Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
was clearing 2nd level of Castle of Satan normal on my pokey alt... and first mob is Dragon Knight... and he drops a MSK. Ok... second round is Vampire, carbuncle, knight... and Vampire drops with +ATK. Alllllright!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
was clearing 2nd level of Castle of Satan normal on my pokey alt... and first mob is Dragon Knight... and he drops a MSK. Ok... second round is Vampire, carbuncle, knight... and Vampire drops with +ATK. Alllllright!
Yeah, bullshit, I've burned every single stamina I've regenerated today on Castle of Satan and haven't seen shit.

Also, managed to get a second account going, but I've got some peculiar things going on -- all of the "new" cards, like Anubis and anything in the 500's shows up as blank for me on the second account. No artwork. Anyone heard of this and what might be causing it or how to fix it? Other than that, rerolling is a bitch. The white/dark rider first, fucking Peirdra second, and now Mochuzuki Chiyome, who wouldn't be bad, if she was a sub on my main account, but absolutely not worth having as a leader.


running for skillups is torture, running to get a 2nd or first is not too bad.

My JP account got first Ripper (green). Got Red Blue Black Knights.

I failed a 40stam taiko dungeon which I cleared before... I ran Horus/Isis and failed to activate horus one round on the boss and he activated his ultrakill move... 999 turns of huge dmg and he one shotted me. Only needed one more turn to win but wasnt worth the stone either way.



A Man Chooses....
This game sucks. I haven't got a single rare drop at level 50 other than an undine. I've done a billion mermaid feast runs and I have none. So annoying.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, bullshit, I've burned every single stamina I've regenerated today on Castle of Satan and haven't seen shit.

Also, managed to get a second account going, but I've got some peculiar things going on -- all of the "new" cards, like Anubis and anything in the 500's shows up as blank for me on the second account. No artwork. Anyone heard of this and what might be causing it or how to fix it? Other than that, rerolling is a bitch. The white/dark rider first, fucking Peirdra second, and now Mochuzuki Chiyome, who wouldn't be bad, if she was a sub on my main account, but absolutely not worth having as a leader.
Sounds like a caching problem - do you have 'data install' turned on ? Maybe try turning it off and see if that fixes it.


Rerolling is a pain...

Having a gimped account is a pain...
But once you get a decent starter and your first "team" its like butter... until you get to the "farming" phase where you don't progress... your waiting for godfests for ugrades for your team... and yeah :p


Rerolling is a pain...

Having a gimped account is a pain...
But once you get a decent starter and your first "team" its like butter... until you get to the "farming" phase where you don't progress... your waiting for godfests for ugrades for your team... and yeah :p

Taiko dungeon has a 2x Fire and Light damage leader.. with a "random damage to all" skill on 30 turn cooldown


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, I'm at the point where this information would be useful. 8 hours of downtime now when my stamina is capped. I saw a bunch of posts about the backup and saves awhile ago, but I dunno what you guys settled on for the easiest way to do it.
Sorry for late response, just got on.

On a rooted android device: Go get the "Ghost Commander" app.
From the home screen click "Root Mode". It might give you a warning, just accept and go ahead.

Click /data, and when it goes in there click /data again. You should now be navigated to the folder root:/data/data, might have a # on the end up top. Normal.

Scroll way down until you see the PAD folder. Titled "jp.gungho.padEN". Press and hold on this folder until options pop up. Click rename and tack something on the end of the folder name. jp.gungho.padEN.odin or something like that to identify it

Go to the app store and uninstall Puzzle & Dragons, then redownload/install it.

Now you have a fresh install. Can reroll etc until you get what you want. When you want to switch accounts just rename the current jp.gungho.padEN folder like before, and rename the one you want to play back to jp.gungho.padEN.

Now for the warning: If you look below the folder name and file names you will see something like "app_76" or the like. This is basically the "owner" of the app as far as the device is concerned. It has to match up for both folders or this will not work. The "app_76" is assigned by the order you installed the app. As long as you have the same number of apps installed "before" re-installing PAD it will match up. I messed this up once when I uninstalled Draw Something before installed PAD, and it was assigned the # that Draw was in. Just had to uninstall again and add something else to fill that slot before installing PAD again.

That's it. Can do as many times as you want, it's just renaming a folder really. I typed it out step by step just so we can refer to it any time. Main bonus to doing it this way instead of the previously laid out way is you bypass the brutally tedious step of manually applying the same "owner" to every single file in the folder by hand.

Click spoiler to see what it looks like with 4 accounts.

edit: Oh, for rerolling don't do the "Manage Applications > clear data" thing. That makes you install the updates every single time. Instead in Ghost Commander go in to the jp.gungho.padEN folder, then to "files". Find data048.bin, long press for options, and delete it. Then when you start PAD up it will ask you to start from scratch again but you won't have to download/install the 141 updated files.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Supposedly the schedule for the mystic knights.


Gonna work on getting a red one on my main I guess. Be nice to have another swapper.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hate to jinx it, but my luck with mystic knights has been great. Just got fire fucker on my first run of King's Protectors(I was on the shitter and didn't wanna look up which tech was fire).

So like 5 knights in 15 dungeons between normal and tech.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Spent all day blowing stamina on normal Satan, finally got a blue and then a green right before I went to bed. Just so happen to have blue and green Pengdras around, so now they're 4 stars. Remember me getting trolled looking for a Divine Indigo for Hades and got a Mystic instead? Shit's starting to work out!

And jesus, good fucking thing you posted that schedule. I'd be fucking pissed if I kept running 1, 4 and 5 and ended up with duplicates with my drop rate.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't think that word means what you think it means
Fickle fate has since reached out to slap me with his cock. Bunch more runs, zero knights.

I'd be happier if I the GD MSK would drop on my Odin account. Really need something I can farm with there, has fuck all for helpers. Seriously using him, a spear guy(unevolved) and a bunch of random ogres and lits and shit. It's pathetisad.



Golden Knight of the Realm
It could be worse. Today I said screw the knights (as others have said, trying to skill them up with these rates would be insane). Instead I ran Oceanus Falls twice for marine goblins - none. Ran Sea Cave Mercury a couple times - none. Ok, well Polar Night Tower has x1.5 drop rate, so I run that a few times - none. Entire stamina bar down the drain farming marine goblins, and not only do I get no skill-ups (as expected) I get ZERO DROPS!!


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Castle of Satan is 1.5x drop rate today. I mean, 1.5x0 is still 0, but hey...


Need some bros to carry me through castle of satan today

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