Got something right about marriage
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He actually did post pictures of himself. Or was that Treehorn? I can't remember.I'm enjoying Jive Turkey constantly calling for pics, while simultaneously providing none of his own.
He actually did post pictures of himself. Or was that Treehorn? I can't remember.I'm enjoying Jive Turkey constantly calling for pics, while simultaneously providing none of his own.
She wasn't an alpha dude. She was a psycho.Oh. Dominated by wives. My gf has a friend that has just whipped her husband at this point. My ex tried to break me then figured out I wouldn't and it just got fucking explosive. Not Ray rice. But I can say I had a gun pulled on me for calling her a worthless whore cunt.
We haven't even started to discuss RP women. That's a whole other aspect of this. Women evaluate quality of "captains" and shit. I'm pretty sure Ant would fail that one. I think my current gf acts like that. She tends toward support at all costs. It's refreshing after being married to a strong type A that lived for the fight I'd bring. Eventually you just want to shut her up. I will say that fights with my "alpha female" ex resulted in some of the hottest and ferocious sex ever.
You have serious mental problems. So insecure about yourself and your past you have to steal other mens women to satisfy those fucked up delusions in your head.I treat all women the same, sometimes they're in a relationship. I don't go out of my way to find them, if anything it almost feels like they seek me out. Have you ever seen shame? The scene where the woman takes off her ring? It's kind of like that. I'm open and honest and broadcast what I'm about. It's like a moth to a flame.
It wasn't jizz turkey.He actually did post pictures of himself. Or was that Treehorn? I can't remember.
I posted a picture of myself. Dumar won't do the same. He just says "I'm not fat" in reply. I actually believe far more of Antarius's tales than I do Dumar's. Dumar I think is doing an internet Walter Mitty show.He actually did post pictures of himself. Or was that Treehorn? I can't remember.
Alpha male description isn't even fucking relevant to humans anymore.This is completely incorrect in regard to humans. Dominant sure, but you can have dominant (assertive is the better word) tendencies without being a dick and waving it around in front of everyone. True alphas don't exhibit that kind of insecure behavior.
Yes it is. And it always will be. Unless you want to explain to behavioral science your opinion on the matter.Alpha male description isn't even fucking relevant to humans anymore.
Well done for figuring out how to get more sex. Now for the love of God, stop with the zealous, self serving, pseudo-scientific misogynistic bullshit. Woman, like men, are complicated and varied people and you are a fucking idiot if you think you have gone from overweight nerd to "figured out 50% of the people on earth" with this RP crap.It wasn't jizz turkey.
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I know that a lot of people on this forum are fans of nate silver's site. Facts... prove redpill's theories. Just like he accurately predicts elections and sporting events, even though everyone says it's not possible, 538 is THE website for predicting the unpredictable. (He got paid over a million dollars in the publishing deal for dataclysm)
You can say a million things about how things SHOULD be, or that a woman theoretically would be better with an orbiter... but that's not true, that's not what they want.
I, for one, hope therationalmale updates his SMV chart to reflect the reality of the world, even though his prediction was "close" the reality is even worse than he predicted.
It isn't because there are so many character traits and random variables that can make someone successful. who is more Alpha Bill Gates or Buffet? The term is meaningless. It's still needed by insecure people like you to feel dominant over others. As mkopec said, "alpha" traits that make males successful in the wild have widely become irrelevant.Yes it is. And it always will be. Unless you want to explain to behavioral science your opinion on the matter.
Yeah, I mean...if anything, bringing your fresh kill to the doorstep of your love interest actually gets you in hot water these days. Learned that the hard way.As mkopec said, "alpha" traits that make males successful in the wild have widely become irrelevant.
Did you caulk all its crevasses beforehand?Yeah, I mean...if anything, bringing your fresh kill to the doorstep of your love interest actually gets you in hot water these days. Learned that the hard way.
We can define alpha in a way that fits for all time periods -- by definition, an alpha would figure out what's needed and develop the required skill set. Would the alpha rebel bike gang leader necessarily behave the same way as the alpha archaeologist at a conference? No -- but would we see a common trend of traits? Probably.As mkopec said, "alpha" traits that make males successful in the wild have widely become irrelevant.
Successful then. Call it a successful male not an "alpha". It is just using more stupid RP terminology to describe things.I've always associated alpha with the capability to affect one's environment. An alpha male figures out: A) what he wants, B) how to get it, and C) usually gets it. The other "categories" of people to varying degrees have less success with that process.
Actually no, they wont. They will have many of the same character traits. And successful and alpha are not mutually exclusive. There is a lot of unsuccessful alpha types as well as very successful beta types and vice-verse. Success does not mean shit as far as alpha/beta goes. Looks are not exclusive to alpha/beta. You could be and ugly ass mo-fo but still be the dominant one in a group. You could also look like Dicaprio and be beta as fuck.Successful then. Call it a successful male not an "alpha". It is just using more stupid RP terminology to describe things.
It is the whole point I am trying to make. An "alpha" research geneticist is going to have vastly different character traits and skills than an "alpha" wall streeter.
RP "alphas" are as much as an alpha as Taylor Lautner is really an alpha werewolf in real life.I think the RP alpha is a lot more of "acting" like you are successful in life and a "don't give a fuck" type of person, even when you deliver pizzas and you have to park your Yugo around the block so she doesn't see it.
Actually it appears hard for you to grasp. The ethological of an alpha male is the individual with the highest rank within a community.Actually no, they wont. They will have many of the same character traits. And successful and alpha are not mutually exclusive. There is a lot of unsuccessful alpha types as well as very successful beta types and vice-verse. Success does not mean shit as far as alpha/beta goes. Looks are not exclusive to alpha/beta. You could be and ugly ass mo-fo but still be the dominant one in a group. You could also look like Dicaprio and be beta as fuck.
Alpha is just the most dominant in a group of people. He might be the biggest loser of them all success wise, but still can dominate all of them. Is this alpha/beta shit so hard to grasp for some of you?