Prometheus (Alien 0) - 1 Year Later


Golden Knight of the Realm
People who think its odd they destroyed the head, how come you don't think its odd the head is has not entered rigamortus?
I'm hoping you're not serious, but in the event that you actually are... You realize that rigor mortis isn't permanent right? Rigor is generally used as a tool for figuring out when someone died, as it sets in within 2-3 days and then passes in about the same time.


Buzzfeed Editor
I liked the first 30 minutes of this flick. Then when people actually had to start doing shit and making decisions, it just went downhill for me. I mean, every 'suspense' or 'horror' film needs some idiots, but everyone other than the cyborg dude was dumb as fuck(and even he wasn't too bright). Granted, I saw it on release weekend and haven't seen it again since. Maybe I owe it one more watch, but I don't think I can really justify spending more of my free time on it.
I pretty much agree. I was expecting awesome sci-fi and about the time the two scientists started petting the alien snake thing it became apparent that this was more B-horror than awesome sci-fi. The movie looks amazing, that just isn't enough for me.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Felt like an IDsoftware release but in movie form. All tech and flash but nothing much in story or cohesion.
Movie looked pretty! Shame thats all I came away with and I love the Alien franchise, but the 4th one. I will even watch AVP1 and this pile of garbage before Resurrection! It's that Mixbred thing some brainchild created I cant stand!


I mean, if I had an octopus come out of me, doubt i'd run around like that. Could have really been an epic movie and left us wondering. Instead they rushed through 80% of the movie.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
i think the movie suffered from one major flaw - disconnect between the plot and the theme. the plot, early on, draws great parallel to the theme (i.e. who is our god/creator and what do they want). So, they go look for them. And then, it quickly becomes Alienisque horror that wasn't a horror. It wasn't fucking scary, so it's effects were all lost on the viewer. In the end, there was no payoff to the set up (i.e. creator from the beginning) because we learned nothing about our creator's origin and what they wanted. All we know is that they wanted to kill us and we don't know why. We also don't know why half the shit that happened on the ship, apart from fucked up curiosity of a robot. Then, they showed fucking alien in the end for NO GOOD reason. They probably added that shit in the end, thinking, "hey, it would be cool to make this into a prequel of all alien movies. Let's do it."

The movie, on the other hand, was excellent. Visually, very crafted and entertaining. Flow of the plot was also ok. Executions were generally very good. Actors were so-so. Ships were cool and aliens looked okeh. Everything was fine.

And this is why this is a popcorn flick.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Very hard for a movie to be entertaining when the plot holes and logic of it are beyond retarded.


<Prior Amod>
There has to be some "givemes" when you're watching a movie, especially sci-fi movie. When someone says "the air is breatheable take off your helmets". You can't think OMG that's so stupid!, no you have to think, this is a movie, i don't think anyone wants to watch 6 bubble heads penguin about and i can't tell who is talking. This is why when RDJ is in the ironman suit, you get the in your face reality tv camera.

That's reason enough just to drop that one talking point... it's a movie.

BUt also since it is a movie, we have to take a cabin in the woods look at it as well. Joss whedon basically made a silly movie, outlining the "formula" for a horror movie, remote location, nothing to do, stuff and coincidence plays a big part, and you have the fool, virgin, whore, athlete, scholar. Play a bit of monkey throwing darts at a scenerio and you have a horror movie.

Pretty sure the same could be said about sci-fi movies, especially aliens, I like most am a child of the 80's so aliens is my scariest and most watched movie in my life. So maybe there's some nostalgia that we're all trying to fight when watchingprometheus. but someone go break down the sci-fi formula, i gotta go get the family breakfast...
i guess it's , humans are intrigued, make a boo-boo on first contact (hello facehugger), ppl revert to their primal natures (scared, immobile, commanding) and loose their shit, with the duty bound captain, fascinated scientist, red shirt helmsman, man/woman with a purpose, smart lower class/rank (maintainance/janitor) guy that knows whats going on and what to do but no one listens and dies second that prompts the systematic culling. (argh typed quickly gotta go buy food)


Buzzfeed Editor
Honestly, I was entertained by the movie, and it's a very effective movie--like Avatar. But it's not a great story, or a great movie. And it's not because of the plot holes. The fact is, almost every movie has plot holes, or the need to suspend belief in the complexity of how an event happened (TDK, for example). Alien and Aliens had irrationalities, plot holes AND people doing stupid shit. So why is it so easy to forgive them, while simultaneously rippingPrometheusa new liver?

Well, it's easier to distill down into an example. When the dumb bitch in Alien didn't just duck and let Parker fry it, we didn't get knocked out of the scene in disbelief--because the character was clearly established as someone that loses their nerve at the slightest hint of trouble. Kind of like the biologist in Prometheus--which is why it knocked us right out of the scene when he goes from being scared of an obviously dead body, to wanting to pet an obviously hostile space-penis-vagina.

And why did he pet the deadly penisvagina? Because the plot needed a monster, and without him making a decision that went completely against his established character--there would be no monster. Which is unlike the original Alien--where people died because they made bad decisions that while perhaps irrational, were expected in regards to the character...So the plot unfolded as a natural byproduct of characters making choices that were inline with their persona. While inPrometheusthe plot unfolded using characters as tools to get the plot to move along.

And that's the difference. In this the characters felt artificial. They were devices used by a story. And that's not the way real people work--real people make stories as a byproduct of their actions. Caesar didn't cross the Rubicon because some asshole wanted to tell an epic tale of a man trying to rise to Emperor, he crossed the Rubicon because it was the next logical step for him, given his past experiences and all the factors for/against him. The characters inPrometheusthough don't adhere even to their own logic (Again, it's OKAY if the choice is irrational, as long as it's rational in regards to what WE expect from the character)---instead their actions are dictated almost solely off of what's needed to make the next scene of the movie interesting (Hello black goo poisoning).


Buzzfeed Editor

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
What ruined it for me was the sheer amount of stupid shit the characters in the movie did, it's as if most of the characters were direct descendants of Merlin.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Honestly, I was entertained by the movie, and it's a very effective movie--like Avatar.
Avatar sucked fucking ass other than effects too. (Prometheusis actually better than Avatar, fuck that shit.)

Otherwise, interesting post!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I always thoughtPrometheuswas more similar to Game of Thrones rather than Avatar. There is definitely a storytelling element inPrometheusthat sets it apart from other scifi epics.


<Gold Donor>
I always thoughtPrometheuswas more similar to Game of Thrones rather than Avatar. There is definitely a storytelling element inPrometheusthat sets it apart from other scifi epics.
If there have ever been more troll'ish words typed on the internet, I have not seen them.

By storytelling element you mean letting someone's 4-year old daughter make plot decisions I assume. Think about it. Watch the movie, and pause it every time an important decision needs to be made. Try to think what a 4-year old would do. When you unpause, you won't be disappointed, and suddenly the movie becomes awesome!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider