Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit

Sanrith Descartes

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Amen. I don't watch much TV anymore, because there's just not a lot of stuff that I care for. I was some what interested in the show just because I like Tolkien, but after seeing the stuff, I'm not going to watch it. I'd rather go sit in my office and tie flies, and maybe have a YouTube video playing computer of something informative.

Hey to each their own, though. If you like watching shitty TV and movies, then go for it. I wasn't trying to bust your balls Ossoi Ossoi , I figured I'd give some decent suggestions to relaxing or fun entertainment to take part of in the evenings.

Even like Sanrith Descartes Sanrith Descartes was saying about redoing his backyard, yeah there's some work involved, but that type of shit is relaxing. It's fun to create something, and then be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor, even if it's just something simple like learning to cook a new dish.
One thing it has taught me is that half the shit in my backyard I thought were trees were actually weeds. Fucking weed trees. I thought it was a joke until i found out they are an actual thing. I Paul Bunyoned those fuckers.
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> Than U
One thing it has taught me is that half the shit in my backyard I thought were trees were actually weeds. Fucking weed trees. I thought it was a joke until i found out they are an actual thing. I Paul Bunyoned those fuckers.
Our 75x120 foot back yard doesn't have a single weed. Neighbors 70x120 foot back yard is 8-25 feet solid jungle in middle of town, hasn't mowed, cut or touched it in years. Old guy who still goes to work. It's illegal as fuck in town but I guess he don't give a shit and the cats love it. It's mostly all those weed trees, start off small and grow into some little shop of horror shit.

Sanrith Descartes

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Our 75x120 foot back yard doesn't have a single weed. Neighbors 70x120 foot back yard is 8-25 feet solid jungle in middle of town, hasn't mowed, cut or touched it in years. Old guy who still goes to work. It's illegal as fuck in town but I guess he don't give a shit and the cats love it. It's mostly all those weed trees, start off small and grow into some little shop of horror shit.
Its fucking insane how fast they grow. And just like John Carpenter's the Thing, drop one little twig in the grass and the shit starts growing a whole new weed tree.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Show's expected to be so bad the thread turned into the Home Improvement thread.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Show's expected to be so bad the thread turned into the Home Improvement thread.
Tim Allen GIF
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<Silver Donator>
Show's expected to be so bad the thread turned into the Home Improvement thread.
I think I'd rather watch old episodes of home improvement in the background, I'm sure it will be better than this piece of shit. Least I came from an era when TV used to be good if not tolerable.
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Millie's Staff Member
Amen. I don't watch much TV anymore, because there's just not a lot of stuff that I care for. I was some what interested in the show just because I like Tolkien, but after seeing the stuff, I'm not going to watch it. I'd rather go sit in my office and tie flies, and maybe have a YouTube video playing computer of something informative.

Hey to each their own, though. If you like watching shitty TV and movies, then go for it. I wasn't trying to bust your balls Ossoi Ossoi , I figured I'd give some decent suggestions to relaxing or fun entertainment to take part of in the evenings.

Even like Sanrith Descartes Sanrith Descartes was saying about redoing his backyard, yeah there's some work involved, but that type of shit is relaxing. It's fun to create something, and then be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor, even if it's just something simple like learning to cook a new dish.
i have eliminated 99% of all new TV and movies from my life. but i still have IPs i loved through the years and it riles me how far they have fallen and I would like to discuss it. thats a natural reaction. i'm not saying reading a book and listening to good music is a bad option. been doing that for most of my life. i also like internetting the same way i have since the early 2000s. the one thing i am thankful for is almost completely stop using my cell phone. i only use it for texting and calls, no net surfing and i dont text anyone much at all.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
i have eliminated 99% of all new TV and movies from my life. but i still have IPs i loved through the years and it riles me how far they have fallen and I would like to discuss it. thats a natural reaction. i'm not saying reading a book and listening to good music is a bad option. been doing that for most of my life. i also like internetting the same way i have since the early 2000s. the one thing i am thankful for is almost completely stop using my cell phone. i only use it for texting and calls, no net surfing and i dont text anyone much at all.
I dont believe Amazon is going to stop here with this series. Theyre going to try to milk as much blood out of this franchise as they can. Then, maybe in 5 years, or maybe even 10 or 15 - most people wont think of the original novels, or Peter Jackson's movies. They'll think of these abominations when Tolkien's works are mentioned instead.
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> Than U
I think I'd rather watch old episodes of home improvement in the background, I'm sure it will be better than this piece of shit. Least I came from an era when TV used to be good if not tolerable.
You know, Home Improvement and whatever one he had on Fox later on( same thing? ) I only ever watched like 2 episodes of. I should probably binge that one day.
I went to go binge The 100 last night and CW put that shit on Netflix. The fuckers
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I dont believe Amazon is going to stop here with this series. Theyre going to try to milk as much blood out of this franchise as they can. Then, maybe in 5 years, or maybe even 10 or 15 - most people wont think of the original novels, or Peter Jackson's movies. They'll think of these abominations when Tolkien's works are mentioned instead.
its a clean kill



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The reason it won't stop with this series is because there are already rights acquired and plans for several movies.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You know, Home Improvement and whatever one he had on Fox later on( same thing? ) I only ever watched like 2 episodes of. I should probably binge that one day.
I went to go binge The 100 last night and CW put that shit on Netflix. The fuckers
Last Man Standing. Its pretty funny.
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<Silver Donator>
You know, Home Improvement and whatever one he had on Fox later on( same thing? ) I only ever watched like 2 episodes of. I should probably binge that one day.
I went to go binge The 100 last night and CW put that shit on Netflix. The fuckers
The wife watches The Golden Girls, even though she's seen most of the episodes a bunch. It's just something fun to have on in the background when she's doing shit around the house, or she wants to turn her brain off from a long day of work. Yeah some of the jokes are dated, but I still laugh at some of the stuff in the episodes, and there's a vast majority of them that could not be made in this day and age, like the Rose and Blanche in mud / blackface. Hell I remember my mom and dad watching that show growing up. We use always watch The Cosby show too.

Yeah TV "rots your brain" or at least that's what they used to say, but it's nothing compared to what's put out nowadays. The old sitcoms used to at least try to teach or discuss some sort of moral topic, or how to handle problems in life.

TV was supposed to be an enjoyable experience when you sat down and watched during dinner with your family.

Home improvement definitely fits along the same lines. I don't remember the one on Fox though. I think Tim Allen did a show relatively recently where he got canceled cultured, and then people got pissed and they brought it back. Don't know what that one is and maybe that's the one you're referring to on Fox. I cut cable over a decade ago, so I'm not real familiar with stuff unless it's maybe streaming.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
A former coworker / buddy of mine saw this at the NYC premier. He has absolutely dick-all to do with the show, but I guess his company does work with Amazon in some capacity and they were allowed to send a couple people. While not exactly a scholar on the source material I’d consider him at least a moderate Tolkien nerd. We saw FoTR in theaters together back when it came out and he’s read The Hobbit, LoTR, and The Silmarillion (maybe others, I don’t recall). He’s not an industry insider by any stretch and IMO he’s familiar enough with the source material to have picked up on any dramatic changes from the books. I also don't think he personally cares about any of the "woke" / "anti-woke" stuff so if you're looking for that he touches on none of it. Here’s some of what he said. If anyone is trying to stay “pure” there are some mild/possibly moderate spoilers. It’s also long so I’ll keep it in spoiler tags anyway.

“First of all, I’ve never been to anything like this. It was absolutely wild, but a positive experience for sure. I got to say hi to some of the cast and crew and of course everyone was friendly and high energy. When the show started and got into gear it was hard to not get distracted by the fact that some of the people I was watching on screen were sitting a few feet from me and also watching…themselves. It was strange, funny, and a little surreal all at once. Because of this and the overall experience, I don’t think I can give you guys a completely unbiased view of the show as it was impossible to not get caught up in the excitement of everything, but I’ll certainly do my best to decouple my opinions from that and give a fair assessment. I’ll warn you that I’m going to get into some spoiler territory but I’ll try not to ruin any big twists or surprises and there’s a ton that I’ll leave out (mainly because I’m old and forgot it already, haha).

So as you know I love Jackson’s LoTR trilogy despite some missteps and even a few things that were just straight up awful, but overall I think he left us with a really remarkable series of films that largely honored the source material. There’s a really good 2-3 hour movie hidden in The Hobbit trilogy somewhere, but they bloated that thing up to such proportions that it virtually buried the book. I don’t hate those movies but if I rewatch them I’m going to make liberal use of the fast forward button.

So, where does this land in comparison to those? My immediate impression is certainly far more positive than it was for The Hobbit movies, but it doesn’t quite deliver the same sense of scale or high stakes that the LoTR movies do. Of course, this is also a very different format (TV show vs film series) so I wasn’t expecting it to. From an adaptorial standpoint I think it gets a lot of the basic back story and general themes right. We do get a few minutes of first age stuff which is really awesome and left me wanting more. It reminded me of the LoTR prologue and the Last Alliance marching on Mount Doom in that sense. We finally see Valinor and the two trees (awesome!!!), a little taste of Morgoth, as well as some battles which include a few “beasts” on both the good and evil sides. There’s more going on here but I’ll leave some things as surprises. Don’t worry, they’re good surprises, if a bit condensed / brief.

While all of this was fantastic to see it did go by very quickly and I wonder how much of it (if any) will be revisited as the show goes on. I really hope it is. We meet Finrod and after a short while we’re told about his death, but (sadly), we don’t see it happen. His body does seem to have some scratch marks on it so I assume he’s meant to have been killed much as he was in The Silmarillion. This sets up Galadriel’s vengeance arc and then the show starts to kick off in its own direction.

There’s a lot to take in. In that sense it kind of reminded me of early GoT. We are taken all over the place and introduced to a bunch of characters and locations – some completely made up for the show, of course. I can see non-Tolkien fans getting lost but I think there’s enough here to keep most of them interested while it slowly starts to come together. For the most part, the characters are well done and those who came from the book are given (mostly) good dialogue that while not verbatim Tolkien fits very well within the world, much as was the case with the Jackson films. There are a couple characters I’m not really sold on yet, but we’ll see how they turn out in the later episodes. There are a TON of small details that Tolkien nerds will go nuts for. They also make reference to things that those familiar with the books will pick up on and appreciate, but for non-book readers, the show does a nice job of making those references flow well and feel like solid world building rather than straight-up fan service. Whatever nitpicks or debates that people will have regarding whether this show is "true" to Tolkien or not, there’s no doubt that the writers have read the hell out of the books. There’s a certain small detail that I happened to catch that got my inner geek jazzed up but I won’t spoil it until you’ve watched the show (hint: related to a certain first age character who’s long dead by then).

I obviously have no idea how the rest of the series will unfold, but as far as these two episodes are concerned, I think the biggest thing that will divide fans are the Harfoots. They’re the show’s comic relief and while I found them sort of charming and suitably Hobbit-like, a couple lines were pretty cringy and frankly their plotline could just as easily turn into a bust as end up interesting. Think more Merry and Pippin (the film versions) rather than say Bilbo and Frodo. We’ll see what happens there.

For the most part, the Elves are very well done and while there are plot threads here that were either completely made up for the show or loosely based on book stuff, many of the general themes of the Elves as they existed in the first and second ages are intact. One of my favorite parts of these episodes was easily the Khazad-Dum bits. It looks fantastic (I much preferred it to Erebor in the Hobbit movies), and Durin is consistently entertaining while staying suitably regal and dwarvish. I even ended up even liking his wife (but where the hell is her beard?). BTW, if you are expecting to see Numenor, tap the brakes as it’s not in either of the opening episodes. This was a bit of a downer at first, but I get why they are spacing things out. It’s already quite busy.

The cinematography is fantastic, but I guess it would take a special talent to shoot New Zealand and make it look bad. The SFX were largely excellent and you could see where some of the budget was put to good use, however there were a handful of wonky parts that looked rushed / incomplete.

Overall, despite a few small reservations this was a strong start to the show, especially considering the multitude of plotlines, characters, and locations that are being established. None of the trailers really made much of an impression on me, either good or bad, but the show itself definitely feels different from them in a positive way. If the subsequent episodes keep up I’d say we have a winner.”
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
A former coworker / buddy of mine saw this at the NYC premier. He has absolutely dick-all to do with the show, but I guess his company does work with Amazon in some capacity and they were allowed to send a couple people. While not exactly a scholar on the source material I’d consider him at least a moderate Tolkien nerd.

This is a good post, although based on his post he's clearly more nerdy and knowledgeable than most about LOTR