

Golden Squire
I don't understand how to get an oil refinery. I've got 2 dense oil fields going with maxed pumpjacks. 3 trade depots. But I can't get above 1/3 the petroleum sales requirement to upgrade the petroleum HQ. What am I doing wrong? Same applies for the metal HQ - can't sell enough shit to upgrade it.
I was having the same problem with mines, I don't really understand how to best go the trade route as it's a bit convoluted.


I was excited for this game...until I googled the name. Will be staying very far away.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Story is everywhere. Seen it on several sites that have nothing to do with computers or gaming at all.


One of the reviews I read said something along the lines of "uncooperative players can really fuck with you and screw with your plans". How true is that? If Keg goes berserk and really finds a way to fuck with you all, he can? What about a guy that does not actively try to fuck with the region but just does his own thing - does that limit the goals you can achieve?
Generally, you cooperate with the players around you for what you will build. So say you build a power plant. The neighboring cities buy their power from you. You notice sometime afterwards they make an expensive purchase. You close your power plant. They have no power, can't afford to create their own plant, so their city goes dark and starts up huge crime sprees.

Essentially, yea. You can really fuck people over.

Edit: Not that I would know, because I was one of the few people who didn't want a beta account as I wanted to wait to launch and that was the worst god damn choice I've ever made. Beta users are having few problems logging into their retail copy but fuck me if I can do anything for longer than 20 minutes.


Anybody that purchased this should firstly be ashamed of yourselves and, secondly, deserve exactly the piece of non-working shit you got.


Why? The actual reviews for the product were good; when i saw it at E3 it looked pretty amazing. Still does, the servers are just fucked.

Ah fuck. It's Dumar. I done been trolled yo.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I don't understand how to get an oil refinery. I've got 2 dense oil fields going with maxed pumpjacks. 3 trade depots. But I can't get above 1/3 the petroleum sales requirement to upgrade the petroleum HQ. What am I doing wrong? Same applies for the metal HQ - can't sell enough shit to upgrade it.
I had to run 4 drilling stations, 2 maxed and the other 2 had 4-6 iirc. You literally just have to keep putting jacks down until you reach the threshold. Make sure traffic isnt a issue and you have maxed trucks at the depots so that you never have "Stored" oil , it's being sold as soon as you reach the 1k. I had depots right next to my oil stations and there was no heavy residential/commercial between the depots and the region highway.

If you have a oil power plant, you can turn off "accept local deliveries" so that oil goes to a depot to get sold off(its not much, like 500 barrels per delivery and not sure on amount per day).

I crashed before I could test the trade port. I am curious how much that helps and less worries about traffic stopping your trucks.

Biggest thing I found with the oil city is once it starts getting low, have to start merging into manufacturing while slowly killing off stations/jacks you don't need.

Anybody that purchased this should firstly be ashamed of yourselves and, secondly, deserve exactly the piece of non-working shit you got.
Why? The game is great. If you can play. I have probably put in 15-20 hours already and I can easily foresee getting at least 50 more hours out of it once the server/online stuff is fixed. Worth my $.

Hell atm its no different then me playing any other online game at launch. Do I wish there was a offline? Sure, but me buying it or not buying it wouldn't effect that feature being present or not. No different then the 10 million people who bought d3 despite online only(including a huge majority on these forums).


Registered Hutt
I was very impressed with the coverage given by the large $$ nature parks that you can unlock regionally. Placing one will literally improve happiness across half the map, around 3 times the circumference indicated by the green circle when placing it.
What nature unlock? I think I missed that.

The game has been way way more connectable recently, but interaction with other players is still a little shady. They've got a few more days of fixing connection issues ahead of them, but I'm having trouble enjoying myself while playing b/c one or another component of my city shits the bed without explanation.

For example, tourism. I had 3000+ tourists a day in a city I was playing tonight. I put down a gambling house to make some $ from them, and they crowded the fucker. In 3 days time I had 0 tourists a day. I even put in cops just to help the casino (they produce crime). I sat for several days watching....and still 0 tourists. The gambling house,a TOURIST ATTRACTION, turned off my tourists. Before I added it tourists were just coming to visit my commercial district which is lame as fuck.

There are more! things that happen such as the recycling plant starting to divide by 0.01 When you've got a 4 part supply chain and 1.5 parts inexplicably stops functioning, it's lame.

I r want more bug patches.

Do get in the irc channel listed to hook up with others. We play together frequently.
I really wish they had employment requirements tagged to buildings , like how many employees are needed say for a university , or a police station and so on. Would help me not get fucked over by lack of employees every time i get deeper in. Started a new city after my previous one , focused on education/tech and oil drilling. Was moving along real nice , till i got to the point of needing over 2k 600 and 150 on low/med/high wealth workers. Had no room and my buildings kept losing density. I mean i guess i can wait till i have a certain amount of unemployed before ploping down a building , guess i can make a little cheat sheet and go into sandbox and writ the crap down , unless its stated somewhere and im not seeing it?


Registered Hutt
It isn't, and as far as I'm concerned the residential density is fucking borked, thus the underemployment. I think it'll be changed. As it is I do not build industry at all because I can't even fill commerce jobs and industry is gay. Just build your state-owned shit like mines/wells/processing.

Of course there is this:

Take a look at all the data and there is defiantly something going on here...

I have 10,982 workers 5174 shoppers and 3124 in school.

I have 11,000 unfilled jobs and 21,000 unfilled freight orders.


Not a single building has shut down to lack of workers, all my services are running at max capacity, my schools are filling up and commercial businesses are still building.

So even with the lack of workers and massive lack of freight the only thing my city actually needs more of is shoppers.

Commercial is building then closing down to lack of shoppers, not workers or freight.

I have a feeling its a bug...

Another thing i noticed between workers shoppers and school i have ~19000 people. I have 109k residents, so i pull up the population map that shows me how many workers/shoppers/residents/education/etc. and I see that even a rough guess on what the map shows me is... ~5-10k people are 'at home'

so ~19000 people doing things and another 5-10k at home does NOT make 109,000 people.

That being said there are a lot of residents moving from place to place... but i've already counted those as those are workers going to work and are calculated in the 'workers' stat on the jobs break down. Same with shoppers and tourists... leaving 70,000 people missing....
The phantom denizens of your city that exist nowhere but on paper.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
I don't understand how to get an oil refinery. I've got 2 dense oil fields going with maxed pumpjacks. 3 trade depots. But I can't get above 1/3 the petroleum sales requirement to upgrade the petroleum HQ. What am I doing wrong? Same applies for the metal HQ - can't sell enough shit to upgrade it.
What I did was store a bunch of it then turn it on for export once I was capped in all storage and it will all sell making you the money needed.


Registered Hutt
I did it with one oil well, but I suspect I benefited from some massive sale like Blazin explains.


Weird. I tried that but it seemed to still not even come close. Now that city has just started tanking inexplicably. I was at a steady $4k+ an hour and then a couple high-rises caught fire and suddenly I'm neg $4k an hour long after the fires were taken care of. I have the same population so I don't get it


Blackwing Lair Raider
What's funny to me is in a lot of the reviews so far, the game has some serious design flaws to begin with which in theory brings the review score down anyway, the online difficulties are just adding to the issues. I do have to wonder if the game has reached the point of no return yet as far as the majority of potential customers who were at least somewhat interested in the game. I know past history tells us that with MMO's (I know this isn't one), a very bad launch is something a game hardly ever recovers from. I wonder if that will hold true for SimCity, where thousands of potential sales are forever lost due to all this. The game is forever condemned to be a 3 star (or lower) rating, no matter how many fixes are done in the future.