Seriously just fix fucking site already


Millie's Staff Member
Tarrant said:
And you spell it wrong here.

Obviously you"re okay with creative licensing.

Stay over here then and have fun, no skin off my back.
well back when I was playing The Realm I was ChuckZombie when eq went live I couldnt fit all the letters so I abbreviated to Chukzombi. Everyone just called me chuk and I kept the name on message boards.ill make an account on mn. But as long as people still regularly post here, so will I. This is my board too. Even though I was never foh. I had the honor of raidjng with them in eq betas and chatted with them in game and irc. Was always a great bunch of guys, hate to see them go down like this. :-(

Lost Ranger_sl

Maester Chuk Astrocreep said:
Was always a great bunch of guys, hate to see them go down like this. :-(
No one is going down Chuk. Morenetz just passed 1000 registered members. This is not hoofshots where a dozen butthurt guys ran off to make a new forum. With maybe another dozen or two people following them out of morbid curiosity. Just about everyone you can name from here has registered and is posting over there now as well. The FoH community is not dead, or gone. Just moved.

Even if Req finds the time to finally fix the malware what happens the next time something needs fixed or updated? I respect that the man is extremely busy, but if something like malware takes weeks/months to take care of then it doesn"t bode well for future work that will need to be done. Not his fault. Real life is real life. At least Eve, tuco, ravv and whoever else can make sure that when shit goes wrong on morenetz we don"t have to get on the batphone and pray someone answers. Which to me is enough reason to just enjoy the new digs and move on. I am going to keep FoH in my bookmarks probably only a few more days before I delete it. The word has been spread enough now I think.

I know you get a lot of shit Chuk, and I disagree with most of your tv/movie views heh. You are still a note worthy, long time member though and I wouldn"t want to see you disappear. You got to do what you got to do though. If you stay with FoH then all the best to you dude. Been fun making fun of your opinions these last few years.


Millie's Staff Member
Thanks for the post LR, I dont mind people giving me shit for my opinions. People have been doing that all my life, I worry when people start agreeing with them! :p
what I dont like is the fact that I have people like tuco constantly trying to alter my name and avatar because hes a mod and im not so I have to grovel just to get it restored. For all the shit you gave tyen, for the last two weeks he has been restoring my account on a daily basis because tuco thought it was cute to change my name every day, twice a day. As long as mn has childish people like tuco running the show my account wont be safe. Ill give it a try though, but I have low expectations.


<Prior Amod>
Astro, it"s the fucking internet dude.

Also the Admin already told you your name would be safe.

Grow a pair dude holy shit.


Millie's Staff Member
Tarrant said:
Astro, it"s the fucking internet dude.

Also the Admin already told you your name would be safe.

Grow a pair dude holy shit.
my pair are fine. Ill give it a try, but after the bullshit I went through with tuco im a little hesitant to post in a new place where he can do the same thing. New rules or not. I will give it a shot. Lets see how long Maester Chuk lasts before its changed to Mister Astr0creep


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maester Chuk Astrocreep said:
my pair are fine. Ill give it a try, but after the bullshit I went through with tuco im a little hesitant to post in a new place where he can do the same thing. New rules or not. I will give it a shot. Lets see how long Maester Chuk lasts before its changed to Mister Astr0creep
Judging from your thin-skinned butthurt posting in this thread, I"d say the main problem with your pair is that you don"t have a pair in the first place.


Millie's Staff Member
If its thin skinned to expect my account not to be fucked with on a daily basis, then im guilty as charged.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Maester Chuk Astrocreep said:
Tyen is the only one who helped me restore my account. Not rav or req. If I post there as chuk within the hour tuco will change my name to astr0creep and ill be shit out of luck for anyone to help out
Try me.


I"m an infrequent poster at best, but I"ve been following these boards for more than a decade. I came here to follow FoHs exploits, and stayed for the great community and interesting threads in general.

I like others donated when Req asked for it. I don"t think he owes me jack shit - I got more than my moneys worth over the years, but still it"s really depressing how a duo of selfabsorbed genital warts managed to destroy so much goodwill.

I don"t have high hopes for the new site, but I signed up anyway. It"s run by competent, cool people, and that"s no longer the case here. From the bottom of my heart. Fuck you Tyen and Trexxy, in my primitive nordic tongue we"d describe you as aslamfissenoun, meaning raw sewage leaking cunt.


<Gold Donor>
Astrocreep = Aamina? Do you need forehead kisses Astro?

Indiana said:
Fuck you Tyen and Trexxy, in my primitive nordic tongue we"d describe you as a slamfisse noun, meaning raw sewage leaking cunt.
That"s pretty funny.


Maester Chuk Astrocreep said:
If its thin skinned to expect my account not to be fucked with on a daily basis, then im guilty as charged.
Keg"s name has been GodKing Kegkilla for about 2 days. You"ll be fine.