Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Tranny Chaser
Confused Curb Your Enthusiasm GIF


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
All that Balrog hype for 5 seconds of screen time.. the final scene of all the elves cheering was so bad. The episode started off strong but then just quickly unravels trying to hit every storyline with some “remember this from LOTR!” inserted dialogue.


Log Wizard
Pretty sure that 500m number that gets tossed around includes the 250m Amazon spent on the licensing rights which isn't really a production cost. Not that it doesn't still look terrible for the amount of money spent on it.
This production comes across as a high school play, but with a massive budget. Writing, casting, acting, direction is all on that level. None of the characters have any depth or weight...just like the writing.


<Gold Donor>
This production comes across as a high school play, but with a massive budget. Writing, casting, acting, direction is all on that level. None of the characters have any depth or weight...just like the writing.
What really makes this show a total disaster to me is that it is completely and utterly devoid of the simple essence of wholesomeness that was so prevalent in Tolkien's work. It makes their show come off as straight up offensive to anyone who enjoyed what he did. How can they think making a show of only retarded boromirs would appeal to Tolkien fans?


Potato del Grande
All that Balrog hype for 5 seconds of screen time.. the final scene of all the elves cheering was so bad. The episode started off strong but then just quickly unravels trying to hit every storyline with some “remember this from LOTR!” inserted dialogue.
The Balrog was even better than the Lord of the Rings appearance imo, just amazing. But the entire storyline is just a cameo since it doesn't get free for a few thousand years.

Imagine if each season was a mini series and one was just about The Fall of Moria?

The elves cheering... they really got the elves wrong... they are meant to be graceful and ethereal.


Avatar of War Slayer
Istar aren't supposed to be around yet either. barrow wights are not supposed to exist yet. so why wouldn't the Balrog be released right now?

Yeah, I don't remember if I said anything about the elves here. but that is also a major issue. Story focusing on the Elves is a tough choice, because they are so inhuman. you can do it, when you are only seeing Elves in passing. quick bits. But extended scenes of elves living, eating, chatting, emoting, etc.. it gets really really hard to keep it up. it would take an exceptional writer, director and actors.

Galadriel at the end there. caked in mud. dirty. etc. no? The dirt would literally just fall off her and her cloths.

a lack of magical items. Elven boots, elven rope, elven cloaks, elven bread. Everything elves make is organically infused with magic. and, again not magical trinkets, of engineering. more akin to divine holy relics. ... but where are they?