Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ugh Galadriel is known as Commander Galadriel in season 2 again in the dialogue. Her character remains ever worse.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
She was Commander Galadriel right from the begging of season 1. They'd really have to put in some work to make the character worse.

It's like she's the ultimate boss mob and all the bad guys are level 1 player characters.

The heroes journey in reverse.
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Potato del Grande
Has anyone watched it?

My wife has a shopping habit and has it free via Prime.

Gonna jump in tomorrow.
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<Gold Donor>
I don't disagree that it is a bastardization of Tolkien's work. As stated before I treat it like fanfiction that has a huge budget, most of the cinematography is great. Most of the combat is hot garbage. The wife like's it and so I will watch it with her and try my best to enjoy it too. After that I get to look at the top of her head for bit. There are worse ways to spend your Thursday night.
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Ultra Maga Instinct
<Prior Amod>
I don't disagree that it is a bastardization of Tolkien's work. As stated before I treat it like fanfiction that has a huge budget, most of the cinematography is great. Most of the combat is hot garbage. The wife like's it and so I will watch it with her and try my best to enjoy it too. After that I get to look at the top of her head for bit. There are worse ways to spend your Thursday night.
You could always fix your wife by slipping her some shrooms before viewing this abomination.
lord of the rings sweetie GIF
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Tranny Chaser
I started watching this today and realized I had blocked out how the first season ended. I did enjoy the cold open to episode one though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
She was Commander Galadriel right from the beginning of season 1. They'd really have to put in some work to make the character worse.

Hearing the use of "Commander" is even more on the nose this season in the dialogue. We'll see if they can one-up it.


Potato del Grande
Anyone remeber this Star Trek epsiode?

It's aliens who can only communicate via allegories.

That is what this show is.

I'm watching episode 2 and a hobbit scene has in order:
Frodo and Sam look out upon Morodor
Legolas hears the bird spies of Saruman
The Fellowship clears the camp to hide
Frodo and Sam hide under elven cloaks at The Black Gate

This is pervasive throughout the show.

They don't have the movie rights and the shots are identical, I think they are wide open to being sued.


Tranny Chaser
Orcs have a narrative problem in that they are portrayed as filthy barbaric monsters who kill each other and barely communicate. if you want to come up with a non-magical entomology for such a culture you rapidly figure out they can't possibly exist because no one would ever figure out how to make clothes or farm food.

So your choices are either 'figure out how this can work from a logical perspective' or 'ignore that detail'.


<Bronze Donator>
Orcs have a narrative problem in that they are portrayed as filthy barbaric monsters who kill each other and barely communicate. if you want to come up with a non-magical entomology for such a culture you rapidly figure out they can't possibly exist because no one would ever figure out how to make clothes or farm food.

So your choices are either 'figure out how this can work from a logical perspective' or 'ignore that detail'.

What? Not following you and I don't see how there is a problem with Orc culture. Its just primitive and tribal. They are not necessarily all that dumb either.

Back to the episodes: So who the fuck is the eastern wizard guy? I thought it would be Saruman but he is calling out the stranger as an Istar and wants him taken out. I think this rules out Saruman.

I GUESS it could be one of the blue wizards who 'founded magical cults in the east' and does not want another Istar showing up and spoiling the show he is trying to run?
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Anyone remeber this Star Trek epsiode?
View attachment 543833

It's aliens who can only communicate via allegories.

That is what this show is.

I'm watching episode 2 and a hobbit scene has in order:
Frodo and Sam look out upon Morodor
Legolas hears the bird spies of Saruman
The Fellowship clears the camp to hide
Frodo and Sam hide under elven cloaks at The Black Gate

This is pervasive throughout the show.

They don't have the movie rights and the shots are identical, I think they are wide open to being sued.

Season 1 was filmed shot for shot using other famous movies as was pointed out a few pages ago. It's a common technique in film-making.

While Simon and the estate are charging Amazon a premium for any rights they receive, they also are said to be idiots and exactly who would allow this sort of thing. Ain't nothing gonna happen.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
Orcs have a narrative problem in that they are portrayed as filthy barbaric monsters who kill each other and barely communicate. if you want to come up with a non-magical entomology for such a culture you rapidly figure out they can't possibly exist because no one would ever figure out how to make clothes or farm food.

So your choices are either 'figure out how this can work from a logical perspective' or 'ignore that detail'.

Pretty much how sub-saharan africans existed until Europe "discovered" them.