This is an interesting discussion to have. I absolutely agree that there are differences in cultures that make some better or worse. For example, and I apologize for Godwin'ing this right off the bat, but would you say that German Nazi culture circa 1939 was "good" or "bad"? What about the culture endemic to tribal areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan today? You know, the ones that blow up archaeological treasures thousands of years old, treat women like cattle, and revel in the death of anyone who doesn't agree with every last bit of their religious beliefs.
I agree that it's not an easy or comfortable discussion to have, and a lot of it may well be thinly veiled racism, but in my mind there is no question that the cultures of some nations/regions are better than others, depending on how you define "better" (and that's a whole other argument unto itself).
I just don't accept that every culture is equal or even to be respected. Some are unquestionably wrong headed and straight up fucked, and we shouldn't be afraid to say so. Do you stone women to death for being raped? If you answer is yes, then your culture fucking sucks.