Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Yeah we are. That's why it borders on corporate malfeasance. Those 18-35's nowadays don't watch genre fiction. The only market for this shit that earns any money is the same aging cohort of Boomers and Gen-Xers who grew up with D&D and Conan and Tolkien. That's why all the hot shit is 80's nostalgia memberberries nowadays.

Sneak into any given comfy situation with millenials and zoomers. They don't watch this or WoT or Game of Thrones or Arcane. They watch Hype House and Bad Girls Club when they're not dosing on their Tik-Tok and instagram feeds. They don't watch this stuff and their advertisers know it.

They know this. In those few occasions when they do make an effort to appeal to that crowd, it still rankles the generation who actually spends on this stuff. But most of the time it's just the woke social justice warriors colonizing "Patriarchal Spaces" and "Interrogating Whiteness" and shoving that shit for cultural conquest.
But the studios don’t want you. They want the 25 year old that will obsess over the show for the next 25 years like the 45 year old obsesses over lotr or Star Wars.
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Buzzfeed Editor
But the studios don’t want you. They want the 25 year old that will obsess over the show for the next 25 years like the 45 year old obsesses over lotr or Star Wars.

They don't need to want me, they absolutely need my money. They have a fiduciary duty to grow their stakeholders' earnings.

If they know, as they must, that "subverting expectations" in a property as colossal as Star Wars in order to appeal to the tiktok generation turned out to be a disaster for the biggest media conglomerate in human history, then they must likewise know that turning elves black and dwarves into Shaniqua is nothing less than a deliberate betrayal of that fiduciary duty.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
But the studios don’t want you. They want the 25 year old that will obsess over the show for the next 25 years like the 45 year old obsesses over lotr or Star Wars.

I'm not convinced young people are able to obsess over IPs like we are/were. I think growing up with the overwhelming amount of media that exists today, and the unparalleled access smartphones provide, creates different brains. I think fandom today is different than it was in past generations.
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Got something right about marriage
Not sure that's true, just look at Dota 2 vs LoL (people dont usually play both, they pick one), and look at what Riot has been able to build on that LoL brand
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Got something right about marriage
And then there's Harry Potter and the like
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Millie's Staff Member
Yeah we are. That's why it borders on corporate malfeasance. Those 18-35's nowadays don't watch genre fiction. The only market for this shit that earns any money is the same aging cohort of Boomers and Gen-Xers who grew up with D&D and Conan and Tolkien. That's why all the hot shit is 80's nostalgia memberberries nowadays.

Sneak into any given comfy situation with millenials and zoomers. They don't watch this or WoT or Game of Thrones or Arcane. They watch Hype House and Bad Girls Club when they're not dosing on their Tik-Tok and instagram feeds. They don't watch this stuff and their advertisers know it.

They know this. In those few occasions when they do make an effort to appeal to that crowd, it still rankles the generation who actually spends on this stuff. But most of the time it's just the woke social justice warriors colonizing "Patriarchal Spaces" and "Interrogating Whiteness" and shoving that shit for cultural conquest.
this is just a vanity project by a man with more money than he knows what to do with and he's decided to rewrite literary history, because he can. woke content for wokesters because thats what woke people think. they think woke is everywhere when its just their little circle jerk of faggots.
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FPS noob
bezos hasn't been the CEO of amazon for over a year, he's just the executive chairman and is more focused on his new pussy/getting jacked, going off into space, and other shit. he's spent the last few weeks cruising around his super yatch.

yeah, any day now the USA will "hug" the jobless commie liberals, corporations will abandon "woke" and activism in their TV shows and movies, and people who got covid shots will all die from nanomachines. keep telling yourself whatever makes you sleep at night, while the world gets even more unrecognizable to you. think back to how your dad reacted to changes happening around him and realize you are acting the same exact way, and think about how much his generation was able to roll back changes.

Its crazy but I'm pretty sure in 10 years we'll think 2022 was a paradise of freedom and sanity in media.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
LOTR was budgeted in 2018. What does it matter if he's CEO this year or last year. This is his acquisition from 2017 and his project.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yes bezos stepped down, his ex became the richest moman for fucking the bald fuck woo hoo.

In all honesty she has shit on him and he got played

He hid then just signded


Buzzfeed Editor
This gave me pretty good laugh

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<Silver Donator>
None of us are the target demographic for entertainment these days. And the 25-40 crowd is full of fags. So here we are and here we will continue to be.

Yeah we are. That's why it borders on corporate malfeasance. Those 18-35's nowadays don't watch genre fiction. The only market for this shit that earns any money is the same aging cohort of Boomers and Gen-Xers who grew up with D&D and Conan and Tolkien. That's why all the hot shit is 80's nostalgia memberberries nowadays.

Sneak into any given comfy situation with millenials and zoomers. They don't watch this or WoT or Game of Thrones or Arcane. They watch Hype House and Bad Girls Club when they're not dosing on their Tik-Tok and instagram feeds. They don't watch this stuff and their advertisers know it.

They know this. In those few occasions when they do make an effort to appeal to that crowd, it still rankles the generation who actually spends on this stuff. But most of the time it's just the woke social justice warriors colonizing "Patriarchal Spaces" and "Interrogating Whiteness" and shoving that shit for cultural conquest.
the target demographic for media isn't 50+ year olds, which it has never been.

The oldest "millennials" have nothing in common with the youngest, ~41 compared to ~25. completely different worlds growing up as one end grew up entirely with social media and the other was part of the adaptation to tech, aka they played atari and nintendo. and i'd even say the majority of that crowd, 30+, doesn't use Instagram and definitely isn't on tiktok

AND most importantly - it definitely is NOT the 18-35 or 25-40 year old crowd calling the shots at these billion dollar companies that green light all this woke ass media bullshit.

seems more like misguided boomers making bad decisions


I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
bezos hasn't been the CEO of amazon for over a year, he's just the executive chairman and is more focused on his new pussy/getting jacked, going off into space, and other shit. he's spent the last few weeks cruising around his super yatch.

yeah, any day now the USA will "hug" the jobless commie liberals, corporations will abandon "woke" and activism in their TV shows and movies, and people who got covid shots will all die from nanomachines. keep telling yourself whatever makes you sleep at night, while the world gets even more unrecognizable to you. think back to how your dad reacted to changes happening around him and realize you are acting the same exact way, and think about how much his generation was able to roll back changes.

Its crazy but I'm pretty sure in 10 years we'll think 2022 was a paradise of freedom and sanity in media.

yeah yeah, you keep shilling for the latest woke trash shows and games from the corporations trying to dismantle liberties and civilization instead, like the good npc you are. It sounds as if you are happy knowing that you contributed in some small way to the hellscape you envision in 10 years.
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