Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


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<Gold Donor>
I genuinely want to end racism forever if it means we never have to experience something as cringe inducing as this.

For the love of god please just stop.
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<Silver Donator>
I genuinely want to end racism forever if it means we never have to experience something as cringe inducing as this.

For the love of god please just stop.
None of this is caused by current day racism, but it is manufacturing a hefty amount of it, making it a self fulfilling prophecy.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is what it was always about for Bezos.

Like an advertisement on a football stadium. "LOTR belongs to me, fuck your Game of Thrones crap".



Millie's Staff Member
I'm sure its just a coincidence that friday nights are the worst day for ratings because everyone is out doing stuff, like dating and seeing movies they actually want to see. imagine telling your date that instead of going out and having a great time, "hey babe, lets stay home and watch TV, there is this show about black dwarfs and elves". "oh you're washing your hair and shutting your phone off so i cant call you? uh ok." you're missing a great show though!"


Which way, western man?
<Gold Donor>
I'm sure its just a coincidence that friday nights are the worst day for ratings because everyone is out doing stuff, like dating and seeing movies they actually want to see. imagine telling your date that instead of going out and having a great time, "hey babe, lets stay home and watch TV, there is this show about black dwarfs and elves". "oh you're washing your hair and shutting your phone off so i cant call you? uh ok." you're missing a great show though!"

It was fake!
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Don't know why they use that insufferable black woman for diversity points (that panel linked a few weeks ago where she asked (and got) applause for breastfeeding her child was enough to make me hate her character before this show has even started). Lenny Henry might not be as well known in the US but he was quite popular in the UK and parts of Europe, mostly for comedy roles though. He's also got actual acting and writing skills so he's not some nobody asking for applause like the dwarf queen woman is.

Chef was pretty good, if you like 90s British sitcoms most of it is on YT.



Golden Baronet of the Realm
Don't know why they use that insufferable black woman for diversity points (that panel linked a few weeks ago where she asked (and got) applause for breastfeeding her child was enough to make me hate her character before this show has even started). Lenny Henry might not be as well known in the US but he was quite popular in the UK and parts of Europe, mostly for comedy roles though. He's also got actual acting and writing skills so he's not some nobody asking for applause like the dwarf queen woman is.
Sophia Nomvete or w/e, the black dwarf queen, is one of the most insufferable people I have ever watched and yes... It is strictly just from watching the little clips of the Rings of Power interviews. She outshines all of the other actors, but in the worst way possible.


I really just want to know where these characters that they have are coming from. Such as Disa (Dis) - if they are just outright replacing a white dwarf with a black dwarf, are they at least going to try to alter the origin of some her lineage so they stick to the lore of the original character.. at least some?... Could have been thrain's (her father) wife. Thrains wife doesnt seem to be mentioned anywhere much and could be from the mountains surrounding Harad (You know, south.. where there is a lot of Sun...) at least as far as Ive found. Harfoot's could be from the lower plains of Rhun or w/e because they have no history before they reached the lower hills of the Misty Mountains.

Oh no.. I think I just stumbled upon the story. Maybe THEY ARE pulling these characters from the different parts of the world. The Harfoots are being pursued by the oppressive white male forces of sauron (Easterlings, Swarthies?) across Rhun. They stole a sacred artifact from them, and if left in their hands would have destroyed the world! Disa's mother's kingdom is rich and powerful, but is unwilling to go to war for the Harfoots - so they are applying to Disa to help these poor Harfoots across Rhun to the underground railro...mines of Moria and a safe spot to keep their stolen goo.. evil artifact! Where she is the ultimate savior and the season ends with her leading them through the exit of Moria, with the opening of mine showing Eriador as the land of milk and honey.

The thing that I hate about shit like the Wheel of Time and Rings of Power is that theyre on Amazon. A huge, huge amount of people are paying for Amazon just because they use it for shopping and shipping. So for a lot of people, itll just be watching "The New Show!" .. and then even if they hate the show, they'll be invested in it. So the show will look great by the sheer amount of people watching it. Cowboy Bebop and similar shows that fail horribly arent even in the same realm of popularity as Tolkiens universe - so outside of a second season, I just dont know how we would ever know if the show is as bad as we think its going to be.


Millie's Staff Member
Don't know why they use that insufferable black woman for diversity points (that panel linked a few weeks ago where she asked (and got) applause for breastfeeding her child was enough to make me hate her character before this show has even started). Lenny Henry might not be as well known in the US but he was quite popular in the UK and parts of Europe, mostly for comedy roles though. He's also got actual acting and writing skills so he's not some nobody asking for applause like the dwarf queen woman is.

Chef was pretty good, if you like 90s British sitcoms most of it is on YT.

the theory that i have heard is they are pushing Deeza to give all these interviews and insinuate herself in every conversation is that they dont have faith in this show and if it tanks, they can blame it on racism. she is just a tool for cover. she is likely barely even in the show.

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
New trailer:

So I guess they're using Finrod's death as a springboard into a Galadriel revenge story. Fair enough. Tolkien certainly made it clear that she was one of the most powerful Elves in all of Middle Earth and she became a key rival of Sauron, but then I certainly don't remember her swording up and going all Xena Warrior Princess Elf at all. Some of the scenes look impressive, others look fucking terrible. You don't get to spend $1 BILLION dollars on a TV show and then pound out that awful shot of Galadriel ice-mountaineering with a dagger.

Is the Slim Shady thing even a dude? Guessing it's going to be the leader of a Sauron cult which became prevalent in Numenor after Ar-Pharazon beat his ass in Mordor and hauled him back across the sea.

WTF Marty Byrde Hobbit?

Looks like we're in store for a shit ton of wire-fu. THANK GOD, TOLKIEN CAN REST EASY.

My prediction for how the show will break down:

10% amazeballs which will just make the squandered potential all the more irritating
30% watchable / somewhat fine attempt at adapting the source material
60% dog shit shit set on fire
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There was a lot more white people in that video. So black races are an anomaly?

Also this is using a LOT of CGI instead of CGI/miniature. The miniature really did help support any CGI used.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
This trailer was a lot better than the previous ones. But again its a trailer. I dont know how you have a billion dollar budget and have middle school level hair and makeup for the dwarves. They look so cheesy. And short haired elves is just a slap in the face to fantasy in general.


Potato del Grande
I've been saying it for a while now. This is going to be good. The negatives will be nitpicks.
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