I think that Russ might be one of the best douchebag characters ever written for tv and beyond the great writing by Judge I think that it's also music selection that locked this in. He's listened to Limp Bizkit and Crazy Town so far while driving crazy expensive cars and wearing his pants with metal shit all over them.
The deleting thing was just a thing before I started reading this again but now has become irksome. Have they just been given full access to the porn site's only copies of the live files through the ftp which leaves us with the conclusion that the Sikh guy who frantically called Richard and is the CTO has allowed Pied Piper to both have delete/edit access to their live file system and allowed the compressed files from Pied Piper to instantly go live (hence Richard's last-ditch argument about them being able to delete files quicker due to their compression algorithm and the fact that they have lost data due to the delete key) and that the Pied Piper guys didn't go last ditch effort, after making a big deal about showing how everything is directly wired into the router now, to just disconnect themselves from the internet to prevent the file deletion (disconnect and they can have a good, final, answer as to whether it was something on their end or they may have gotten hacked and someone was in the porn site's servers now). Both are largely due to CTO incompetence.
The first issue raises the question ,"how are they gauging the competition if the compression companies are compressing to live?"
To create an issue where they were losing files the compressed files being uploaded would have to be named identically to the files that they compressed initially, otherwise they would still have their original data and would only be losing the compressed files (unless the delete issue is hitting compressed file, original file, etc. and somehow climbing back through their command line output to delete both) or they would be losing their original files but still maintain the compressed ones. To gauge the competition they would have to have some kind of EndFrame and Pied Piper file denotation since they are both fucking with live data so the conclusion is that they are both racing to compress a file that ends up compressed with the exact same name as it was copied with and they judge based on file meta or update time as compared to both company's records from the compression. The alternative is that they are allowing Pied Piper to compress the files in a separate run from EndFrame which still leaves in play the fact that they are allowing two companies that are competing for a compression contract to directly edit and update live files. All possibilities are based on gross incompetence by the CTO and many others and the porn company which raises the more important question, why the fuck would Jian-Yang smoke immediately after an anti-smoking pitch, why would he do that? Why?