Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
ROTK was a major turning point. Myself and others walked out of the theater.
  • 2EyeRoll
  • 1Garbage
  • 1Cringe
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I’ve read the books a half dozen times. Jackson’s trilogy takes some liberties and leaves some things out that a lot love, but if you have plowed the Extended Editions multiple times as I have, you know he absolutely loved and adored the material. He approached it as best you could in adapting that. Sure, a different equally as reverential director would have made slightly different choices, but that was one of the most groundbreaking efforts in filmmaking and an instant classic. I used to frequent many deep Tolkien sites. I wonder if they’re sucking this monkey pox ridden show’s cock. They twisted from loving Jackson for daring to tackle it to hating him post-RotK.
Ah and one has completely made the forum for that series private. Time to dig up some login info.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Aren’t you also playing Diablo Immortal?

Didn't you guys pay cash money for D2 Resurrected? And I know your ass was probably on Lost Ark with the rest of the forum.

I sat both of those out, and Blizz got nothing from me besides a user metric.
  • 1Salty
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Didn't you guys pay cash money for D2 Resurrected? And I know your ass was probably on Lost Ark with the rest of the forum.

I sat both of those out, and Blizz got nothing from me besides a user metric.
Never played either. Sorry.


Potato del Grande
Can we all agree that if we were to watch this out of morbid curiosity, it should be pirated only? We should not add to their viewing figures.

Like a lot of people I can watch this legit because you get it included with Prime delivery, I'm not going to.
  • 3Solidarity
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
No. If it sucks donkey dick it would be far more damning to Amazon to see a massive drop off from week one to two.
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Can we all agree that if we were to watch this out of morbid curiosity, it should be pirated only? We should not add to their viewing figures.

Like a lot of people I can watch this legit because you get it included with Prime delivery, I'm not going to.

I think out of morbid curiosity we say its not diverse enough and their attempt at doing so is an insult to every creature on this earth a shade darker than caucasian.


Avatar of War Slayer
This thread got me thinking of a LoTR question for the Tolkien nerds:
In the movie it is depicted that the forces of Sauron/Witch King tortured Gollum to give up the names Shire and Baggins, but couldn't Sauron see Bilbo when he put on the ring at the party? Did Tolkien ever describe how the eye sees the ring bearer? If Sauron can see the surrounding area, he could have noticed a the name Bilbo Baggins written on something and got the village name from a street sign (or the eye knows general locations of where it's focused).​
Is the Gollum ratting out Bilbo a conversation in the books, of what two characters thought happened, or maybe the perspective of the narrator?​

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
This thread got me thinking of a LoTR question for the Tolkien nerds:
In the movie it is depicted that the forces of Sauron/Witch King tortured Gollum to give up the names Shire and Baggins, but couldn't Sauron see Bilbo when he put on the ring at the party? Did Tolkien ever describe how the eye sees the ring bearer? If Sauron can see the surrounding area, he could have noticed a the name Bilbo Baggins written on something and got the village name from a street sign (or the eye knows general locations of where it's focused).​
Is the Gollum ratting out Bilbo a conversation in the books, of what two characters thought happened, or maybe the perspective of the narrator?​
As far as I can remember, Tolkien keeps this somewhat vague, but the implication is that the further away Bilbo / Frodo are from Mordor (and Sauron), the more tenuous the connection. Also, at the time of Bilbo's party, Sauron's "spirit" hadn't yet refashioned itself into a form of strength. This is probably why Gollum was able to use the ring for years prior without notice as well. It's not until he's regained some of his former power and the ringwraiths are loosed that Sauron begins to "see" Frodo, starting with the ring being slipped on in Bree. At that point it's more like trying to establish a missile lock - the longer Frodo keeps it on, the greater the chance that Sauron can get a fix on him. It all basically lines up with how magic works in Tolkien's world in general...which is largely nebulous and mysterious.
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FPS noob

public previews of first 2 episodes are tomorrow night at Cinemark theaters, have an invite but will just wait friday to see at home. I honestly expect the show to be meh, but its definitely been fun reading all the memes and shit posting about it. House of the Dragon by comparison is kinda boring, its not bad but nothing really much is happening there.

started rewatching Jacksons trilogy tonight and its gonna be weird how Galadriel is so passive and "whatever" in those movies but is a huge GirlBoss in the show
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  • 3Worf
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Millie's Staff Member
i have no doubt they will pack as much eyecandy into the first few episodes as possible making dummies and shills go ooh and ahhhhh while sounding like Tolkien but without the proper casting so all the dialogue by the diversity hires feels out of place. basically the first episode is going to be a massive hit whether anyone watches it or is excited over it. the internet isnt excited for it, but that doesnt matter, its going to be hailed as huge and anyone who didnt like it will be labelled a massive racist.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Based on this article, I'd say no to hate watching unless you want to torrent, and even then you would be seeding this filth to other people.

"If it's not the highest-performing thing Amazon has ever done, it's a failure," said a second former Amazon Studios insider. "But the outside world may not ever know."

"The reason why it's going to succeed is because the executives at Amazon need it to succeed. If it doesn't succeed, there's going to be a big question from Andy Jassy and the board," said one former senior Amazon Studios exec. "If we can't take this piece of IP and make it successful, why is Amazon Studios even here?"

Then I, for one, hope it fucking fails.

It's not like Amazon is even a halfway decent streamer from a user standpoint - they're the only one who parades a bunch of shows in front of you, only to say, "sorry, you actually have to pay extra for the things you'd want to watch. What's that? Oh, sorry, you'd actually have to pay one of our competitors to watch something good." The single notable change they made to their UI after years of stagnation was to remove the "free to me" section, so now it's even less of a fully fledged streaming service than before.

If they only exist to rape beloved IPs, then they're already a failure from a creative standpoint, so anything that puts the final nail in the coffin will be a saving grace.
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I'm With HER ♀
<Bronze Donator>
Truth. I have never understood people who watch a show they hate every week and then take to the internet to to make long posts about it as if anyone gave a damn about their opinion. There's plenty of shit to watch. You're not a critic. If you don't like the show stop watching it. I'm sure there's plenty of shows I don't like out there, but I don't watch them just to go on the message boards and shit up the threads about them every day.

"here's my opinion as to why you shouldn't voice your opinion and me talking about why you shouldn't talk about stuff." Idiot.
  • 1Worf
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Millie's Staff Member
you know i was gonna post the caveat about the two main hobbits being american but left it out. thanks chuk for reminding me that was a mistake. also dead ass i thought viggo was british.
i'm just teasing you, i'm really not a total asshole. i thought Viggo was Australian to be honest, but nope, he's a New Yorker. Galadrial is the Aussie and i thought she was from the US. i thought Merry was English/Irish but he's a German. of course we know Arwen is from the US. and Agent Smith is Nigerian.
  • 1Picard
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<Gold Donor>
i think the best way to make fantasy work is to have as many white brits as possible
Is it too much to ask for a fantasy world to be fantasy? Being reminded of our world constantly is just tiring and not interesting.
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