Red Dead Redemption 2


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
So just checked out my settings, XBone and 1080P no HDR. Do these settings even exist for me? I didn't see them anywhere.


FPS noob
HDR settings are on your xbox one under Settings (gear icon), Display & Sound, Video Output, Video Modes, Allow HDR10 on the right side. There is no HDR on/off inside RDR 2. If you turn HDR10 on, RDR 2 changes the Brightness Calibration setting in Display to HDR Calibration which can be between 100-300 and recommends 300 for OLED. Brightness Calibration (HDR off) has no number just like 15 different bar settings.

I played around a little bit today like Ut, if you turn HDR on/off you have to restart RDR2 to toggle the brightness config setting. Its clearly a bug, if you leave RDR 2 running and then turn HDR10 OFF it looks much better.

Go setup a camp fire in the middle of some grass in the daytime and see what the image looks like. If it looks like the first image, you are fine. If it looks like the second image you probably wanna turn HDR off and reset the brightness to 100 (from 300):

tl;dr: for now, turn HDR off on your console if you play RDR2. Sucks but hopefully should be an easy and quick patch.

HDR OFF (sdr), you can see things are nice and bright:

HDR ON, things look washed out (the poster on reddit who made these tried 100 and 300 they both looked bad):
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Reproducing HDR via screenshots or photos doesn't really work, but that is pretty much the same thing I'm seeing on the PS4 pro. Turning up the calibration all the way improves things a lot but things are too bright as a consequence.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I actually went in with hdr enabled. After I loaded in, I went back to settings on my Xbox and disabled hdr10. Went back in the game and was blown away with how much better it looked. And for some reason it also looked more crisp and the textures weren’t muddy either.

Is a night and day difference.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Looks like Rockstar knows about it. Should be fixed in an upcoming patch. In the meantime I thought the game looked good but then disabled hdr on my X while not rebooting the game, went in and wow.

Give it a shot just to see the results.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
HDR settings are on your xbox one under Settings (gear icon), Display & Sound, Video Output, Video Modes, Allow HDR10 on the right side. There is no HDR on/off inside RDR 2. If you turn HDR10 on, RDR 2 changes the Brightness Calibration setting in Display to HDR Calibration which can be between 100-300 and recommends 300 for OLED. Brightness Calibration (HDR off) has no number just like 15 different bar settings.

I played around a little bit today like Ut, if you turn HDR on/off you have to restart RDR2 to toggle the brightness config setting. Its clearly a bug, if you leave RDR 2 running and then turn HDR10 OFF it looks much better.

Go setup a camp fire in the middle of some grass in the daytime and see what the image looks like. If it looks like the first image, you are fine. If it looks like the second image you probably wanna turn HDR off and reset the brightness to 100 (from 300):

tl;dr: for now, turn HDR off on your console if you play RDR2. Sucks but hopefully should be an easy and quick patch.

HDR OFF (sdr), you can see things are nice and bright:

HDR ON, things look washed out (the poster on reddit who made these tried 100 and 300 they both looked bad):
While the top image looks more clear, the bottom looks far more realistic. To me, at least, when viewing from my Galaxy S8+ phone. I'm sure it's a personal take and appreciate the ability to switch between the two, I, personally, prefer that bottom image. Obviously this can change drastically depending on the TV you have. I'm playing from my older Samsung with a complete customized and calibrated color profile. To me, HDR turned on looks better. Using the base 100 HDR setting on Xbox.


NeoGaf Donator
Anyone else run into

the serial killer thing? Is there a quest behind that or is it just a True Detective homage?


FoH nuclear response team
It's definitely something with the game. Destiny 2 has the same problem, it fucks up upon login and is unusable until you turn it off, restart the game and then turn it on once you're back in game.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
While the top image looks more clear, the bottom looks far more realistic. To me, at least, when viewing from my Galaxy S8+ phone. I'm sure it's a personal take and appreciate the ability to switch between the two, I, personally, prefer that bottom image. Obviously this can change drastically depending on the TV you have. I'm playing from my older Samsung with a complete customized and calibrated color profile. To me, HDR turned on looks better. Using the base 100 HDR setting on Xbox.

Yep it's going to be more subjective based on personal preference and your display. For me, Color saturation and deeper blacks non washed out is a must. Same thing happened to me though on my Dell 27" GSync I bought. Out of the box it looked horribly washed out - adjusted some settings and it almost looks as good as an IPS HDR display now.

Funny thing is I kind of noticed it when playing but it still looked good because I didn't know any better. But almost bigger than the color saturation and non washed out display, was the sharpness. For whatever reason, straight HDR on to turning it off and coming back into the game, got rid of the muddy textures. It's so much sharper.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Do any of you actually like the repeaters? The Volcano Pistol is my jam.

But I recently got a really good mauser type pistol off of some quest. Sad days as I like the style of it.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone else run into

the serial killer thing? Is there a quest behind that or is it just a True Detective homage?

It's a quest, only found 1 clue so far, not sure how many there are though. It was a map piece in the head of the victim.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Do any of you actually like the repeaters? The Volcano Pistol is my jam.

But I recently got a really good mauser type pistol off of some quest. Sad days as I like the style of it.

I like dual wielding the Volcano Pistol and the Scofield Revolver. I fully customized both, Pearl handle, All the metal black, except for the Trigger and Hammer in Silver with Full Baroque engraving in Silver, and a Scorpion on the handle. They both look awesome. :)


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So does smoking a premium cigarette pack give you a cigarette card or do you just have to find them randomly?

