ReRolled Minecraft Server III


I will play with some designs later as long as we can come to a good decision on the ceiling this week


Golden Knight of the Realm
I just put a rough outline on the north part of the central tower on the 2nd floor. I need to get the roof/floor done and get a better idea of what we are doing before we do any real building of that central tower. I am looking at the picture I am going on, and there seems to be not as much room to work with than what the pic shows I should have, so we may need to change to square towers for it instead of the round ones.. Im not sure yet.

Gah I was so pissed at myself for messing up that south doorway. I really wanted more than one entrance but I couldn't bring myself to ask yall to tear down what you had since it looked so cool.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Adebisi, I agree that we need to start thinking about a floor plan. I've been mostly ignoring it and don't really care about floor plans as much. Hopefully we can figure something out that involves glowstone in some way.

Apostle, I'm starting to come around on the tower shift on the second floor you were talking about. Let me know if you want square towers there instead of round ones and we can build that. And like Intropy says we can make an entrance on the southern transept without much rework. The vaults we made are cool but honestly not that much work to redo (The walls are the most time-costing things to build)


McFly can you give me a magic wand of bulldozing for like a night? I want to bulldoze around the cathedral.

Also can you give me the world? I want to do like a 12 hour render.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I would put some therious thought into doing a floor design. It really steps up the sexy, and you could incorporate floor lighting that way.
Yeah, the straight birch is kind of painful on the eyes.


Shit Gamer
I just put a rough outline on the north part of the central tower on the 2nd floor. I need to get the roof/floor done and get a better idea of what we are doing before we do any real building of that central tower. I am looking at the picture I am going on, and there seems to be not as much room to work with than what the pic shows I should have, so we may need to change to square towers for it instead of the round ones.. Im not sure yet.

Gah I was so pissed at myself for messing up that south doorway. I really wanted more than one entrance but I couldn't bring myself to ask yall to tear down what you had since it looked so cool.
We can easily integrate entrances into the existing design of the northtranseptand then replicate it at the south transept. It wouldn't require changing any of the vaults we have already constructed. Example below:


Also, I assume the black wool on the ground at the SW corner of thecrossingis intended to be the proposed relocation of Tower 1 (shown below). I do not think this is a good change, because it blocks the flow from theAisle(shown below, blue arrow) and closes off the space. Instead we should move Tower 2 outward and bring it into alignment with the existing Tower 1:



Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So I haven't played this in forever, can I just connect to this server and starting digging? Are there monsters etc, or is this just all free building stuff?


So I haven't played this in forever, can I just connect to this server and starting digging? Are there monsters etc, or is this just all free building stuff?
Shoot me a PM with your in game name. Yes there are monsters.


I am going to have save my pennies and dimes for mossy stone, I can't afford no obsidian, I can make it or mine it, especially if McFly gives us a lava usable area.


<Gold Donor>
I have shit loads of obsidian in my mine. I mean it is all over the place from all the lava rivers I watered over. Just drop a bucket of water over what you're mining and use an efficiency pickaxe and it mines up pretty quickly and the water instantly cools the lava that is exposed by removing the obsidian.


<Prior Amod>
I have shit loads of obsidian in my mine. I mean it is all over the place from all the lava rivers I watered over. Just drop a bucket of water over what you're mining and use an efficiency pickaxe and it mines up pretty quickly and the water instantly cools the lava that is exposed by removing the obsidian.
I did the same thing in my massive tunnel/mine. Its one of the reasons I suggested it and one of the reasons I have money to spare on it. As long as I have cash to replace the 4 or 5 diamond picks I go through a day I don't really care.


Molten Core Raider
There's a bunch of obsidian in the nether, next to the area you come out of when you're using the nether warp location. I like Adebisis suggestion though, guess it would be really cool if you guys were reworking the floor and gave it a proper design.

And obsidian is really, really dark, so unless the cathedral is supposed to look like a medieval torture chamber, i'd go for a combination of different wood/stone types.


<Prior Amod>
I don't suggest using a lot, just enough to break up the white a bit and be easier on the eyes.

Though a better idea may be to use wool blocks for walk way rugs and such.


Wool makes more sense than the obsidian especially if there are going to be seats/pews etc.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Whatever we use, please no more 'whole' pieces of wood. Having to set them in a specific direction is seriously fucking annoying.