Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I can only think of two White dude/ Black chick couples on TV. The Jefferson's neighbors and Wash and Zoe on Firefly.
There was an episode of Fresh Prince where one of Vivian's sisters was married to a white guy, but that was more of a joke iirc and one off thing.
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<Silver Donator>
“Tolkien has become a monster, devoured by his own popularity and absorbed into the absurdity of our time. The chasm between the beauty and seriousness of the work, and what it has become, has overwhelmed me. The commercialization has reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing. There is only one solution for me: to turn my head away.”

-Christopher Tolkien
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Avatar of War Slayer
Imagine the feet on black hobbits.

long ago worked as a mover with a temp straight from the ivory coast. he spoke great English, clothes were always clean and neat. his feet were the nastiest things i have ever seen not requiring medical attention. every bit of downtime we got, he would take his shoes off too. he could probably walked over hot lava.
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2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
this is brilliant. this show will be referred to for years and years to come as a reminder that "when you go woke, you go broke" Well, not broke in Amazon's case because they can afford to literally burn billions but you get the idea. The pronoun/woke crowd sure is a loud one and they have made themselves look big but the truth is that they are a very minor subset of a vague minority and once big networks/studios etc realize that they can't make any money off of catering to an audience who's total percentage falls well within the margin of error whilst alienating and ignoring the vast majority, they will run back to making shows that actually produce revenue streams and thus keep shareholders happy.
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<Bronze Donator>
He isn't.

There's 3 types of elves in the story.

1) Never went to Valinor (Teleri)
2) Went to Valinor and stayed there (Vanyar)
3) Went to Valinor but came back to war with Morgoth for the Silmarils (Noldor)

Legolas's family and Galadriel's husband are of the Teleri who went to Beleriand and saw the Silmarils (Sindar), most of the others in Mirkwood and maybe Lothlorien are Teleri who never went to Beleriand and saw the Silmarils (Nandor). So they are different types of "Wood Elves".

Elrond and the dark haired Rivendell elves are Noldor which I guess would be "High Elves". Galadriel is half Noldor half Vanyar, which is why she's the only one with golden hair.

no. There are plenty of Teleri in Valinor. The noldor murder a bunch of them and steal their ships.

the non-ruling class of the wood elves are like stereotypical fantasy wood elves. Some of them only speak elvish , they get drunk, and are called “less wise and more dangerous” than high elves.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
no. There are plenty of Teleri in Valinor. The noldor murder a bunch of them and steal their ships.

the non-ruling class of the wood elves are like stereotypical fantasy wood elves. Some of them only speak elvish , they get drunk, and are called “less wise and more dangerous” than high elves.
There were plenty of Elves which did not go with Olorin back to Valinor, I think they were the Nandor mentioned above.


Potato del Grande
no. There are plenty of Teleri in Valinor. The noldor murder a bunch of them and steal their ships.

the non-ruling class of the wood elves are like stereotypical fantasy wood elves. Some of them only speak elvish , they get drunk, and are called “less wise and more dangerous” than high elves.
I checked, you are right... still those ones didn't leave Valinor, only Noldor left. So Legolas is still not a "High Elf".


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't think it matters what we think to be honest, people are going to overwhelmingly LOVE this show no matter what. Wheel of Time taught me that. Show sucks big time and its like the best Prime show of all time.... until this.
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<Silver Donator>
I don't think it matters what we think to be honest, people are going to overwhelmingly LOVE this show no matter what. Wheel of Time taught me that. Show sucks big time and its like the best Prime show of all time.... until this.
admittedly I was surprised looking at the "mainstream" rating and stuff for WoT show. pretty well received but we all know it's actual garbage.

But I guess like most things, you don't know what you don't know...
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
admittedly I was surprised looking at the "mainstream" rating and stuff for WoT show. pretty well received but we all know it's actual garbage.

But I guess like most things, you don't know what you don't know...
Not like critics are paid off or anything


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Buzzfeed Editor
All those critics only gave it a good score because word got around that "anti-woke" people were brigading it. Amazon's WoT show is objectively shit.

They're already circling the wagons for this wokefest.

For funsies look up the "Tolkien Scholar" they dug up for that opinion:

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<Bronze Donator>
I checked, you are right... still those ones didn't leave Valinor, only Noldor left. So Legolas is still not a "High Elf".

he was sindar , correct. Which is basically just the teleri who crossed the great river and mountains and made it to beleraind. The Teleri were by far the biggest of the three tribes of elves who answered the call of valinor and headed west.

technically the Vanyar did return to middle earth , to fight morgoth in the war of wrath, but then returned.

Also , and her name escapes me, but the Vanyar wife of one of the Noldor accompanied her husband into middle earth. So it was not 100 percent just Noldor.
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<Bronze Donator>
There were plenty of Elves which did not go with Olorin back to Valinor, I think they were the Nandor mentioned above.

Do you mean Orome? Those elves that refuses his call are called Alvari, the refusers. The Nandor are just a part of the huge Teleri tribe that heeded his call but got lost or distracted on the way and never made it.


El Presidente
I can only think of two White dude/ Black chick couples on TV. The Jefferson's neighbors and Wash and Zoe on Firefly.
It's reasonably common in movies, but there isn't a whole lot of it on TV. There's also Holden and Naomi on The Expanse, besides the 2 you mentioned that I can think of. Otherwise it's just the occasional one off or something.
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Potato del Grande
he was sindar , correct. Which is basically just the teleri who crossed the great river and mountains and made it to beleraind. The Teleri were by far the biggest of the three tribes of elves who answered the call of valinor and headed west.

technically the Vanyar did return to middle earth , to fight morgoth in the war of wrath, but then returned.

Also , and her name escapes me, but the Vanyar wife of one of the Noldor accompanied her husband into middle earth. So it was not 100 percent just Noldor.
This one?

You are probably thinking of Galadriel and that's her Grandmother.


<Bronze Donator>
This one?

You are probably thinking of Galadriel and that's her Grandmother.
No ,neither is those. I’ll have to do some searching for the name and who’s husband she was

edit: ok found the one I was thinking of. Elenwe the wife of Turgon. She was full blooded Vanyar and decided to accompany Turgon and the Noldor into exile and came under the doom of Mandos. BUT she died with many of them while crossing the grinding ice up in the polar regions of middle earth.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
This gave me pretty good laugh

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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
None of us are the target demographic for entertainment these days. And the 25-40 crowd is full of fags. So here we are and here we will continue to be.
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Buzzfeed Editor
None of us are the target demographic for entertainment these days. And the 25-40 crowd is full of fags. So here we are and here we will continue to be.
Yeah we are. That's why it borders on corporate malfeasance. Those 18-35's nowadays don't watch genre fiction. The only market for this shit that earns any money is the same aging cohort of Boomers and Gen-Xers who grew up with D&D and Conan and Tolkien. That's why all the hot shit is 80's nostalgia memberberries nowadays.

Sneak into any given comfy situation with millenials and zoomers. They don't watch this or WoT or Game of Thrones or Arcane. They watch Hype House and Bad Girls Club when they're not dosing on their Tik-Tok and instagram feeds. They don't watch this stuff and their advertisers know it.

They know this. In those few occasions when they do make an effort to appeal to that crowd, it still rankles the generation who actually spends on this stuff. But most of the time it's just the woke social justice warriors colonizing "Patriarchal Spaces" and "Interrogating Whiteness" and shoving that shit for cultural conquest.
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