Reddit is on fire


The Big Mod
also never take anything SRS says seriously. It was taken over a few years ago by somethingawful members, who are sort of uber-trolls. They push the SJW agenda hard, even though they are all neckbeards who would piss on a tranny for laughs. They basically try to get real SJWs to say the stupidest shit possible, and troll racists/redpill/MRAs/etc non stop. They're like what would happen on the internet if tanoomba and keg had 100 babies.
where'd you hear this


Buzzfeed Editor
also never take anything SRS says seriously. It was taken over a few years ago by somethingawful members, who are sort of uber-trolls. They push the SJW agenda hard, even though they are all neckbeards who would piss on a tranny for laughs. They basically try to get real SJWs to say the stupidest shit possible, and troll racists/redpill/MRAs/etc non stop. They're like what would happen on the internet if tanoomba and keg had 100 babies.
They are extremely effective trolls that were able to get the Admins themselves to be the ones to buy into the SJW shtick (Though, I'm not convinced it's a shtick--I think it's more like Harper's "new calling"), and the Admins let them have a lot of leeway they don't allow other forums. They use that relationship to push stuff they know will cause the community to go nuts, which currently is this SJW bullshit.


<Prior Amod>
If she was getting paid to do it and didn't even get 2 weeks notice that really sucks and just shows Kung Pao and her SJW brigade is worthless.
she was the Director of Communications, not just some mod or admin, also this is how she handled big name AMA's

The answers were verbatim from them. Not altered at all. I happen to type at the speed of light : ) Our goal as reddit admins is to ensure that all AMAs as close to instantaneous as possible-and that's part of my awesome job.

Taylor went on to explain that, while admins may be the typists, the celebrities are not divorced from the AMAs at all.

I typically walk everyone through what reddit is (if they don't already know) and then they start going through questions. Literally once you start a thread, it can go absolutely crazy with hundreds of questions coming in at once, so just trying to ensure that people don't feel overwhelmed. They're typically in the same room.

On a related note, one of the things I'm most proud of is getting people who participate in AMAs as truly, tangibly excited about reddit as I am. The "before" and "after" an AMA can really be incredible. Oftentimes people are apprehensive before starting an AMA; they don't know what to expect or who's out there, and then afterwards they are incredibly excited about it and want to come back. So I'd like to think that's a good thing.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This revolt is so large that it has to be seen as the last warning reddit will get from its users.

The only thing left after this point is mass exodus of users.

Will be interesting to see how the corporate people react to the prospect of all the money they hoped to make off reddit going up in smoke.


This revolt is so large that it has to be seen as the last warning reddit will get from its users.

The only thing left after this point is mass exodus of users.

Will be interesting to see how the corporate people react to the prospect of all the money they hoped to make off reddit going up in smoke.
There is nowhere to have an exodus to. Reddit was already around when Digg shit itself. There's no real alternative to Reddit at the moment.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This Jesse Jackson rumor really seems to be the thing everyone's grabbing on to. Seems pretty unlikely to me. I don't get how Jesse Jackson's meltdown could be remotely considered an termination worthy offense. This Jesse Jackson AMA meltdown wasn't even a distant blip on my normal news browsing until the firing.


<Prior Amod>
they tried to get ppl to get onto when PAO went crazy, but that just fucks over voat's servers cuz they can never handle the traffic, so fuck it, back to reddit.


Buzzfeed Editor
This Jesse Jackson rumor really seems to be the thing everyone's grabbing on to. Seems pretty unlikely to me. I don't get how Jesse Jackson's meltdown could be remotely considered an termination worthy offense. This Jesse Jackson AMA meltdown wasn't even a distant blip on my normal news browsing until the firing.
Yeah, I doubt it's Jackson, Jackson might have been an example of why investors would not be comfortable with this form of AMA any longer (IE more open.)...But the reality is, Reddit's AMA's have had the president and world leaders and scientists ect. It's been something amazingly strong for them, perhaps one of their strongest features--it's certainly why a lot of people frequent. To fire the person that has done such a great job is just a colossal fuck up, especially in that it was handled in such a way as to pull the rug out of several big forums setting up their AMA's.

Like it's clear Pao has no tact, or ability to handle a community...She is a shark, it's what she is good at; I've known quite a few of them. They are the last people in the world you want in charge of a place where you need to service millions of outspoken people. Because Pao is the type, from everything I read from her trial? Who would burn an entire company down if it meant she could have the satisfaction of firing someone who talked back to her. And that kind of attitude just won't fly when you rely on millions of people to do free content work.


FPS noob
where'd you hear this
the history of SRS, you can google around and find it pretty easy. Dig around the SA general bullshit and FYAD archives from 2007 and you can find the beginnings of the reddit raids


also this



A Mod Real Quick
I don't think anything related to Jesse Jackson would get her fired. All you had to do was read the Woody Harrelson AMA to know how shitty they can get if the person being asked just ignores shit.

Reddit is going to kill itself, what a shame. I spend my whole workday on reddit.


I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
some of the subreddits are reopening, like r/pics and r/science


Admins said they were sorry and they'll try to not be such jerks in the future. They will create new tools for mods to help facilitate communication with admins. A lot of the big subs will probably stop the blackout since that's what they were looking for. Maybe a few will stay private for 24 hours just for the extra fuck you.

I was a big user of Digg right when it destroyed itself. It will be interesting to see of Reddit can avoid making the same mistakes or if it's just going to slowly bleed to death. Is this the third cluster fuck in the last month? Either way I'm entertained.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I missed this latest clusterfuck, but if anything is going to kill reddit for me now, then it's their new crappy search layout. Fuck this shit!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Reddit has an upset, Voat collapses under traffic from people trying to sign up. I wasn't on Digg or Reddit at the time, but I understand Reddit had tons of downtime for the same reason when Digg collapsed. There's a tipping point and you don't know where until you've passed it.

FPH doing well on Voat at least, it's getting lots of new users
What did they do this time? | announcements

Main post below since the site is up and down atm:

What did they do this time? (self.announcements)

submitted 9 hours ago by Atko

Voat is currently getting hit with a huge amount of traffic as a direct result of recent changes happening over at that other place.

Everyone, we?re sorry. We?re both sad to see what we once loved change in this manner, but we?re also excited about the future, but our future won't be traveling down this same path.

We won?t be getting any sleep tonight (again) and we are doing everything we can to handle the traffic.

Our budget is limited but we?ll make sure to fight to the last penny in order to keep Voat alive for this community. If you want to donate, well, now is the time. Our bitcoin address is 1C4Q1RvUb3bzk4aaLVgGccnSnaHYFdESzY.
More power to these guys for doing this. I just find it funny that more people will band together over a reddit admin, than will worry about any of the fucked up shit going on in merica/world right now.



I didn't see how terrible Jesse Jackson's AMA was, but I figured it was a front (or reddit misdiagnosis) for something else but people were blaming that for the firing. I know other notable sinking ship AMA's include Martin O'Malley and Woody Harrelson's Rampart where they just blew up into a clusterfuck of questions. Also, wasn't there a notable fake Morgan Freeman AMA?