Puzzles and Dragons


Molten Core Raider
This makes me sad.... 4 stones for master dark sky...
Aye, not doing that again - got the rare egg from the dragon boss, and apparently cool new technicals are coming out. Guess I should focus on leveling up some rippers. Hate spending sta on low level dungeons that don't seem to drop evo mats -.-


Trakanon Raider
well I'm looking forward to just grinding the CoS technicals for knights for a week. I have 22 dragon plants for the week for jewels which will definitely begin to get some good levels on the team I use most, and probably just bite the bullet and finish the last 30k on my white ripper. Is Light Master doable with a 4* ripper and sorrows or velks ama?


Trakanon Raider
You can do it with a 4* ripper but it will be dicey. Make sure you take a siren for heal orbs and some form of 5* ripper or mech dragon to sweep shitty imp rounds.


Trakanon Raider
I have Red Blue Black Rippers, Siren (max Skill), Odin to fill the team I just wondered if the resist count would be enough. And a 7* Neptune I figure maybe I try to get the ripper evolved before it disappears to get the stone.


Trakanon Raider
well I'm looking forward to just grinding the CoS technicals for knights for a week. I have 22 dragon plants for the week for jewels which will definitely begin to get some good levels on the team I use most, and probably just bite the bullet and finish the last 30k on my white ripper. Is Light Master doable with a 4* ripper and sorrows or velks ama?
Yes, I did it with a 4*/ama on my adk account because I found I'd accidentally sold my 5* light ripper. Light master boss doesn't hit very hard, you are in more danger from the trash waves.

Don't do this with dark master - he hits a lot harder. I was annoyed to find that dps leader/ama didn't cover healing even on expert ( still won, but it was very close ).


Trakanon Raider
Welp easter event start is live - the pal eggs are far more generous than they were for the pal launch, 67 pal pulls returned 13 king dragons and 2 super kings.

The knights in castle of satan don't seem to be in yet though, or at least they are too rare to be practical, did all the levels of castle of satan technical with no appearances.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The knights in castle of satan don't seem to be in yet though, or at least they are too rare to be practical, did all the levels of castle of satan technical with no appearances.
Random is random. Got MSK on 3rd run of Witch's Ball(2nd stage of normal Satan). Gonna run the shit out of this because I want me some Liliths and Echidnas as well so why not? Gonna be fun for the weekend with 1.5% drop.

Probably take time aside on the main account to finish Satan Tech though, 2 stages to go.

Got Horus evolved and level 30ish. Still waffling about the rest of the team=P

edit: MSK 1st run on same level with another account. Guess each floor has a chance of a different one.

And another on next run. So 3 in 7.


Trakanon Raider
Random is random. Got MSK on 3rd run of Witch's Ball(2nd stage of normal Satan). Gonna run the shit out of this because I want me some Liliths and Echidnas as well so why not? Gonna be fun for the weekend with 1.5% drop.
Yeah, looks like I was wrong about this one, was expecting something like ADK dungeon where it was a common appearance rare drop, but it seems to be rare appearance 100% drop.
After a bit of farming it's:

Castle Gate - white knight
Witches Ball - green knight
Cage of the Beast - blue knight
King's Protectors - red knight
King of Darkness - black knight

Torn about what to farm to be honest - seems wasteful not to farm red or blue given they don't have their own dungeons, but adk seems more useful, hmm choices, choices.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So one of my tech dungeons (Aither Desert) has a blue background on the title instead of the usual green. Any idea what this means? It was green yesterday!

Need like 5 mythlits, and just accidently sold one with all my crappy dark lits. WHY WHY WHY.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So odd. I ran one of the blue background Aither Desert, but then was out of stam. By the time I had enough to run again, it was green again. Nothing happened the one I did run, but I feel like I just missed out on something.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Can one of you monster Amat guys toss one up for a while? Gonna use 50 stam to burn through master sky dragon and rank up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So odd. I ran one of the blue background Aither Desert, but then was out of stam. By the time I had enough to run again, it was green again. Nothing happened the one I did run, but I feel like I just missed out on something.
Blue is supposed to be for the conditional techs, the ones starting after Talos' Desert I think. Where they have conditions like no leader skills, or only green characters allowed but no green orbs show up.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Went 0-3 after that run.

Just fought MDK on 3rd level of Satan in the Abyss. Hopefully I don't fuck up the last fight again...
Still got a technical and a half to grind thru before I can get to Satan in the Abyss. I'd do it, but if shit's dropping outta normal satan at a somewhat reasonable rate, it seems more prudent to spend the stamina there.

Man, I'd be pretty happy with this game if I had a couple swordsmen to fill out my teams.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I see a lot of you have multiple accounts. Is that just so you can use your good cards on your main account? What benefits are there (and how do you manage them... switching IDs?)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Benefit is mostly just having a spare(or 3) to run when stamina is out on your main account. And/or to have a very differently built team after rerolling some. Sunday when the Godfest is running would be a good time to make a 2nd account and do some rerolling.

If you play on a rooted Android device I can tell you how to make and swap accounts easy. Otherwise I'm clueless.
================================================== =====================================

So on the main account I finished Tech Satan, no more knights. Now I'm waffling about what to run.

Witches' Ball you have a chance at the 2 healer chicks(need a Lilith still, and some nagas for skill ups would be baller), MSK, and Vampire(just got one for the first time, more for skill ups would be baller=P).

Tech Satan's you get more gold(whatevs) and way better leveling mats(Pengs/Chims/Ogres, Demons if you do 5th one).

No idea if either one is more likely to spawn knights, some people said Techs but my anecdotal evidence says otherwise.