Decided to cut the cable TV, finally. Of course, "cutting the cord" is false, because I still need their internet and phone. I don't know why we need the phone, my wife wants it. Called them up to cancel TV, and after 27 minutes on hold and 20 minutes of lady trying to convince me that we really really need TV, she says ok, let me put you on hold and I'll get your price for internet and phone. 118$ a month. Wait, what? I was paying 140$ for full cable, HBO, and two boxes. I'll save 22$ by getting rid of that?
Of course, Time Warner is pretty much my only option, other than Verizon DSL. Not even sure what, if any, option I have. Unfortunately I had something else to do after sitting on the phone for 47 minutes, and I didn't even have time to argue with her.