Puzzles and Dragons


Trakanon Raider
The more I play with this blue Odin & Isis team the more abusive it gets.

I have been farming the first stage in Junos Island this morning for the 1.5x drops. 7000+ exp for 14 stamina is a nice ratio.

I cleared it originally with a green Odin and AMA team. This takes forever...

God team just rolls over it sweeping the first 5 rounds. The stage 6-7 bosses are a bit trickier since they hit like trucks, but it is so satisfying killing the end CDK in a minute or two instead of a 15 min mindless matching session while poison kills it. I love how different team formations completely change how the game plays.


<WoW Guild Officer>
The more I play with this blue Odin & Isis team the more abusive it gets.

I have been farming the first stage in Junos Island this morning for the 1.5x drops. 7000+ exp for 14 stamina is a nice ratio.

I cleared it originally with a green Odin and AMA team. This takes forever...

God team just rolls over it sweeping the first 5 rounds. The stage 6-7 bosses are a bit trickier since they hit like trucks, but it is so satisfying killing the end CDK in a minute or two instead of a 15 min mindless matching session while poison kills it. I love how different team formations completely change how the game plays.
What's your line up for the god team (and levels)? I'm tempted to start friending some more BOdins and Isiseseses since I have both. I've got a Verche I can work on once I get my Amat to a palatable level (GOdin is there already at 6* and lvl50).


Trakanon Raider
What's your line up for the god team (and levels)? I'm tempted to start friending some more BOdins and Isiseseses since I have both. I've got a Verche I can work on once I get my Amat to a palatable level (GOdin is there already at 6* and lvl50).
You will probably start swearing if I show you.


Trakanon Raider
This is where all my exp goes at the moment...


I have been taking other blue Odins, Isis, and Horus for my ally leaders.


This shit can get hilariously destructive with a few good combos.


That bad, huh? It makes me super jealous. Also, mind if I ask why the Susano? I pulled one during the first Godfest and he doesn't seem particularly good to me, but I see lots of people using him. Is it just for the safety of his active?

Any of you have a team ready to take out Hera, should she pop up again? The forums tell me that a simple Zombie team can do it, so that's probably going to be my only shot. I've got no Viper, but I have more than a few Titans kicking around my box. I figure I should start getting the subs for my team prepped. I guess a pile of Demons is likely the way to go (I have no Hades/Neptune), with a Lillith thrown in for poison against the high HP bosses. I figure with Sorrows Ama, I could probably afford to evolve and level my Lillith quite a bit to increase the poison damage.


Trakanon Raider
That bad, huh? It makes me super jealous. Also, mind if I ask why the Susano? I pulled one during the first Godfest and he doesn't seem particularly good to me, but I see lots of people using him. Is it just for the safety of his active?

Any of you have a team ready to take out Hera, should she pop up again? The forums tell me that a simple Zombie team can do it, so that's probably going to be my only shot. I've got no Viper, but I have more than a few Titans kicking around my box. I figure I should start getting the subs for my team prepped. I guess a pile of Demons is likely the way to go (I have no Hades/Neptune), with a Lillith thrown in for poison against the high HP bosses. I figure with Sorrows Ama, I could probably afford to evolve and level my Lillith quite a bit to increase the poison damage.
I have been using Susano for the harder dungeons because his active skill is another safety net. 50% damage reduction for 5 turns is great when the bosses can hit for more than 15k+ and would 1 shot me. The only other green god that works well with my rainbow team for isis/horus activation is Bastet, where I take her for the AoE skill ability.

Hera wasn't too bad at all when she rolled around last time. I killed her twice with a resolve team but had to spend a few stones to get past the initial shitty trash mob stages. I didn't feel bad spending the cash on the stones though since it is a 100% drop. You aren't going to get the exact god you want from the rare machine from 1 pull.

Edit: The team I ran for Hera was a low level viper for my leader(titan would work also) with Velk's ama for my ally. My subs were a Siren, Lilith, and 2 light imps. The real trick was keeping my team hp low enough to make sure the healer ally was keeping me up high enough each round for the titan/viper/ogre skill to kick in. The first 5 waves are bullshit imps and mystic knights that will fuck your world up. Get past those first 5 and the next 5 waves are all single gods. With a resolve team you can't die then as long as you keep matching 3 orbs a turn. Poison and imps will do all the work for you. Make sure to have a few dvds around because the Hera fight will be 1-2 hours of bullshit matching.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Hoping to take her out. Any chance the gods will fall to a GO-AO combo, or do they hit hard enough through the GO shield?


Trakanon Raider
Hoping to take her out. Any chance the gods will fall to a GO-AO combo, or do they hit hard enough through the GO shield?
To beat her with the green odin team you need to get your total team hp above 16500hp to survive the hades round.

Odin/Ama together will be 6kish+ hp total if they are high level.

Fill your team with rainbow keepers and something with poison.


Molten Core Raider
I'd love to see Hera come around again...I'd like to farm some for raising my Heras' skill.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I hate having a crappy hodge-podge of gods that I can't really make a decent team out of. One of these days a Godfest is going to roll around that actually gets me the basis of a good team (yes, I know Horus is awesome when done right, but 90% of the time I am playing I just do not have the attention to rock a Horus team).

Darkdragon Vritra

Bastet is nice, but most of the time my ADK is better. Minerva and Vritra have their uses. Ra is crap.


Trakanon Raider
I hate having a crappy hodge-podge of gods that I can't really make a decent team out of. One of these days a Godfest is going to roll around that actually gets me the basis of a good team (yes, I know Horus is awesome when done right, but 90% of the time I am playing I just do not have the attention to rock a Horus team).

Darkdragon Vritra

Bastet is nice, but most of the time my ADK is better. Minerva and Vritra have their uses. Ra is crap.
I only take Horus for specific bosses and/or when I really want to pay attention and maximize damage.

Bastet as a leader is a piece of shit I've decided.

Isis is the sweet spot. 3x damage after making 3 different attack combos is actually very easy to get most of the time.


Molten Core Raider
I'd level my Isis up but Green Odin makes -every- fight so trivially easy and I've wasted so much stam on half-asleep mistakes with non-Odin as my leader that he is just my default for 90% of my fights. Haven't really come up to a fight he isn't good for yet.

I'm only rank 60 though.

Edit - I'd work on ranking up your Minerva, she seems pretty hot in the right builds. Bastet is cool for those 10 level long fights where AOE is king.


Taiko dungeon in japan is awesome...

Drops include 4 types of skillup fodder:
Heal for Alruane
Poison for Lilith
AE Attack for Minerva***
Shield for Susano

The AE attack is from Matchstick Man and Matchstick Man +

This guy at lvl 50 has 100HP and 1500atk and a 10turn AE attack same as minerva... I have 4 of them...

That means my zombie team subs have 500hp 7500dmg + AE skill on 10 turns. So using a titan(963hp max) and a StE (800hp @30) (orb changing yay) Gives you 2263 HP total at max level (your siren probably wont be maxed). Which requires 529 RCV which your siren as at lvl 30. Super Cheap farmable awesome zombie team? Thank you taiko dungeon. Hope you come to the US...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd level my Isis up but Green Odin makes -every- fight so trivially easy and I've wasted so much stam on half-asleep mistakes with non-Odin as my leader that he is just my default for 90% of my fights. Haven't really come up to a fight he isn't good for yet.

I'm only rank 60 though.

Edit - I'd work on ranking up your Minerva, she seems pretty hot in the right builds. Bastet is cool for those 10 level long fights where AOE is king.
Green Odin sucks when you get unlucky and a no damage horizontal 3 match in a top corner magically turns in to a 6 combo and you kill the last 2 guys in a wave while you are half health and trying to stall for timers and the next wave has 4 motherfuckers sitting there with a 1 timer.

Why yes, I did waste 50 stam on a Dark Sky Master attempt before bed last night, why do you ask?

Minerva is...a fancy ripper. She'll fill in for 2 resists and her nuke will do a touch more damage over time and she has slightly better stats than one of them. Honestly she's not a great leader since it's such an investment to get her up to there compared to a Ripper.

I've got the 4 accounts right now, but barely touching the Odin and Bastet accounts.

Odin is just so boring and grindy. I'm trying to level up there but God it's such a slog and I cant find any GD healers worth a fuck to even pair with. And have fuckall for damage because of team cost and the need to level shit up which requires grinding which is such a chore with the shitass damage I have available.

I actually enjoy the Bastet/Bastet teams. Little more thought required than normal. But I have a decent ADK team on my 2nd account, just feels like I'm wasting time with a mostly inferior version when I play Bastet.


Grimm, if you need a healer let me know, I have my 80+ amaterasu account mostly doing nothing...

Let me know your playtime and I can schedule to refresh for you as needed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Oh I just decided to see if I could do it with an Odin helper and my shitty whore Alraune. Didn't expect to win. Did it right before bed.

Big healers not doing me a ton of good until I get my stupid Rippers leveled up. And they are on the back burner right now as I get my red team set. I've got a few 700+ amats on the list. Just haven't put in the time on proper pairs to go with them.


Trakanon Raider
Oh I just decided to see if I could do it with an Odin helper and my shitty whore Alraune. Didn't expect to win. Did it right before bed.

Big healers not doing me a ton of good until I get my stupid Rippers leveled up. And they are on the back burner right now as I get my red team set. I've got a few 700+ amats on the list. Just haven't put in the time on proper pairs to go with them.
When I stalled out with my normal mode climb due to getting my ass beat I took a few weeks to power/evolve 1 of each color ripper to 5* and level 40.

Combined with a few healer ally friends it provided a nice stable to build teams around most of the specialized dungeons.

Then I started working on more specialized teams. You have to play towards whatever goals keep you entertained though.