Here's what happens in EP1:
-Guyladriel uses time travel to come to our time for hairstyle and body+junk mutilation advice,
- xhe bumps into MoonGirl Layla and they address toxic patriarchy and how sometrhing has to be done,
- xhe then visits Vag-hulk (no, not Banner, the other Vag-hulk) for some legal paperwork,
- before leaving xhe visits Tolkien's grave and takes a big steaming dump,
- xhe returns to Bezos' Fantasy Land and serves Celeborn with divorce papers (yeah, why wait for EP2, just do it now kween), he then erases himself out of existance,
- xhe then proceeds to have adventures in places and times that contradict Tolkien's work.
Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.
Fuck everyone who gives anything other than shit to Amazon after this....