Reddit is on fire


<Silver Donator>
Why doesn't Reddit just force these subeddits open? It seems like a simple fix.
Because to do that, they have to remove all the mods, and then they actually need to replace them and keep that shit moderated or it'll be a massive mess that will end up on the front page, which will just make things even worse than they are now. At least now the front page isn't too bad(at least when I checked earlier), it's still a bunch of cats/dogs pictures and a few memes about Victoria and what not.

Edit: Though it seems a bunch of them came back on their own anyway. Frontpage is kinda spammed with that stuff though.


Buzzfeed Editor
Why the fuck would any company hire this person after that?
The whole trial was hilarious. Most of her points were beyond absurd; like for example she called it sexual misconduct when a partner rubbed her back to calm her down aftershe was hit by a car. In addition, she got all negative performance reviews, and was struggling in the company--however, the year where they were supposedly "retaliating" against her for filing her complaint? She got a150k bonus and a 40k increase in salary(She was making half a million a year, so it was about an 8% bump). She claims she was passed over for "senior partner", while three male colleagues were not, and that was because of her gender. But in reality, it was shown those three men had previous experience before coming to the firm, and had worked in the field much longer, and at the company longer. (Pao, by contrast, came to the company with 0 experience in VC and wanted to be a partner within 5 years.)

That and there were some seriously fucked up abnormalities in her claim. First, the relationship she admits was strictly consensual; it only went south because the guy refused to leave his wife. After though, during the time he was "retaliating", they showed friendly emails and texts and again, she was given a 150k bonus. When she brought her complaint up? KP hired her an investigator, took the partner she had the affair with bonus away (Punishing him), and offered to increase the punitive measures depending on what the investigator found. However, she immediately withdrew her complaint, and then threatened to file suit unless they paid her 10 million dollars. They refused but were willing to let her continue working as the suit was in progress. She then began causing disruptions in the company until they finally fired her (But offered her a years salary and other large benefits.)

When testimony began coming out, nearly all of her co-workers called her a sociopathic bitch, just an extreme narcissist who couldn't accept she was screwing up. She would regularly degrade and berate her fellow female employees and accuse the men of "talking down to her" (When they were trying to correct mistakes she was making--again, she had ZERO experience. Shew as hired mainly because of her impressive academic record.)...And these comments were nearly universal. In the end, she had spent 2-3 years collecting EVERY document she could, saving every text and email, ect, before she made her complaint--but none of them show any misconduct. It was pretty obvious, by how she withdrew her complaint when her company bent over backwards to remedy it? That her intention was a shake down because she was screwing up at the firm. The trial lawyer for KP illustrated that in such an entertaining way that it was almost humorous to watch (Pao really did come off as a narcissistic, petulant asshole; which granted isn't too abnormal in VC, but she was exceptional even among her peers in this regard.)

Anyway, she gets "hired" at Reddit with the rumors Spronk mentioned--she is backed by different VC firm, who invested in Reddit. In essence, they probably gave her the CEO because she has a law degree and MBA and they want to do what Digg did and separate Reddit from the "problematic users" (Change the front page to published news stories, rather than user submitted content, eventually) so they can sell it...AND because they want to support her while she was filing suit against their rival. (Which, event though she is still bad PR for them. It's why she's appealing even though KP said they'd waive her paying their legal fees if she'd just stop.)


Buzzfeed Editor
Oh and...makes sense. Victoria and Redditgifts admin were two of the last "community" admins who had started from the community. This jives with the rumors that she's been bringing in mostly marketing personnel to change the community and make it more investment friendly. (Which again, is essentially what Digg did...users cause problems that make advertisers shy away. If we see Reddit change to allow direct submissions from other sites/companies, rather than through users? They will have essentially followed the same path. Nuke any community advocates so you can make changes easily, and then start to pluck the power from users so your site becomes more predictable.


Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The whole trial was hilarious. Most of her points were beyond absurd; like for example she called it sexual misconduct when a partner rubbed her back to calm her down aftershe was hit by a car. In addition, she got all negative performance reviews, and was struggling in the company--however, the year where they were supposedly "retaliating" against her for filing her complaint? She got a150k bonus and a 40k increase in salary(She was making half a million a year, so it was about an 8% bump). She claims she was passed over for "senior partner", while three male colleagues were not, and that was because of her gender. But in reality, it was shown those three men had previous experience before coming to the firm, and had worked in the field much longer, and at the company longer. (Pao, by contrast, came to the company with 0 experience in VC and wanted to be a partner within 5 years.)

That and there were some seriously fucked up abnormalities in her claim. First, the relationship she admits was strictly consensual; it only went south because the guy refused to leave his wife. After though, during the time he was "retaliating", they showed friendly emails and texts and again, she was given a 150k bonus. When she brought her complaint up? KP hired her an investigator, took the partner she had the affair with bonus away (Punishing him), and offered to increase the punitive measures depending on what the investigator found. However, she immediately withdrew her complaint, and then threatened to file suit unless they paid her 10 million dollars. They refused but were willing to let her continue working as the suit was in progress. She then began causing disruptions in the company until they finally fired her (But offered her a years salary and other large benefits.)

When testimony began coming out, nearly all of her co-workers called her a sociopathic bitch, just an extreme narcissist who couldn't accept she was screwing up. She were degrade and berate her fellow female employees and accuse the men of "talking down to her" (When they were trying to correct mistakes she was making--again, she had ZERO experience. Shew as hired mainly because of her impressive academic record.)...And these comments were nearly universal. In the end, she had spent 2-3 years collecting EVERY document she could, saving every text and email, ect, before she made her complaint--but none of them show any misconduct. It was pretty obvious, by how she withdrew her complaint when her company bent over backwards to remedy it? That her intention was a shake down because she was screwing up at the firm. The trial lawyer for KP illustrated that in such an entertaining way that it was almost humorous to watch (Pao really did come off as a narcissistic, petulant asshole; which granted isn't too abnormal in VC, but she was exceptional even among her peers in this regard.)

Anyway, she gets "hired" at Reddit with the rumors Spronk mentioned--she is backed by different VC firm, who invested in Reddit. In essence, they probably gave her the CEO because she has a law degree and MBA and they want to do what Digg did and separate Reddit from the "problematic users" (Change the front page to published news stories, rather than user submitted content, eventually) so they can sell it...AND because they want to support her while she was filing suit against their rival. (Which, event though she is still bad PR for them. It's why she's appealing even though KP said they'd waive her paying their legal fees if she'd just stop.)
Whose dick do I have to suck to get a job like this? I wish I could get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars while being a godawful employee and not get fired.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
LOL, the board at Reddit actually allowed the CEO to *appoint* someone as interim? Surely that can't be standard practice. If it is, it explains an awful lot about why so many companies are fucked up. They're being run like little kingdoms.

edit: Having now googled her, Pao is at best an Omaha 6 / San Diego 2. How in hell does she bag two married millionaires?
psychos tend to be great when it comes to banging


I didn't give a fuck until today when the gaming reddits are all set to private.

Can someone tell me that's been following this mess if they are going to bring these back up??


Musty Nester
Granted this is a shitshow. A true shitshow. But what's just as bad is that the reddit "culture" thought they were somehow exempt.

It pleases me. Maybe the next iteration will have better thread formatting. Reddit has always been an unreadable hodgepodge. The only things they ever contributed were Horsemask jpgs and pun threads.

and /r/ZachBraff


Hopefully this ends as an example of corporate and VC (installing marketers, MBAs in place of the real community) losing. We'll see.


FPS noob
apparently a bunch of reddit people got fired over the past week, so it may be a sign of a cash crunch or something like that. maybe ellen pao invested in bitcoins or pantheon