such undertones exist.
Anyway, they should totally bring back that hot dark haired Brit actress for the sequels. And show even more skin and hard nipples, that would be great.
I didnt defend it on FoH because I watched it once, and it was one of those movies that took me a lot of time to digest, moreso than 99% of other movies. By the time, I formed an opinion about it, it was quite a bit of time and the movie wasnt as fresh in my head. I rewatched it again recently when I was browsing through my torrents folder, looking for something to throw on in the background while I worked. After about 15 minutes into it, i became so engrossed that I set aside my work and just watched the movie through the end uninterrupted.
Like a lot of people, I was put off by some flaws and inconsistencies - but after thinking about it some more, and watching it again a year later, I was willing to look past the minor imperfections and embrace the larger concept about the origin of humanity and how we perceive our superiors/progenitors and how we perceive ourselves.
Weyland is great example. A man who spends a vast fortune and the last remaining years of his life to travel for 2+ years to meet the Engineers doesnt come there and just say "thank you for creating life and ultimately creating me", instead he goes "give me more." Its a poignant statement of regardless how evolved we become, we still fall to our basest and most selfish desires, whereas the Engineers sacrifice their own life (as in the opening of the movie) to give someone/something else a chance of life.
People will sit here and bitch about scientists getting lost in tunnels while ignoring the cumulative impact of Scott's statement about humanity.
On top of that, it's really insulting that someone would consider liking a movie that they dont agree with as a troll attempt. I really though this community turned a leaf, but its pettiness like this that really gives unpleasant flashbacks to the Tyen/Trexxy era on the old boards.