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If you watch The Thing you gotta watch

The horror part of The Thing is, by far, the least interesting thing about the movie. The part of The Thing that sets it apart from any lesser "horror" movie, that I have ever seen, is that it is about a bunch of guys faced with a real threat that can imitate them and the suspense through paranoia; looking up those other two movies doesn't lead me to think they are anything alike.

I think I even tried to watch The Mouth of Madness and quit after 30 minutes, I guess I'm not a big fan of the decent into insanity Lovecraftian shit when it isn't in space, like Event Horizon. Plus for my Event Horizon first watch, I knew nothing about Lovecraft, other than hearing his name in passing, so there was no Deep Ones or Cosmic Horror references to influence my watching.

I can't really say I like a single movie that Carpenter wrote himself that I would watch more than once (of the 3 that I have seen). That said, Prince of Darkness kinda looks interesting, as I did like Warlock 1 & 2, even though they aren't masterpieces that can be watched over and over again, like the 3 movies I listed about.
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Sanrith Descartes

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The horror part of The Thing is, by far, the least interesting thing about the movie. The part of The Thing that sets it apart from any lesser "horror" movie, that I have ever seen, is that it is about a bunch of guys faced with a real threat that can imitate them and the suspense through paranoia; looking up those other two movies doesn't lead me to think they are anything alike.

I think I even tried to watch The Mouth of Madness and quit after 30 minutes, I guess I'm not a big fan of the decent into insanity Lovecraftian shit when it isn't in space, like Event Horizon. Plus for my Event Horizon first watch, I knew nothing about Lovecraft, other than hearing his name in passing, so there was no Deep Ones or Cosmic Horror references to influence my watching.

I can't really say I like a single movie that Carpenter wrote himself that I would watch more than once (of the 3 that I have seen). That said, Prince of Darkness kinda looks interesting, as I did like Warlock 1 & 2, even though they aren't masterpieces that can be watched over and over again, like the 3 movies I listed about.
Assault on Precinct 13 was pretty good back in the day. Haven't seen it in a while to see how it holds up. Its a low budget film so now amazing CGI 9or any CGI for that matter) but it was pretty tight on suspense iirc. PS.. not that shitty remake.



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The horror part of The Thing is, by far, the least interesting thing about the movie. The part of The Thing that sets it apart from any lesser "horror" movie, that I have ever seen, is that it is about a bunch of guys faced with a real threat that can imitate them and the suspense through paranoia; looking up those other two movies doesn't lead me to think they are anything alike.

I think I even tried to watch The Mouth of Madness and quit after 30 minutes, I guess I'm not a big fan of the decent into insanity Lovecraftian shit when it isn't in space, like Event Horizon. Plus for my Event Horizon first watch, I knew nothing about Lovecraft, other than hearing his name in passing, so there was no Deep Ones or Cosmic Horror references to influence my watching.

I can't really say I like a single movie that Carpenter wrote himself that I would watch more than once (of the 3 that I have seen). That said, Prince of Darkness kinda looks interesting, as I did like Warlock 1 & 2, even though they aren't masterpieces that can be watched over and over again, like the 3 movies I listed about.
Uh Assault on Preceint 13, Halloween, They Live, The Fog, Escape from New York, Halloween 3. Dudes one of the all time greats.

Sanrith Descartes

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Uh Assault on Preceint 13, Halloween, They Live, The Fog, Escape from New York, Halloween 3. Dudes one of the all time greats.
I forgot "They Live". God that move is great. The alley fight scene with Rowdy Roddy and David Keith is A+ entertainment.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I've seen They Live and the Snake Plissken movies. They were alright for 1 or 2 watches, when I was a teen, but have zero desire to watch them again.

Edit: I feel like I may have liked Halloween as a teen or young adult too, but it doesn't look very interesting to me at this time. Same deal with looking over Assault on Precinct 13, which I'm probably wrong about, but the stills of the movie on IMDB look like max cheese on a movie formula I have seen in 10 other movies.
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Sanrith Descartes

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Same deal with looking over Assault on Precinct 13, which I'm probably wrong about, but the stills of the movie on IMDB look like max cheese on a movie formula I have seen in 10 other movies.
Probably so, the truth is though he invented the formula and this is the original version of it.