Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
As I mentioned above, I expect it to be "good" in parts and surely some of the landscapes and visuals will be impressive. Unless they completely and utterly trash the backstories and go in fully different directions it would almost have to be. But I'm also anticipating a large amount of nonsense that rises well above nitpicks. I'm not even talking about whatever diversity casting has peoples' twats in a twist, but the uniquely colossal challenge of adapting this particular source material into a protracted TV show. This isn't LoTR. This is stuff where Tolkien covers hundreds of years in a short paragraph. The big controversial queen that the show race-swapped is in The Silmarillion for all of like two sentences. She's forced into marrying her cousin, and later, she drowns. Literally, that's it...and in the show she's evidently a main character. Maybe the writers / showrunners are hidden geniuses and this thing will blow everyone's balls off, but that seems unlikely. At least the music is good.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
by "Showrunners" who haven't worked in the industry at all, ever, before this pitch. tell me another one.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As I mentioned above, I expect it to be "good" in parts and surely some of the landscapes and visuals will be impressive. Unless they completely and utterly trash the backstories and go in fully different directions it would almost have to be. But I'm also anticipating a large amount of nonsense that rises well above nitpicks. I'm not even talking about whatever diversity casting has peoples' twats in a twist, but the uniquely colossal challenge of adapting this particular source material into a protracted TV show. This isn't LoTR. This is stuff where Tolkien covers hundreds of years in a short paragraph. The big controversial queen that the show race-swapped is in The Silmarillion for all of like two sentences. She's forced into marrying her cousin, and later, she drowns. Literally, that's it...and in the show she's evidently a main character. Maybe the writers / showrunners are hidden geniuses and this thing will blow everyone's balls off, but that seems unlikely. At least the music is good.
Every instance where the showrunners feel they can add in something will be an instance of the showrunners having no clue about the series at all, and just an opportunity for them insert "modern sensibilities"...Tar-Miriel is such a case. I expect many. Saying the Silmarillion might be hard to adapt to TV is no excuse for the lack of respect the showrunners apparently have for Tolkien.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Leaving aside all the woke trash, the showrunners have no understanding of Tolkien. Peter Jackson did a fantastic job bringing the aesthetic of Tolkien's Elves to life. This isn't Dungeons and Dragons, Elves aren't just another humanoid species except with pointy ears. They are borderline aliens/demigods, very much apart from humanity. Even the "lesser" silvan elves of Mirkwood were something very much apart from humans and dwarves. Look how Theoden, the King of Rohan, practically bows and scrapes when Elrond shows up and hands over his tent to him and Aragorn. We can't even begin to fathom what their lifespans are like. Elrond is ~6500 years old, which is a thousand years older than the earliest beginnings of Mesopotamian civilization. Thranduil is about the same age. Galadriel is at least a couple thousand years older than them and Celeborn is about her age. Cirdan is even older, although he has nothing more than a brief cameo at the end.

Imagine what it feels like to Elrond to have your 62 times great nephew marry your daughter? To be married to someone for almost 2500 years then they leave for the Undying Lands because they can't bear Middle Earth anymore? To know that you will spend all of ETERNITY separated from your daughter because she chose the gift of man like your brother. He might as well be an alien as far as any human is concerned, same as any other Elf. Even Legolas, the closest thing Tolkien comes to showing us a young elf, is old enough to say “It is old, very old. So old that almost I feel young again, as I have not felt since I journeyed with you children.” during their trip through Fangorn.

Elves don't cut their hair short just to spite mommy and daddy and by no stretch of the imagination could Galadriel be referred to as young during the time period the show is set in.
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Tranny Chaser
high bong GIF

You're such a well-read nerd, Gavinmad Gavinmad . Continue.
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Millie's Staff Member
high bong GIF

You're such a well-read nerd, Gavinmad Gavinmad . Continue.
he's right though, Jackson showed in Two Towers that elves have an aura of longevity and near immortality to them.

this scene you see dude is dying and its like a moment of unreality to him like something like this was never something he could imagine happening to him.
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FPS noob
yeah i think its important to temper your expectations going in, i expected House of Dragons to be shitty and it was so it wasn't offputting or surprising. I had high hopes for Wheel of Time (i have no idea why) and it was so disappointing how shitty that show ended up.

I fully expect this show to push the 2022 message that women are strong and powerful, all men are stupid and only exist to put women down, and women do what men can't do. Go in with that base level and maybe it won't be a complete dumpster fire. Well, yeah, it probably will be.

Maybe we'll get talking trees at least, everyone likes that right

is this what neil gaiman looks like? i thought he had a beard and shit


FPS noob
gotta admire the hustle they paid for hundreds of influencers to attend premieres last night in NYC, London, and a few other places and embargo drops today and surprise, surprise all of them are raving about the show



Tranny Chaser


Silver Baronet of the Realm
of course, a bunch of assholes who would sell their families for fame and love current year’s diversity message praising this.

god why does most new shit suck. I’m old. I got better fucking things to do. You should to. People fucking hate watching shit-hulk, dragon incest shit show, and soon this. Don’t listen to me. I hate watched Obi-wan. We’re all stupid faggots.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I’m old. I got better fucking things to do. You should to. People fucking hate watching shit-hulk, dragon incest shit show, and soon this. Don’t listen to me. I hate watched Obi-wan. We’re all stupid faggots.

We are coming off a golden age of TV, so it's not unusual for people to think the investment in a series is a good return. During the week, after a day at work, a workout and 10k steps it can be a struggle to not fall asleep on the sofa as it is. What else is there to do in terms of easy entertainment/relaxation?

I said the best part about HOD and LOTR could be the collective shit-fest on these boards - that was the best part about Obi Wan at least.


<Silver Donator>
We are coming off a golden age of TV, so it's not unusual for people to think the investment in a series is a good return. During the week, after a day at work, a workout and 10k steps it can be a struggle to not fall asleep on the sofa as it is. What else is there to do in terms of easy entertainment/relaxation?

I said the best part about HOD and LOTR could be the collective shit-fest on these boards - that was the best part about Obi Wan at least.
Read a book.
Cook a nice dinner while listening to music.
Learn to play a musical instrument.
Easy access to water - go fish for an hour
Play a fun video game
Work on a painting / piece of art

There are a lot of other more wholesome and relaxing forms of entertainment than watching this type of shit / TV in general.

Just have some type of hobby.
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Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Read a book.
Cook a nice dinner while listening to music.
Learn to play a musical instrument.
Easy access to water - go fish for an hour
Play a fun video game
Work on a painting / piece of art

There are a lot of other more wholesome and relaxing forms of entertainment than watching this type of shit / TV in general.

Just have some type of hobby.
Truth. I have never understood people who watch a show they hate every week and then take to the internet to to make long posts about it as if anyone gave a damn about their opinion. There's plenty of shit to watch. You're not a critic. If you don't like the show stop watching it. I'm sure there's plenty of shows I don't like out there, but I don't watch them just to go on the message boards and shit up the threads about them every day.
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
Read a book.
Cook a nice dinner while listening to music.
Learn to play a musical instrument.
Easy access to water - go fish for an hour
Play a fun video game
Work on a painting / piece of art

There are a lot of other more wholesome and relaxing forms of entertainment than watching this type of shit / TV in general.

Just have some type of hobby.
I adopted a total redesign/upgrade of my backyard as my new project/hobby this spring. I dont pay pablo to do the work, its all me. Replacing deck planks, ripping out old shrubs and doing some terraforming, built a dog free zone for BBQ and fire pit area. Much better use of my time than TV.
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<Silver Donator>
Truth. I have never understood people who watch a show they hate every week and then take to the internet to to make long posts about it as if anyone gave a damn about their opinion. There's plenty of shit to watch. You're not a critic. If you don't like the show stop watching it. I'm sure there's plenty of shows I don't like out there, but I don't watch them just to go on the message boards and shit up the threads about them every day.
Amen. I don't watch much TV anymore, because there's just not a lot of stuff that I care for. I was some what interested in the show just because I like Tolkien, but after seeing the stuff, I'm not going to watch it. I'd rather go sit in my office and tie flies, and maybe have a YouTube video playing computer of something informative.

Hey to each their own, though. If you like watching shitty TV and movies, then go for it. I wasn't trying to bust your balls Ossoi Ossoi , I figured I'd give some decent suggestions to relaxing or fun entertainment to take part of in the evenings.

Even like Sanrith Descartes Sanrith Descartes was saying about redoing his backyard, yeah there's some work involved, but that type of shit is relaxing. It's fun to create something, and then be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor, even if it's just something simple like learning to cook a new dish.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Read a book.
Cook a nice dinner while listening to music.
Learn to play a musical instrument.
Easy access to water - go fish for an hour
Play a fun video game
Work on a painting / piece of art

There are a lot of other more wholesome and relaxing forms of entertainment than watching this type of shit / TV in general.

Just have some type of hobby.

I try and read between 10 pm and 11pm

All my meals are prepped in advance and I eat the same food to maintain and grow my athletic physique

Musical instrument lol

Video games are lame

Piece of art is my body, or my femdom porn, but I've retired from this
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