Mohamed Islam: What is meant by "a concept of history"?
Abdel Wahab El Messeri: Any human writing is not a reproduction of reality. Even a news report includes certain information and excludes others, based on a certain philosophical outlook of the writer. The same with history. When an historian writes the history of say, Ancient Egypt, ( or Modern America, or 19th Century Europe ), he has data that fills the city of Cairo. He will not publish all this information, for that would be an archive. The writer decides what to include and what to exclude. So he picks and chooses determined by his own philosophical back ground to construct a history
For example, a history of the USA from the standpoint of White Settlers will be completely different from one written by Native Americans. The latter may concentrate and elaborate on genocidal massacres. A white historian will start of with the Declaration of Independence, and ignore a thousand years of beautiful Native American history
MI: The concept of history depends on subjectivity and the world outlook of the historian. What different world outlooks are there? What is the Islamic view?
AWM: Lets look at a few different views:
Cyclical Views: History goes in cycles. So there is no meaning. Things happen in a cyclical, nonsensical, meaningless way. There is no God or purpose behind events. This is the Greek view. Nitschean view is also cyclical , it is the modern cyclical view. E.g. Sprangler.
Providential View: History completely guided by God: controlled by Him. That either a group or the human species is chosen by God. There is a chosen people with this view, eg. Judaism.. This is similar to the cyclical view in that there is no human input at all.
Secular Deterministic View: ( Hegalian, Marxist views ) History is propelled by non-human forces, economic motives.Frued: eros, sexual drives. Hagel: The idea of the absolute state. Conflicts within matter that manifests itself through human society.
In all three views the idea of the autonomous human individual who can choose, who is responsible, and who carries moral burdens disappears altogether in a variety of determinism either cyclical, materialism, or providential. In all three there is no freedom of the will.
MI: That brings us to the Islamic concept. Is there an Islamic concept? If so, how did it originate and develop?
There is an Islamic World Outlook, a philosophy, a concept of history. It is based on a basic duality. God created the world, but does not dwell in it. He is removed from it.He cares for it, and guides it, but is always beyond it : Transcendental ( Muazza ). It is not dualism but duality.
It is not God versus the world, but God beyond the world.We can interact with Him. God has granted us autonomy ( Fitra ) rights and drives. He has given us a mind to judge. He gave us a message, and a burden. We deserve to be the center of the universe. He left us free to choose, after giving us guidance, a covenant. He gave us all the tools. It is all up to us. He has given us history. History is the realm of freedom. We can save or damn ourselves...
MI: What do you mean by the movement of history?
According to the Islamic view it moves basically through the human will, not guided by laws of nature, but laws of God, and helped by nature, being an open book. From the secular materialistic point of view, history moves by some materialistic power, e.g. means of production, or the state moving history forward. The characteristic of all the materialistic ideas is that they all have an ending. So a secular messiah, e.g. Robespiere, Stalin, Hitler, Fukuyama, all claim, here is paradise, here is the end of history.
With Islam there is no end in history at all, except the day of judgment, which is outside history. In Judaism the day of judgment is within history. In Christianity the second coming is the end of history and is also within history.
In Islam there is no end in history. God is external to history, he guides history, but is not in it, he transcends it. In Islam history lasts forever, and within its realm man has freedom to choose.
This link also has a discussion of the differences between an Islamic syncretism of Supernatural and Natural versus the Western "secular materialism". Its way too long to post here. The debate within Islam has been all about rejection of the materialistic Western secularism for Islamic values that include acceptance of Allah as the primary mover of history. Its no different from the debates within Western society between the religious and the secular.