Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Avatar of War Slayer
I'm pretty sure there is a simple explanation.

Sauron is weak and pathetic and impotent. Orcs are downtrodden, family driven.
Sauron is going to dispose the forward thinking Hadar and promise to make Mordor great again, while wearing his yellow haired wig. And this will turn the orcs into the hate filled monsters of The lord of the rings.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
Except Hadar is the one trying to get them into wars with the Jew elves and the Ukranumians.
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<Gold Donor>
I notice he doesn't promise to stop watching it... you know, the one action that could potentially impact this type of stuff if enough people do it.
I mean, this show is retarded, a complete affront to anything tolkien, and objectively extremely bad. But at least its the mildly fun sort of bad I can laugh at. Shows like the acolyte or wheel of time that are just cringe unwatchable are worse than this. I'll probably watch the whole season, but I'll make sure to pirate it even though I have prime.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Why would he stop? YouTube rage baiting is a lucrative cottage industry for these dolts.
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Vyemm Raider
Why would he stop? YouTube rage baiting is a lucrative cottage industry for these dolts.

Indeed. The Youtuber industry thrives on hate/rage videos about perceived terrible content, because people who hated something are much more likely to go and find validation for their hate towards said content by watching a dozen videos of other people agreeing it was the worst thing in the history of bad things. As opposed to most people who enjoyed something are rarely going to scour the internets for validation because they're content, they may watch if some of their favorite youtubers also liked it but it won't generate as much views or as much content (you can probably milk twice or thrice more videos about why something is terrible, but how many times can you make a video to say you liked something?).
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Avatar of War Slayer
its a catch 22. Its alot easier to talk about something that is bad, and point out flaws. Because, you don't need to be an expert to do that. to articulate why something is great, like Arcane, for tv shows, or terraria for games. you have to REALLY understand it. And that takes deep knowledge, and understanding. to the point that, well you should probably be designing games, or making movies/tv shows yourself..

saw a vid today today talking about Concords horrible character design. it had some ok points, but compared to overwatch and Tf2. it was way too nice to Overwatch.. as even that poor level of character design seems great compared to Concord..

but here is an example of an older look at TF2 and Overwatch in character design. This guy is pretty knowledgeable and makes great points.

But to make this level of critique, requires an intimate knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, you just can't get quickly. you can't do it for weekly reviews, and in general need a good deal of background knowledge.

Sure, sometimes that lack of actual industry experience, causes the rage critics to make mistakes in their reviews. making games/movies/tv is often a very complicated process, and often things are the way they are due to concessions with reality. $$, schedules, contracts, etc. often not understanding the priorities of production.

there is a balance to watching them. some are 100% more for entertainment in itself, other then a real reviews. some are more objective then others. more knowledgeable then others.
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
I notice he doesn't promise to stop watching it... you know, the one action that could potentially impact this type of stuff if enough people do it.

If disney, amazon, and HBO want to keep churning out feminist black entertainment television why shouldn't he profit off of it?

He's warned people like me countless times what to avoid and has earned a modicum of trust with patriarchal white families.
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privileged excrementlord
I find his rants more entertaining than the films, so yeah, keep at it.
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<Bronze Donator>
Wanted to see the dwarf chick start gansta rapping at the stones so bad.
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Log Wizard
I know how they did their casting.

They went to a Wal Mart and hired the first 38 people to sign up.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I found the first two episodes of this season to be better than any episode from last season. They didn't seem to have anything aggressively retarded/annoying in them. If someone were to just jump into season 2, having not read/seen anything about season 1, they would probably think that the show had great potential after the end of that second episode.

Unfortunately, episode 3 saw a somewhat return to form of season 1. I guess they can't just start over, with a whole new cast, so it was to be expected. The fighting ballerina elf fighting "style" was the most aggressively stupid shit, along with the already mentioned orcs just want to have a peaceful life to raise a family scene. Cutting down Not-Gandalf's journey to only including two not-hobbits was an "improvement" at least...
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Log Wizard
I found the first two episodes of this season to be better than any episode from last season. They didn't seem to have anything aggressively retarded/annoying in them. If someone were to just jump into season 2, having not read/seen anything about season 1, they would probably think that the show had great potential after the end of that second episode.

Unfortunately, episode 3 saw a somewhat return to form of season 1. I guess they can't just start over, with a whole new cast, so it was to be expected. The fighting ballerina elf fighting "style" was the most aggressively stupid shit, along with the already mentioned orcs just want to have a peaceful life to raise a family scene. Cutting down Not-Gandalf's journey to only including two not-hobbits was an "improvement" at least...
I watched 2 minutes of S1. Noped out of this trash halfway through S2E2.

I don't know why it is next to impossible for these fuckers to make good tv shows anymore.
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
I watched 2 minutes of S1. Noped out of this trash halfway through S2E2.

I don't know why it is next to impossible for these fuckers to make good tv shows anymore.
Middle East Logo GIF by xponentialdesign

I do.
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<Silver Donator>
the Wheel of Time method
How bad was all of that shit? I tried to watch it and maybe got 2.5 episodes in. It was horrendous, and I wasn't watching a horror movie.

Wish I could hurt that show as much as it hurt me.
  • 1Worf
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The Scientific Shitlord
How bad was all of that shit? I tried to watch it and maybe got 2.5 episodes in. It was horrendous, and I wasn't watching a horror movie.

Wish I could hurt that show as much as it hurt me.
Well, it died, so you can piss on its corpse or something?
  • 1Solidarity
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