How can something so expensive and pretty be so boring ? It boggles the mind. Take a 5% cut of the set design budget and spend it on writers eesh.
Not that they really give a fuck about lore, but isn't the fundamental premise of this entire series wrong anyway ? It's been a long time since I slept through the Silmarillion, but none of the rings other than the One Ring were cursed right ? Sauron just built backdoors into them so he could control them with the one ring. Pre forging of the Ring, everyone would have thought all the other rings were amazing. You kind of lose some of the betrayal aspect if everyone starts acting like Gollum the moment they put one on.
yeah pretty much.
and yes, this is horrible, NOT just from a lore perspective. also just basic storytelling and writing.
Something major just happened between two characters? a major decision, and major confrontation? what do you do? do you have the characters on screen react to what just happened?, or. do you cut away to some fucking hobbits wandering in the desert to waste time with a plot that goes nowhere, instead of actually showing the fallout and how people react to things?
Major political intrigue in a nation, or nations? do you, show these other dwarven kingdoms? do you even NAME them? do you show the people? or, do you just have them show up in one scene, with no names, and then cut away from them to go back to hobbits, that have no impact on the plot?
Do you do any world building at all? or do you just randomly name drop shit from the Lord of the Rings movie, and expect people to know what it is.
do you establish Durin has a fucking brother before s2, episode 8 epilogue? or. do you...
the entire show is like this. pacing is awful. constantly cutting away from the important stuff. no setups for anything in universe. no explanations of what things are. Characterization is all over the place. Hadar for example in the end. does a complete 180 for no reason. Same with numenor tyrant guy. why is anyone doing anything? because the plot demands it. The entire show is written backwards like that. why does anything happen? because its required for x scene later to happen. not because any action makes any sense for that character or whats happening in that moment.
Like, why is Elron carrying around the ring? becuase, he needs to lose it to Hadar. Not because there is any scene setting up a reason for Elron to want to carry it around.
this is also why multiple characters just constantly know things, they have no business knowing.