Yea, was just talking to the Sprint guys last night about my planned upgrade and got a guy who sounded pretty savvy informing me of that exact rumor last night. Apparently S5, One 2, and another phone are to be announced at some conference in the EU late Feb which works out well with our upgrade date of Mar 1st (we'll do it like Mar 15 or so unless we detour while on our vacation/house buying trip though - will be in Florida for that stretch) - for us to ditch our old phones. [Ends up being that they started the Framily thing just in time to keep us - our contract was close enough to being up that it that the EFT thing with TMo was going to make sense, but the Framily pricing is identical to what we'd do at TMo before phones, and phone pricing is equal without contract and better on contract (plus the others in our family plan don't care to upgrade their phones, so no forcing them to upgrade since Sprint won't import to TMo) - and in the off chance we get another 3 members into our Framily we'd be seeing way better rates not that I expect to since we hate doing MLMish shit like that, and no one in our extended family is Sprint ATM to my knowledge]So rumor is that Google is ending the Nexus line of phones in 2015 in favor of having manufactures provide Play additions of their phones. Theory is that manufactures weren't happy having their Play additions compete against the lower price-point of the Nexus devices.
Framily is no-contract unless you take a subsidized phone upgrade. And their phone upgrades include a no contract that's basically the same as TMo's. (Actually with how it works it's killing our contract early switching to it, oddly with how they work it - only had 5 months left, but it shifts over and wipes out the dates except subsidized upgrade eligibility)Paying full price for a phone is only worth it for going contract-less. If you're stuck using contracts, paying retail for a phone is just the worst of both worlds. It's a shame that Tmobile is pretty much the only carrier with a non-shitty no contract plan right now.
Announcement is almost guaranteed in Feb, wouldn't that mean March release? Thought there's usually only 2-3 weeks lead time before they're in the wild?The new HTC and Samsung flagships will be coming out April-ish if you want to wait that long. I considered it but I am too sick of my Galaxy Nexus to go 2-3 more months with it so I ordered a G2 that is supposed to arrive tomorrow.
At least they didn't do something like XBox and go backwards with their numbering... but yea, it's pretty awful of a name - hopefully just a "filler name" that leak sites are giving it. And I guess we'll see - I'll be disappointed if your guesses are right, will probably have to sit on our phones an extra month or two if you are right and anxious to ditch them.I'm thinking the HTC One 2 (terrible name BTW) will be late March/early April and the Galaxy S5 will be late April/early May but that's just speculation I have heard people making on podcasts. I split the difference and said "April-ish".
For the last couple years at least, Samsung has staggered their 2 primary phone lines 6 months apart. Galaxy S-whatever comes out in April, then the Note comes out in OctoberAnnouncement is almost guaranteed in Feb, wouldn't that mean March release? Thought there's usually only 2-3 weeks lead time before they're in the wild?
Ah, interesting precedent - Sprint guy sounded savvy but he overlooked that I guess.For the last couple years at least, Samsung has staggered their 2 primary phone lines 6 months apart. Galaxy S-whatever comes out in April, then the Note comes out in October